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Worldwide protest/actions concerning events in Gaza/Palestine/Israel

Wondering if the attackers are fash, or at the very least inspired by the online chatter about the protesters?

They've been labelled as terrorists/anti-American/insurrectionists and the usual slurs. A lot of it seems to come from supporters of January 6th.

What the Trumpists don't get is that the campus protesters have a legitimate reason to protest, unlike the January 6th people who bought into the lies about stolen elections and "taking back America".

Wondering if the attackers are fash, or at the very least inspired by the online chatter about the protesters?

They've been labelled as terrorists/anti-American/insurrectionists and the usual slurs. A lot of it seems to come from supporters of January 6th.

What the Trumpists don't get is that the campus protesters have a legitimate reason to protest, unlike the January 6th people who bought into the lies about stolen elections and "taking back America".
I'm wondering about this - I can imagine 'anti-woke' types are up for a barny.

I'm finding it very hard to know exactly what to make of these protests as of course almost everything I see is highly partisan, and also I suspect the protests are fairly different at different places but they're all being painted as the same. Everything I see about them tends to fall into 'Protestors are violent, Hamas-loving thugs who have beaten up Jewish students' or 'Protestors are noble heroes and Jews are being cry-babies just because they don't like their beloved Israel being show up'
They were interviewing a Jewish student in the US who was very supportive of Israel's actions/position on R4 earlier. He was very much of the 'all protestors are Hamas and terrorists' school of thought. When asked about the Jewish people who were protesting in support of the Palestinians, he basically said they weren't proper Jews and didn't count. Oh, and he'd pray for them. :rolleyes:
Oh, and he'd pray for them. :rolleyes:
That's a... weirdly non-Jewish thing to say :confused: We don't really do 'praying for people to see the light' kind of prayer, that's a Christian thing. Not saying this person isn't Jewish but definitely a smug asshole.

Also, I looked up that yellow flag in the final video - apparently associated with the Orthodox Chabad-Lubavich movement. Doesn't necessarily mean it was them of course.
Been following some of what has been happening in US universities.

Given the political climate in US with Democrat leadership and right in US supporting Israel what these students are doing is necessary and very brave.

People in Gaza have been painting their tents with slogans in English thanking these students.

As a comparison and to show why these students are right to be protesting this Israeli Palestinian academic has been arrested and treated very badly by Israeli state and sections of Israeli society for standing up for Palestinians and criticising Israel.

In particular, as a Palestinian Israeli , criticising Zionism as a political project.

In Israel she has been subject to arrest and character assassination for what she has been saying.

This is written by a student of hers.

The case of Professor Shalhoub-Kevorkian illustrates the centrality of Zionism as a supremacist ideology in all aspects of civil life in Israel — even within its supposedly liberal institutions. It also exemplifies the policy of racial silencing and the meticulous, concerted effort to frame all Palestinians, even a prominent scholar, as a national threat

This article shows how Zionism as a political project means someone like her is treated as a dissident who should be jailed.

IMO it shows the importance of international support for those subject to Zionism in Palestine.

People of Gaza thank American students

From this article. British Historian , Priyamvada Gopal, whose book on Empire is excellent read.

She points out that what the students are asking for is not that unreasonable. That there universities disinvest from Israeli and companies that do business with Israel. That not all Americans support way US state supports Israel.

And most important they are doing this as a peaceful protest. Yet have been subject to state violence supported by university authorities

And now pro Israeli vigilantes. This after the piece was written. Been watching this tonight. Police stood by whilst pro Israel people attacked protestors.
Cloo there's a whole series of vids here and they are very long but the general gist of them is well, have a look:

unrolled thread:

Well the attacks seem to have backfired spectacularly. That's a lot of people:

After the UCLA encampment was attacked, cops who stood by during the attack waited until the middle of the next night to finish the job

As of 3:30 a.m., some protesters are on the ground in the encampment with zip ties around their wrists, surrounded by officers. Daily Bruin reporters have identified at least one UCLA professor who has been detained in the encampment.

Blair said in a texted statement sent around 3:45 a.m. that student protesters were “violently dragged” from the encampment by CHP officers. He added that some students were visibly injured, and stun grenades were used while officers also pointed guns loaded with less-than-lethal rounds at students – both of which faculty present have demanded officers cease to use.

What the fuck?

His he for real? Or is this some kind of satirical spoof?

My first reaction was to laugh. You couldn't make this up.

Supporters of Israel as a Zionist state aren't doing well on the PR side at this time.

What gets me is that people like him and here people like CAA and Suella Braverman keep trying to tar pro Palestinian protest but the actual people who are being violent are pro Israeli / far right.

Or groups like CAA whining about how unsafe they feel. Based on no evidence.

Here with the Tommy Robinson lot and In US pro Israel boot boys attacking protestors.

Watching Novara media last night and it was pointed out by one of the presenters the kind of language that a politician like this uses gives others the justification for attacking peaceful protestors. I agree.

I think someone should give Zionists a bit of PR advice. Nil points on putting their argument across.

But then Zionism is based on ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to create a Zionist homeland. And looks to me a lot of people have wised up to that.
His he for real? Or is this some kind of satirical spoof?

My first reaction was to laugh. You couldn't make this up.

Supporters of Israel as a Zionist state aren't doing well on the PR side at this time.

What gets me is that people like him and here people like CAA and Suella Braverman keep trying to tar pro Palestinian protest but the actual people who are being violent are pro Israeli / far right.

Or groups like CAA whining about how unsafe they feel. Based on no evidence.

Here with the Tommy Robinson lot and In US pro Israel boot boys attacking protestors.

Watching Novara media last night and it was pointed out by one of the presenters the kind of language that a politician like this uses gives others the justification for attacking peaceful protestors. I agree.

I think someone should give Zionists a bit of PR advice. Nil points on putting their argument across.

But then Zionism is based on ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to create a Zionist homeland. And looks to me a lot of people have wised up to that.
It is, I believe, real. From one of the replies:
In light of the student protests US politicians are trying to enshrine in law the IHRA definition of anti semitism. Which conflates criticism of Israel with anti semitism.

This is clearly attempt to stop protests in future.

American Civil Liberties Union has put out this statement today opposing this:

More here:

His he for real? Or is this some kind of satirical spoof?

My first reaction was to laugh. You couldn't make this up.

Supporters of Israel as a Zionist state aren't doing well on the PR side at this time.

What gets me is that people like him and here people like CAA and Suella Braverman keep trying to tar pro Palestinian protest but the actual people who are being violent are pro Israeli / far right.

Or groups like CAA whining about how unsafe they feel. Based on no evidence.

Here with the Tommy Robinson lot and In US pro Israel boot boys attacking protestors.

Watching Novara media last night and it was pointed out by one of the presenters the kind of language that a politician like this uses gives others the justification for attacking peaceful protestors. I agree.

I think someone should give Zionists a bit of PR advice. Nil points on putting their argument across.

But then Zionism is based on ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to create a Zionist homeland. And looks to me a lot of people have wised up to that.
Sen. Tom Cotton is, unfortunately all too real and he has form for calling for violence to be perpetrated against protestors and 'rioters' (see his comments regards the BLM protests that swept the US). Except, oddly, on the matter of the Jan 6th rioters and 'protestors', he seems remarkably quiet. He also has altogether far too much neck -in both senses of the word.
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