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Israel's shoddy Gaza propaganda

Puts me off using social media. So much of it appears to be not what one thinks it is.
Yeh found that out in august 2011 when reports of rioting on Holloway Road sent me scurrying up there in the middle of the night only to find it quiet as the grave from Highbury corner to archway
Fucking hell. They are not even good at being lying shit heads.
In the replies I fear there is an element of truth in the observation that though they've taken it down with no apology the damage has already been done with all the retweets the original post will have got.
In the replies I fear there is an element of truth in the observation that though they've taken it down with no apology the damage has already been done with all the retweets the original post will have got.
That's true. I still see social media posts with people quick to bark all the debunked propaganda. . . . It's so tiring. . . Tell them it's bullshit and the irony is they generally say "why are you spreading Hamas propaganda?"
Has anyone come across this website before (link broken) https://www. israelandstuff dot com/ this apologist for genocide linked to it on FB and I tried running a bias check on it also searching wikipedia, nothing.
Has there been much discussion of the Shirion Collective? I'm usually veeeeery suspicious of FALSE FLAG stuff, and doubly so for anything with Mossad/Israel attached, but this does seem to be real, as far as I can tell:

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🚨 BREAKING: Operation Global Insight—NO MORE WORDS 🚨

👉 Join the Shirion Collective’s first undercover operation—become an agent embedded behind “enemy” lines at this weekend’s “protests”.

Marking our first global operation that combines the efforts of volunteers and our more seasoned internal team.

👉👉 Who We’re Looking For:

✅ Individuals who can maintain cool, calm, and collected demeanors under triggering Jew-hate and pressure.

✅ Volunteers willing to wear keffiyehs and walk in these demonstrations. Masked.

✅ Individuals with Arabic-sounding names and Middle Eastern appearance may be uniquely positioned for deeper infiltration and will receive cash compensation for their vital role in our operation.

👉👉 Key Locations:

•Dublin, Ireland
•Sydney, Australia
•Toronto, Canada
•New York City, USA
•San Diego, USA
•London, England
•Washington D.C., USA

👉👉 Why Volunteer?

✅ Engage in a unique global initiative to uphold Western values and safeguard Israel and the Jewish people.

✅ Learn new skills in disguise, documentation, and discreet intelligence gathering.

✅ Work alongside a team of likeminded strategic action takers. You will not be alone.

✅ Contribute meaningfully to a greater cause, engaging in work that's both impactful and purpose-driven.

👉👉 How to Get Involved:

Detailed instructions and further information will be provided.

** You will be provided an hour long basic training by one of our ex-Mossad team leads.🦾

*** This will be the first volunteer based worldwide, civilian operation, but not the last.

Disclaimer: This operation is entirely lawful, carries minimal risk due to extensive safety measures and law enforcement presence, and fully complies with all regulations.

👉 LIKE & REPOST to help expand our surveillance teams for this weekend's operation.
Grauniad article about their Australian operations from a few weeks back here:

I can't find much that's been written about this latest thing though. And as I say, I feel a bit suspicious of it cos it feels so much like a conspiraloon's dream, but if it's a fake (a false false flag, as it were), then it's well-done enough that I can't spot any obvious tells. Thoughts?
Has there been much discussion of the Shirion Collective? I'm usually veeeeery suspicious of FALSE FLAG stuff, and doubly so for anything with Mossad/Israel attached, but this does seem to be real, as far as I can tell:

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Grauniad article about their Australian operations from a few weeks back here:

I can't find much that's been written about this latest thing though. And as I say, I feel a bit suspicious of it cos it feels so much like a conspiraloon's dream, but if it's a fake (a false false flag, as it were), then it's well-done enough that I can't spot any obvious tells. Thoughts?

Probably aimed at sowing dissension rather than anything else; lets face it there have probably been people doing things like this at all the big demos and online so someone advertising that fact doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Has there been much discussion of the Shirion Collective? I'm usually veeeeery suspicious of FALSE FLAG stuff, and doubly so for anything with Mossad/Israel attached, but this does seem to be real, as far as I can tell:

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Grauniad article about their Australian operations from a few weeks back here:

I can't find much that's been written about this latest thing though. And as I say, I feel a bit suspicious of it cos it feels so much like a conspiraloon's dream, but if it's a fake (a false false flag, as it were), then it's well-done enough that I can't spot any obvious tells. Thoughts?

They look like agents provocateurs to me. There's some discussion about them on the internet but thus far, there's nothing apart from that Guardian article. The Zionists can't win the arguments, so they resort to disruption, smears and character assassination. It's the kind of collective narcissistic behaviour that characterises ethnic nationalist movements.
Has there been much discussion of the Shirion Collective? I'm usually veeeeery suspicious of FALSE FLAG stuff, and doubly so for anything with Mossad/Israel attached, but this does seem to be real, as far as I can tell:

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Grauniad article about their Australian operations from a few weeks back here:

I can't find much that's been written about this latest thing though. And as I say, I feel a bit suspicious of it cos it feels so much like a conspiraloon's dream, but if it's a fake (a false false flag, as it were), then it's well-done enough that I can't spot any obvious tells. Thoughts?

Probably real, but who knows how many members the collective actually has. Could be a tiny number of people.

In terms of disrupting protests, they will have zero impact. In terms of being cunts towards individuals they choose to go after, they could do nasty things. Already are doing so by the sound of it.

The fact they think undercover agents at protests will be surrounded by 'Jew hate' says it all really.
What sort of crank would read their child this sort of book before they go to sleep?

In 'Under The Rockets' Glow: Tales of Resilience and Hope,' a young girl named Shira learns about her Jewish heritage through her father's inspiring stories, finding courage amidst a night of rocket fire. This beautifully illustrated book intertwines tales of bravery from Jewish history from Abraham to modern-day Israel with a child's experience of finding hope in the midst of fear.

Probably real, but who knows how many members the collective actually has. Could be a tiny number of people.

In terms of disrupting protests, they will have zero impact. In terms of being cunts towards individuals they choose to go after, they could do nasty things. Already are doing so by the sound of it.

The fact they think undercover agents at protests will be surrounded by 'Jew hate' says it all really.
I suspect what their aim actually is would be to make protests look bad by taking along dodgy signs etc. which the media can then focus on to cry anti-semitism, Hamas apologists, ‘hate march’ and so on. Though sadly there isn’t a shortage of red-brown idiots doing that kind of shit already without their backing.
Has there been much discussion of the Shirion Collective? I'm usually veeeeery suspicious of FALSE FLAG stuff, and doubly so for anything with Mossad/Israel attached, but this does seem to be real, as far as I can tell:

Screenshot for posterity:
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Grauniad article about their Australian operations from a few weeks back here:

I can't find much that's been written about this latest thing though. And as I say, I feel a bit suspicious of it cos it feels so much like a conspiraloon's dream, but if it's a fake (a false false flag, as it were), then it's well-done enough that I can't spot any obvious tells. Thoughts?

I could v much believe this. about a month ago at one of the national demos someone kept on taking photos of my banner (which was in arabic) tried to get up close to take a few pictures of my (masked) face and then walked off quickly taking more pictures of banners and doing the same to others. was all very weird.
I could v much believe this. about a month ago at one of the national demos someone kept on taking photos of my banner (which was in arabic) tried to get up close to take a few pictures of my (masked) face and then walked off quickly taking more pictures of banners and doing the same to others. was all very weird.
There are coppers doing this as well. There are bound to be plain clothes coppers in the crowds as well as uniform.

What I haven't seen at any demos is evidence of agents provocateur. Maybe I've just been in the wrong place to see them, but at protests gone by - Criminal Justice Act march back in the 90s, for example - they were definitely a factor in stirring up trouble. But the marches have been characterised by their extremely reasonable and peaceful nature.

And I don't speak Arabic so can't speak for all the banners, but I have seen precious little dodgy stuff. At worst, the poor taste of Netanyahu as Hitler or a Star of David worked into a Swastika. One crank I remember with some crap about Jewish conspiracies, but he was very much a crank on his own.
Fucking hell. They are not even good at being lying shit heads.
They don't need to be. They don't care and there are enough useful idiots out there who will repost their garbage and defend it with the usual ferocity, bad faith and outright smears in order to cow any dissenting voice.
I see the AI model depicts two heads of state as fine fit looking individuals with towering stature, garbage in - garbage out
Probably aimed at sowing dissension rather than anything else; lets face it there have probably been people doing things like this at all the big demos and online so someone advertising that fact doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Novara media got round to writing an article about them, basically confirms what you were reckoning:

Commenting on the callout for infiltrators posted on X/Twitter – which has over half a million views at the time of writing – Shirion digital volunteers discussed how they hoped this tweet alone would sow distrust amongst Palestine supporters.

“We won’t need to do anything,” one volunteer wrote. “They [supporters of Palestine] will:

1. Tone down

2. Police their own

3. Maybe even beat up their own just because they think those are us

And all accomplished just by ONE tweet. Doesn’t even cost a cent.”

“They are horrified!,” another volunteer said, noting the online response to the X/Twitter post. “Now they won’t be able to trust their own shadows!”

The White Rose Society told Novara Media that while Shirion may still be organising more serious surveillance operations in other private spaces – and the group itself told us it is – it suspects these posts reveal the true intent of the callout for infiltrators.

“It’s a bit silly to make such a callout in public,” a spokesperson for the White Rose Society said.
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