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Worldwide protest/actions concerning events in Gaza/Palestine/Israel

On May 20, University of California (UC) student and postdoc workers at the Santa Cruz campus began a historic strike against the repression of the student movement. UAW 4811, which represents over 48,000 workers, voted last week to authorize a strike in response to intense repression unleashed against students and faculty protesting for Palestine. Administrators at several University of California campuses invited in the police, who violently arrested and injured students, faculty, and staff. Many workers and students across the UC system also face disciplinary action from their universities, including suspension. The violence was particularly intense at UCLA, where in addition to police violence, encampment participants and their supporters were brutalized by right-wing mobs on multiple occasions while the university did little to intervene.

The UAW 4811 workers’ current contract, which was won by a historic strike across all of the UC campuses, includes a no-strike clause, making their current actions especially significant as they are not technically allowed to engage in work stoppage. However, the state of California protects strikes in the case of Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs) being committed against workers in certain instances. The union has filed ULP charges against the University for depriving workers and students of their right to protest.

While the action is technically a ULP strike, it is deeply political. The workers’ demands are:

  1. Amnesty for all academic employees, students, student groups, faculty, and staff who face disciplinary action or arrest due to protest.
  2. Right to free speech and political expression on campus.
  3. Divestment from UC’s known investments in weapons manufacturers, military contractors, and companies profiting from Israel’s war on Gaza.
  4. Disclosure of all funding sources and investments, including contracts, grants, gifts, and investments, through a publicly available, publicly accessible, and up-to-date database.
  5. Empower researchers to opt out from funding sources tied to the military or oppression of Palestinians. The UC must provide centralized transitional funding to workers whose funding is tied to the military or foundations that support Palestinian oppression.

Rank-and-file workers from the UCLA campus have also adopted additional demands, including full coverage of medical expenses accrued by those injured during the repression, cops off campus, the resignation of UCLA chancellor Gene Block, and transitional funding for workers who choose to reject employment and/or funds that are tied to the state of Israel.

Although the law allows for some ULP strikes to be protected even if workers are under contract and subject to a no-strike cause, the legality of this strike is unclear, and the university has filed a counter-ULP charge asking the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) to issue a cease and desist order to the union. UAW 4811 workers are taking a risk above and beyond the normal risks associated with going on strike, and they are doing so to protect their democratic right to protest, to stand against genocide, and to use their labor power to amplify the struggle put forward by students at the Gaza Solidarity Encampments (GSE). UC-AFT, the union representing non-tenure track instructors and librarians at the University of California, has also filed a ULP charge against the university, although they have not taken a strike authorization vote.
Ceili tonight (Tuesday 28th) in Cabra, Dublin

Gaeilge agus rinnce thuas I Naoimh Fionbarra GAA club, oiche amárach. Dancing , music and a Ciorcal Cómhrá in St. Finnbarr’s GAA Club in Cabra as a fundraiser for a plight that is happening in Palestine. Bring your dancing shoes and a cúpla focal

5 euro adults, 2 euro children. All funds go to Palestinian schools affected by the conflict.

Starts 7pm
A Palestinian American nurse who was receiving an award for compassion was fired by a New York City hospital for referring to genocide in Gaza during her acceptance speech

“It pains me to see the women from my country going through unimaginable losses themselves during the current genocide in Gaza,” Jabr said, according to a video of the May 7 speech that she posted on social media. “This award is deeply personal to me for those reasons.”


And a few older articles on the subject:
A Palestinian American nurse who was receiving an award for compassion was fired by a New York City hospital for referring to genocide in Gaza during her acceptance speech

“It pains me to see the women from my country going through unimaginable losses themselves during the current genocide in Gaza,” Jabr said, according to a video of the May 7 speech that she posted on social media. “This award is deeply personal to me for those reasons.”

This is, apart from anything else, really tone deaf.

A recent survey in the US asking whether Israel was committing genocide in Gaza resulted in only 19% saying no.
What a total piece of shit Jerry Seinfeld has proven himself to be over the last eight months - at a show in Sydney, he apparently encouraged security to beat up a heckler

As the heckler continued to shout “Palestine will be free” as he was being ejected from the arena, Seinfeld quipped: “Go ahead, keep going! They’re going to start punching you in about three seconds so I would try to get all of your genius out so we can all learn from you.

What a total piece of shit Jerry Seinfeld has proven himself to be over the last eight months - at a show in Sydney, he apparently encouraged security to beat up a heckler

As the heckler continued to shout “Palestine will be free” as he was being ejected from the arena, Seinfeld quipped: “Go ahead, keep going! They’re going to start punching you in about three seconds so I would try to get all of your genius out so we can all learn from you.

In a similar way to which Jo Brand incited acid attacks on politicians…
Read this today. Life in the West Bank.

This long article about one families experience covers the whole gamut of how Zionism works in practise.

Seeing illegal Jewish only settlements encroach around ones villages

Having what was a tne minute drive to visit relatives in village nearby being held up by checkpoints etc.

With increasing settlement building more harassment by Israelis when trying to farm and tend animals.

Having ones husband shot in stomach by settler causing long term health problems.

The settler who did this has never suffered any consequences. Despite the shooting being reported to the police.

To cap it all the wife's family house was later demolished under the Israel state planning rules for the occupied West Bank. This bureaucracy is designed to stop the indigenous people from building homes to house their growing families. This not does not apply to Jewish Israeli settlers. I say Jewish as the settlements organisation is set up to make sure citizens of Israel who are Arab wont be able to live in them.

It's about one family but imo its shows how Zionism works to deny Palestinians a decent life on their own land. It's designed to grind them down and gradually remove them.

This has been going on for decades in West Bank.
What a total piece of shit Jerry Seinfeld has proven himself to be over the last eight months - at a show in Sydney, he apparently encouraged security to beat up a heckler

As the heckler continued to shout “Palestine will be free” as he was being ejected from the arena, Seinfeld quipped: “Go ahead, keep going! They’re going to start punching you in about three seconds so I would try to get all of your genius out so we can all learn from you.

More Jerry versus Gaza

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