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Mpox - news and discussion

Putin could easily be doing this.

"Anyone who tries to get in our way, let alone tries to threaten us and our people, should know that Russia’s answer will be immediate, and it will lead to consequences of the sort that you have not faced ever in your history.”
His Orthodox Easter message I believe.

Oh that's good evidence that Putin is behind this, well done for spotting that

For a not very transmissible virus it did well to survive 2 years of lockdowns. Sounds like bullshit.

Sounds like you don't know anything about viruses.

If the covid lab origin holds weight this theory has legs.

How does covid possibly leaking from a Chinese lab make it more likely that Putin is behind this outbreak?
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For a not very transmissible virus it did well to survive 2 years of lockdowns. Sounds like bullshit.
The impact of lockdowns isnt considered relevant. Because the suggetion is that the virus was imported and started spreading in the UK far more recently than the lockdowns. And there was no global lockdown, lockdowns didnt last for 2 years continuously, and even if they had done so and there were no human cases for a period anywhere in the world, there are animal reservoirs for these diseases.
Sure elbows you are correct about global lockdowns not being the same level, the article refers to it circulating in the UK for years.
Common viruses effecting children and STDs in adults were documented to have plummeted here during lockdowns over two years.
Plummeting isnt the same as eradication. And the article mentions the possibility that it had been here for some time as one hypothesis, its certainly not the only one.

I've not ruled out any possibility yet, and none of the clues are strong enough at this time for me to leap to conclusions.
Russian state media having a chuckle about the countries with monkeypox just so happen to be the ones sending weapons to Ukraine…
My friends flatmate has just been diagnosed ☹️. Trying to convince her to move out...
Sorry to hear about your friend's flatmate and your friend's uncomfortable circumstance. Hope the flatmate is well soon and that your friend doesn't fall ill.

Not sure why they should move out. Afaik, it's transmitted by prolonged direct physical contact. Is that not right?

If it were more easily transmissible than that, then wouldn't moving out risk spreading it?

Don't get me wrong - it would probably give me the horrors if one of my housemates had it, but that would mostly be squeamishness about the name and the fact that it looks like some part of my brain's idea of raging contagion, rather than its actual danger to people who aren't in physical contact with each other. Much easier to guard against than trying not to breathe other people's air, no?
Not sure why they should move out. Afaik, it's transmitted by prolonged direct physical contact. Is that not right?

It's a bit more than that.

The guidance principles highlight the shared scientific understanding across the 4 nations around transmission and biology of the disease - which aligns with the World Health Organisation. The highest risk of transmission is considered to be through direct contact with a confirmed case, droplets or contaminated surfaces and objects. The highest risk period for transmission is understood to be from the onset of early symptoms until lesions have scabbed over and the scabs have fallen off. There is no current evidence that individuals are infectious before the onset of early symptoms.

If all this wasn't bad enough, we've now got Polio too in London

It is likely the virus was shed by someone who was recently vaccinated against polio in a country where it has not yet been eradicated
The loons will have a field day with this.
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