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Worldwide protest/actions concerning events in Gaza/Palestine/Israel

He sent an email about it to Crimethinc prior to taking the action, here's their thoughts on it:

The whole article is worth reading.

In the video, Aaron begins by introducing himself. “My name is Aaron Bushnell. I am an active-duty member of the US Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest—but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

The video shows Aaron continuing to film as he walks to the gate of the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, puts down the phone, douses himself in a flammable liquid, and sets himself alight, shouting “Free Palestine” several times. After he collapses, police officers who had been watching the situation unfold run into the frame—one with a fire extinguisher, another with a gun. The officer continues pointing the gun at Aaron for over thirty seconds as Aaron lies on the ground, burning...

We have since confirmed the identity of Aaron Bushnell. He served in the United States Air Force for almost four years. One of his loved ones described Aaron to us as “a force of joy in our community.” An online post described him as “an amazingly gentle, kind, compassionate person who spends every minute and penny he has helping others. He is silly, makes anyone laugh, and wouldn’t hurt a fly. He is a principled anarchist who lives out his values in everything he does.”

Aaron’s friends tell us that he has passed away as a consequence of his injuries.

All afternoon, while other journalists were breaking the news, we discussed how we should speak about this. Some subjects are too complex to address in a hasty social media post...

Aaron was the second person to self-immolate at an Israeli diplomatic institution in the United States. Another demonstrator did the same thing at the Israeli consulate in Atlanta on December 1, 2023. It is not easy for us to know how to speak about their deaths.

Some journalists see themselves as engaged in the neutral activity of spreading information as an end in itself—as if the process of selecting what to spread and how to frame it could ever be neutral. For our part, when we speak, we presume that we are speaking to people of action, people like ourselves who are aware of their agency and are in the process of deciding what to do, people who may be wrestling with heartache and despair.

Human beings influence each other both through rational argument and through the infectiousness of action. As Peter Kropotkin put it, “Courage, devotion, the spirit of sacrifice are as contagious as cowardice, submission, and panic.”

Just as we have a responsibility not to show cowardice, we also have a responsibility not to promote sacrifice casually. We must not speak carelessly about taking risks, even risks that we have taken ourselves. It is one thing to expose oneself to risk; it is another thing to invite others to run risks, not knowing what the consequences might be for them.

And here, we are not speaking about a risk, but about the worst of all certainties.

Let’s not glamorize the decision to end one’s life, nor celebrate anything with such permanent repercussions. Rather than exalting Aaron as a martyr and encouraging others to emulate him, we honor his memory, but we exhort you to take a different path.

“This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

These words of Aaron’s haunt us.

He is right. We are rapidly entering an era in which human life is treated as worthless. This is obvious in Gaza, but we can see it elsewhere around the world, as well.
Semi-rhetorical question here: What is it with Arab governments who you would think would unequivocally support the Palestinians, but don't? The people obviously do but their leaders.....:

As far as I know Germany is the second-biggest supplier to Israel's military, but they also supply many other things.
Owen Jones covers this in this short piece by him.

Includes among other things two Jewish people being arrested by German police. And Yanis Varoufakis being told by German state that he could not enter Germany for the Palestine conference but if he attended by Zoom they would prosecute. Plus German politicians accusing this event of being Islamist. As Owen points out Germany points out Germany is run by centre left government.

Is it that different from this country?

I don't think so. Suella Braverman was telling the police to crack down and that marches were Hate marches. Starmer went with Israel has a right to defend itself and tried to stop elected Labour politicians form representing concerns of constituents.

Did not work in this country. Something that makes me proud of the people in this country not the establishment who tried to make us shut up.

I've been on the demo today as usual a whole load of people who are not the "usual suspects" coming out to demonstrate.

Unlike Germany the political establishment in this country did not get there way. Good

Because a whole load of people refused to go go along with it.

Including Cllrs and MPs in Labour party. Some of whom have left the party.

And btw when Owen Jones says its deranged I did wonder. Then watched the footage and it is. German police dragging off a Jewish person for arrest. It doesn't look good.

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Trying to find anywhere that gives a proper overview of the international blockade actions today, there's lots of local reports from specific places but not much giving a global round-up. One of the few articles that even talks about it is this Zionist hitpiece that blames it on an anarchist-Iranian government alliance:
Sounds like there's been a fair bit of disruption in Australia:
And then other stuff like an Amazon warehouse in Minnesota:
This is kind of a weird parallel with events in London concerning one Gideon Falter. Shai Davidai is a Columbia university professor and a full-on Zionist as well. He has been apparently heckling the sit-in protestors at the university (see my post above) and generally agitating to have them all arrested, call in the National Guard (Kent state, anyone?). So, much to his consternation the university authorities cancelled his entry card effectively locking him out of the grounds. This was done for safety reasons but the university authorities are getting loads of flak for it:

This is kind of a weird parallel with events in London concerning one Gideon Falter. Shai Davidai is a Columbia university professor and a full-on Zionist as well. He has been apparently heckling the sit-in protestors at the university (see my post above) and generally agitating to have them all arrested, call in the National Guard (Kent state, anyone?). So, much to his consternation the university authorities cancelled his entry card effectively locking him out of the grounds. This was done for safety reasons but the university authorities are getting loads of flak for it:

Speaking of him - and sorry if this has been posted before: On the ‘un-Jews’ of Columbia
This vid kinda made me laugh. It's the person with the empty water container that does it for me, but fair play to the students.

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Hundreds of Jewish anti-war demonstrators have been arrested after holding a large Seder protest in New York.

The 300 or so arrests took place on Tuesday night at Grand Army Plaza, on the doorstep of Schumer’s Brooklyn residence, where thousands of mostly Jewish New Yorkers gathered for the seder, a ritual that marked the second night of the holiday celebrated as a festival of freedom by Jews worldwide.

The seder came just before the US Senate resoundingly passed a military package that includes $26bn for Israel.

The protesters called on Schumer – who is among a minority of Democrats to recently criticize the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu – to stop arming Israel’s military, which relies heavily on US weapons, jet fuel and other military equipment.

‘Not like other Passovers’: hundreds of Jewish demonstrators arrested after New York protest seder
State troopers deployed to break up student protests in Texas. The guy who is credited in the tweet has lots more vids:

Democrat doesn't understand democracy shocker and wants to arrest protesters

"I don’t know if there’s such a thing as leftwing fascism. If you want to just call it leftwing totalitarianism, then that’s what it is. It is a direct challenge to representative democracy now.”

Great speech! The whole thing reminds me of the students anti Vietnam war campus protests which were very effective. I hope the present unrest will lead to some positive conclusion.
Netanyahu says protests in the US "have to be stopped"

Wonder how he's going to achieve that, exactly?

Netanyahu is a right comedian. How can he say this bollocks with a straight face. Does he really believe what he is saying I wonder.

What is important now is for all of us, all of us who … cherish our values and our civilisation, to stand up together and to say, ‘enough is enough’,” Netanyahu said.

What killing thousands of Palestinian women and children? That's our civilization? Flattening Gaza?
Black students targeted, tased and teargassed

The protesters are extraordinarily brave, for all it's talking of freedom and the right to protest, it's never been comfortable with young people going against the status quo.
It's all profoundly depressing really, but you're right, the protestors are all very brave. More power to them all.

Government forces being deployed to prevent peaceful protest. Militarised units assaulting young people, fucking shameful. Tells you everything you need to know really doesn't it? Threats to democracy my fucking arse, it's about as double-speak as it gets isn't it.

I think this is important point. This protest represents a different perspective of Jewish thought.

Jewish communities have often used Passover to protest about global injustice. Tuesday’s protest, organizers said, was inspired by the 1969 Freedom Seder, organized by Arthur Waskow on the anniversary of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s death. The original Freedom Seder sought to connect the Jewish exodus story with the struggle for civil rights in the US and against the war in Vietnam.

It's like Naomi Klein said at protest this is a form of internationalist Judaism.

In this country it's what Barnaby Raine has been saying.

Good to see it coming to the fore now.
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