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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Surely Putin's involved here somewhere.

This pic is quite surreal as they raided a retirement home for hostages and then drove them off in golf carts.

Apparently the woman holding the gun according to reports has dementia and has no idea what she doing?
Putin will be playing both sides...he supports Iran etc but is friends with Bibi and Russia/Russian domestic media is way more zionist than I was expecting

Same goes for Israel. This article says two reasons that the right in Israel would rather keep good relations with Putin than support Ukraine wholeheartedly. Been a lot of pressure on Israel government by US to support Ukraine more.

1) Putin has large say in Syria. To bomb Iranian Revolutionary Guards Israel government needs good relations with Putin.

2) The rightward shift in Israel politics means increasing common values with illiberal democracies.

Even if much of the Israel-Russia relationship is about Syria and security, there is more to these ties. Israel’s leaders almost reflexively define the country as both democratic and part of the West, but worldview matters. And as Israeli politics have moved steadily to the right under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stewardship, Jerusalem has forged ties with countries that do not fall into either category.

Political affinities based on nationalism, identity, antipathy to liberalism, and hostility to Muslims seem to have played a role in driving Israel’s ties to a constellation of illiberal countries—notably Russia, Hungary, Poland, India, and Brazil under former President Jair Bolsonaro.
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Weird selection of targets to take hostages from. Retirement homes and this trance festival in the desert. I've no beef with kidnapping soldiers, kind of anyway. But that footage of the young lass at the festie, nahhhh... As for the old girl with dementia.

Yeah, military targets are one thing but I don't know if a lot of people are going to argue that massacring ravers, kidnapping old ladies etc. is anything other than fucked-up terrorist shit that's unlikely to do much for the Palestinian cause - but at the same time, it's the kind of shit that's absolutely inevitable when people are treated the way the Palestinians have been
Tragically I don't think it can ever be solved bar one side actually exterminating the other. Neither side will accept a peace deal that would be acceptable to the other.
Sometimes I think it should be resolved the same way things are dealt with when my kids are fighting over a toy. “Right, none of you can have it” followed by confiscation. Maybe turn it into a giant nature reserve or a massive solar farm.
Seems odd - this stuff only really works when it's by surprise. If Hezbollah aren't going to join in in the north, then what Hamas mean is 'we hope the attacks spread into the West Bank' - because if they don't (they will, but whether on anything like the scale, complexity and effect of the Hamas attacks is an answer I don't know..) then Hamas in the Gaza strip are going to get the full and undivided attention of the Israeli's, which I assume they'd rather not have.

Many Hyenas can take down a lion. One? Not so much.

Hezbollah has fired rockets. Not sure if it amounts to more than that.

Israel retaliates with artillery fire at Lebanon following cross-border shooting
One kibbutz in particular seems to still be occupied by Hamas.

Numerous tower blocks in Gaza destroyed over night.

Lots of Hamas associated people being arrested in the West Bank.

The shelling in/from Lebanon looks very minor so far, a symbolic solidarity action.
Sometimes I think it should be resolved the same way things are dealt with when my kids are fighting over a toy. “Right, none of you can have it” followed by confiscation. Maybe turn it into a giant nature reserve or a massive solar farm.
Si, you want Lebensraum for trees. What a fucking idiot you are.
I think Hamas are prepared for the response, but I don't think that's incompatible with a huge amount of suffering being inflicted on Palestinian civilians.

Hamas leaders can just carry on chillaxing in their palatial residences in Doha, although they may be looking over their shoulders in the coming weeks. I'm sure they give zero fucks about civilians in Gaza.
I think Hamas are prepared for the response, but I don't think that's incompatible with a huge amount of suffering being inflicted on Palestinian civilians.

Gaza has been declared unlivable. They don't even have the choice of living on their knees, more a slow death. I'm not going to explain to them what their best interests are.
Netanyahu will still be fucked when all is said and done. This is the worst tragedy to befall Israel since 1973. And the government is responsible for the lack of readiness of the armed forces and the massive intelligence failure.

At least 300 Israeli dead so far.
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I've seen a couple of things suggesting that Hamas got their chance because the IDF is almost all deployed to the West Bank, to guard the settlements. For real?
Somewhere else. Same with any refugees. Expect advice like this to be followed by massive air and artillery strikes. We ain't seen nothing yet.

Hamas are idiots. In a few months time the status quo will be restored except for a few thousand Palestinians dead and homeless.

They can't leave though, can they.

I suspect this time the Israelis will not be able to fully take Gaza and will inevitably be brought to the negotiating table. Which is the end is what Hamas wants. At least in the short term. For that, heads will roll in Israel and Bibi is fucked.

edit Hamas spokeman saying today they don't target civilians. Hollow laugh after grim scenes from yesterday.
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