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Israel's shoddy Gaza propaganda

I am going for an MRI scan soon, and I am worried about what I might find in the room near the MRI machine. What if the magnets make the guns go off, and I get shot?

I suspect that Hamas - clever buggers that they are - had 3D printed plastic guns.

So you'll be safe.
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Apologies if this has already been posted, but here is a former Prime Minister of Israel saying that the tunnels under Al-Shifa hospital were built by the Israelis when they ruled the Gaza Strip.

Apologies if this has already been posted, but here is a former Prime Minister of Israel saying that the tunnels under Al-Shifa hospital were built by the Israelis when they ruled the Gaza Strip.

So the Israelis helped the Palestinians to build downwards in order to expand the hospital's capacity as a hospital. They helped to extend a basement or two? Not tunnels. Fifty-odd years ago.

A bizarre and irrelevant claim, even if true, which it probably isn't.
We're starting to see claims of ill-treatment against the hostages. Unlike previous cases where freed hostages stated that their treatment had been tolerable (I'm not going to say they were treated well), these claims of ill-treatment are coming from third parties.

Unless I missed it, the freed hostages are still being held incommunicado by Israel. Or have I got that one wrong?
We're starting to see claims of ill-treatment against the hostages. Unlike previous cases where freed hostages stated that their treatment had been tolerable (I'm not going to say they were treated well), these claims of ill-treatment are coming from third parties.

Unless I missed it, the freed hostages are still being held incommunicado by Israel. Or have I got that one wrong?
It was said the hostages (Israeli) were told not to say anything to media. I haven't seen anything directly from any of them.
It was said the hostages (Israeli) were told not to say anything to media. I haven't seen anything directly from any of them.
Doing so could endanger other hostages, including family members, so they’ll likely stay quiet. Doesn’t mean they weren’t treated badly - some complaints I saw were about lack of food, which is kind of what happens when the whole area is blockaded.
They're the best in the world. Tremendously positive, perhaps unique in the world!

'Official and on record with the IDF, with the name behind it!' Gold standard of truthfulness.

This is extraordinary. They've made a humanitarian zone, but Hamas is stopping people from getting there. It's all Hamas's fault.

CNN are one of the better channels, but still they just let the IDF bloke vomit lie after lie after lie. Treating him as if he were a reasonable person saying reasonable things, rather than someone spouting ludicrous things, such as that one third of those killed are Hamas. 16,000 killed so far more or less, 7,000 of those children, 4,000 of them women, some number of the rest old men. No attempt to counter the lie by calling it out as impossible. She says it's hard to believe, but it's more than that. It cannot possibly be even nearly true.
I am sure that this is fake.

I do not understand why the IDF would allow two different versions of this to be released. Why would they undermine their own propaganda?
I don't think they're bothered about trying to persuade anyone who is against them. This seems to be more about providing material that will confirm the prejudices of people who are for them and who they assume won't look too closely into it.

That said, the quality of their propaganda is so staggeringly poor that straight-out incompetence has to be a factor.
On the other side I saw a post on Instagram of fifty or so Palestinians kneeling in a sandy lot with their arms bound behind their backs.It was described as Hamas members being "shot into pits".Whilst I very much doubt that this description was accurate it did occur to me to wonder whether we would ever find out about it if such things were indeed happening.
I don't think they're bothered about trying to persuade anyone who is against them. This seems to be more about providing material that will confirm the prejudices of people who are for them and who they assume won't look too closely into it.
It also means they can say they 'proved' their claims in the future, when everything else has moved on and memories of the latest ludicrous propaganda have faded. Like, a few days ago I saw it claimed - can't remember where, probably The Guardian who seem to uncritically repeat anything an Israeli spokesperson says - that the Israelis had shown Hamas had a command centre under Al Shifa hospital. They've done no such thing, but here we are weeks later with people saying it's been proved even though the 'evidence' was subject to international ridicule when it was released. Most people don't closely follow every turn of events, so if they see it said it's been proved, then unless they remember how shit the 'proof' was, then why would they question it?
What is clear is that if you are a man aged between about 16 and 60, you are in danger of being rounded up by Israel and branded 'Hamas'. And I absolutely would not put it past them to hold mass executions of 'Hamas' men and throw the bodies into pits. Their own shoddy propaganda works against them here as various individuals have been identified from IDF videos of 'Hamas' surrendering. If those individuals never appear alive again, we will know what was done to them.
I don't think they're bothered about trying to persuade anyone who is against them. This seems to be more about providing material that will confirm the prejudices of people who are for them and who they assume won't look too closely into it.

That said, the quality of their propaganda is so staggeringly poor that straight-out incompetence has to be a factor.
the idea is just to "flood the zone with shit", I suppose. they're claiming now that the led with the gun was bringing out multiple guns over a period of time. In that case, why not release the complete footage of the complete process?
On the other side I saw a post on Instagram of fifty or so Palestinians kneeling in a sandy lot with their arms bound behind their backs.It was described as Hamas members being "shot into pits".Whilst I very much doubt that this description was accurate it did occur to me to wonder whether we would ever find out about it if such things were indeed happening.
there'll be a lot of people unaccounted for when the dust settles. not dead, just missing.
there'll be a lot of people unaccounted for when the dust settles. not dead, just missing.
'last seen being forced into the back of an Israeli truck'

There are going to be a lot of those.

Those left behind will know exactly who it was that was taken away. It will be somebody's grim job to go around interviewing them to piece together exactly what happened.
Anti semitism
"To annihilate the swastika-bearers..."

They use the Holocaust to justify genocide.
The Holocausts is Israel's get out of jail card' they use it to justify just about any anything. I'm so sick of hearing about it that I have Holocaust fatigue. BTW 27 million Russians died in WW2 but I never hear them moaning about it.
Another very large disinformation operation exposed by Marc Owen Jones:

5/ Most of the accounts in the network were created on 25th September 2023. It's probably a for hire sock puppet network, as most became active somewhat later than September. The below graph shows a spike in accounts created on Sept 25. Thanks @nodexl #disinformation

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