In the interview Ofer Cassif talks about Smotrich "Decisive Plan" which he wrote as a policy proposal some time ago. How the right ha clear idea of what it wanted to do. And that Hamas attack is leading to it being mainstream and not fringe idea.
Article in plus 972 magazine on this
The internalization of the minister's 'Decisive Plan' is evident in the public support for a new ultimatum for Gaza: emigration or annihilation.
The full text of the Decisive Plan is here
The "two-state" model has led Israel to a dead end. It has brought a sense of despair of ending the conflict, and a turn to "managing" it as a cruel and eternal decree of fate. The alternative to this is a new readiness of Israeli society to win the conflict, rather than merely managing it—a […]
My Google browser translated it.
It does make chilling reading. It is for Israeli audience. Worth reading what these politicians say to Israeli audience.
On other hand it comes from the Revisionist wing of Zionism and when reading it in a way its not that extreme in context of Zionist thought.
As with Revisionist Zionism its saying you want a Jewish state then this is what you need to do. And don't pretend its all going to be nice. This document is pre Hamas attack.
He says his belief in a Jewish state comes from his religious beliefs. But the plan is directed at secular people in Israel as well.
Fro him the idea of two state solution or any solution that recognises Palestinian statehood in some form is a mistake. There are two nationalisms and one has to lose. Better to get it done once and for all. Instead of years of conflict. Even if its managed.
A clear message that Palestinians aren't going to get a state and are not wanted in the borders of the old mandate area will lead to temporary upsurge in violence but IDF can deal with that.
He locates his plan in context of history of Israeli state and Zionism. Making clear he is not a fringe figure in Zionism.
He does not see the surrounding Arab countries as a problem with the present governments they have. Which is correct imo. Unfortunately. A future Greater Israel after annexing rest of mandate area can do deals with them.
So Palestinians will have three options
Population transfer- so called voluntary ( which is old Zionist idea)
Living in Israeli annexed West Bank with civil but not political rights ( which isn't new idea)
Refusing the annexation and fighting Israel. - to be ruthlessly put down by IDF
He elaborates in article on the specifics of how to do this.
Pay Palestinians to emigrate.
In annexed areas allow limited self government of the small areas where Palestinians will remain. But do not make them Israeli citizens. Self government but not vote for Knesset. With possible citizenship if a Palestinian shows loyalty to Israeli state at some time in future. He pointed out that when Israel state was established Palestinians remaining were under military rule for decades.
He says Arabs are a tribal people not suited to ( western ) style democracy.
That the Romans named the area Palestine and that the Arabs in the mandate area were recent arrivals. That a lot of area was underdeveloped and that Zionists made the desert bloom. So allowing some Arabs to remain is doing them a favour. They are better off in a new larger Israel. Despite only having civil rights better off than in other Arab countries.
This is standard Zionist and Israeli thinking on Arabs.
He believes a strong hand is needed so that Palestinians give up. Lose hope and leave. Unless this is done there will always be conflict. So its better to deal with this now than let it drag on
So in order to do it more facts on the ground. Settlement building. And push to get international community to accept this as the reality.
Reading the document and its not imo that out of line with a lot of Zionist thinking and actions in the past.