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Massive worldwide IT outage, hitting banks, airlines, supermarkets, broadcasters, etc. [19th July 2024]

The move to working from home probably makes this harder to recover from. Before it was common a "floor walker" could walk their way down an office fixing everyone's machine. Now everyone has to be back at an office that has a physical IT presence to get things fixed
ah and they all run that software because it's security even though they wfh
Anyone who runs a server on Windows 10 has already committed war crimes tbqh.
Its all been quite an eye-opener!
Didn't realise so many companies still used MS for critical systems. Where i work its all Solaris/Linux/Mac (some of the unix boxes with uptimes measured in years) - we ditched Microsoft ages ago, wouldn't dream of using it for anything critical (typing now on my ancient slackware box)...
Have to use a bitlocked Windows 11 laptop occasionally to access a customer system - it nearly ended up flying across the room a few times...
Its all been quite an eye-opener!
Didn't realise so many companies still used MS for critical systems. Where i work its all Solaris/Linux/Mac (some of the unix boxes with uptimes measured in years) - we ditched Microsoft ages ago, wouldn't dream of using it for anything critical (typing now on my ancient slackware box)...
Have to use a bitlocked Windows 11 laptop occasionally to access a customer system - it nearly ended up flying across the room a few times...
I've been fascinated for years the places windows ends up and the problems it causes as a result (updates, licencing, end of support, etc) and always wondered why that choice of OS was chosen for that particular use case

I'm not so much talking about air gapped machines (although they raise an eyebrow or two) but more network attached embedded machines and mission critical servers. I guess many places just stick with what they know?

I don't deal with any windows based embedded, client or server stuff so thankfully haven't had too many issues today (touch wood etc).
from xkcd

To be honest, this sounds relatively minor. Kept worse out of the news.

This news story has occurred in the middle of the summer months. The Danes have a specific phrase for this. “Agurker tid” Cucumber Time. Parliaments out. Kids are out of school. Everyone’s on holiday. Bullshit news comes out.


The kind of people who watch Sky news lap it up though.
Ordered a repeat prescription just before the outage but as of this morning it's not gone through. Luckily I was ordering a little ahead of running out so have a few days to play with
Ordered a repeat prescription just before the outage but as of this morning it's not gone through. Luckily I was ordering a little ahead of running out so have a few days to play with

I'm in a similar position.

Will be calling the pharmacy later, but I suspect I will have to go back to the GP on Monday and see if they can issue a paper prescription.
Like many in the CyberSecurity Industry Crowdstrike is a victim of its own success and chose to follow the dollar rather than what they preached. They even issued a report the same day as their update on the importance of security testing. 😂
But I can bet, that it was aggressive deadlines and quarterly sales targets from whichever investment wankers financing them, and a general culture of quicker, more, and faster that meant that proper checks weren’t followed on software releases.
Quality suffers when greed takes hold. That’s my root cause analysis: greed.
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Like many in the CyberSecurity Industry Crowdstrike is a victim of its own success and chose to follow the dollar rather than what they preached. They even issued a report the same day as their update on the importance of security testing. 😂
But I can bet, that it was aggressive deadlines and quarterly sales targets from whichever investment wankers financing them, and a general culture of quicker, more, and faster that meant that proper checks weren’t followed on software releases.
Quality suffers when greed takes hold. That’s my root cause analysis: greed.
Funnily enough was just about to link this:

Like many in the CyberSecurity Industry Crowdstrike is a victim of its own success and chose to follow the dollar rather than what they preached. They even issued a report the same day as their update on the importance of security testing. 😂
But I can bet, that it was aggressive deadlines and quarterly sales targets from whichever investment wankers financing them, and a general culture of quicker, more, and faster that meant that proper checks weren’t followed on software releases.
Quality suffers when greed takes hold. That’s my root cause analysis: greed.

See also; Boeing.
I actually think there was an MS azure outage on Thursday pm EST which got confused as being part of this.
Also, to consider, breach notification legislation which has come in recent years, meaning many inexperienced IT Security people are jumping the gun to report breach and this was picked up by a media, bored of Trump almost getting shot and too chicken to report on actual atrocities occurring daily, instead choosing to whip up a media and social frenzy, ignoring the fact that not everyone uses crowdstrike. Failing to explain properly what was occurring.
Or questioning why it was occurring to these apparently robust and certified organizations?
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I actually think there was an MS azure outage on Thursday pm EST which got confused as being part of this.
Ah! That's probably where some of the media confusion about microsoft being responsible for the crowdstrike stuff came from.

Yes i had read on my phone in the carpark at work yesterday that office365 was down. Went inside and it was all working normally so it had already been fixed if it had ever been down.
Some utterly shit reporting from the Guardian. Took screengrabs but it basically says MICROSOFT IT OUTAGE LIVE!!!
Which is definitely a candidate for why the Guardian is going down the pan thread.

Then some Interview with the ex head of something. Where he waffles a load of shit about what could be done, rather than pointing out that if companies adhered to supposed standards that already exist (and it’s a massive business ) and say they conform to, why are we not bringing them to task on this. Why are journalists not looking into the frameworks that hsbc says they are compliant to and then pointing out that actually you are not complying to testing software before introducing to a financial payments system environment. Anyway, it’s all money for consultants now.


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