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Mpox - news and discussion

The Guardian says 'Monkeypox isn’t the disease we should be worried about', which sort of sounds reassuring, until they go on to list shedloads of other nasties that are currently circulating, and what could be coming down the line. :facepalm: :D

Tn the past three weeks there have been nearly 100 cases and 18 human deaths from a rare tick-borne disease in Iraq; a fourth case of the Ebola virus and more than 100 cases of bubonic plague have been found in the Democratic Republic of Congo; and just two years after Africa was declared free of wild polio, new cases have turned up in Malawi and Mozambique. A dangerous strain of typhus is circulating in Nepal, India and China. There are alarming outbreaks on several continents of mosquito diseases such as malaria, dengue and West Nile virus.

Set against this global context, the so-far very limited monkeypox outbreaks that have started to appear in the last month – including 71 cases detected in the UK are only remarkable because they are being reported in rich countries.

Beware the full report is not for the faint hearted!

You can’t rush to say this is a gay issue after a few tens of cases. The outbreak looks to have started in nigeria, are you saying russia wanted to attack nigeria at the same time as ukraine? Why would putin think this is a good idea at all? I just don’t get it.

Covid threads were good on urban because they were mostly evidence based and not people wildly speculating.
Not that I support the idea of this monkey pox being a Russian attack but..
Russian mercenaries are active in West Africa, in Mali they're supporting the ruling group to massacre villages of their rivals. They want the minerals etc.
Like small test pilots for the ultimate Специальная операция «Гей-сауна» (Spetsial'naya operatsiya «Gey-sauna»)

I think I'd buy this Fleming novel, especially if there's a gay Bond that eventually kills Putin in the face with a massive butt-plug :cool:
A butt plug not used but a boulder holder is
The Guardian says 'Monkeypox isn’t the disease we should be worried about', which sort of sounds reassuring, until they go on to list shedloads of other nasties that are currently circulating, and what could be coming down the line. :facepalm: :D

Beware the full report is not for the faint hearted!

I used to have a phone app called RSOE-EDIS which gave reports of things generally detrimental to humans. Earthquakes, Volcanos and various diseases. It quite often gave reports of various outbreaks at surprisingly short timescales. I forgot to reinstall it at some point. Just going to reinstall it now.
I used to have a phone app called RSOE-EDIS which gave reports of things generally detrimental to humans. Earthquakes, Volcanos and various diseases. It quite often gave reports of various outbreaks at surprisingly short timescales. I forgot to reinstall it at some point. Just going to reinstall it now.
Just downloaded that thanks.
Not that I support the idea of this monkey pox being a Russian attack but..
Russian mercenaries are active in West Africa, in Mali they're supporting the ruling group to massacre villages of their rivals. They want the minerals etc.
Russia has been active in 19 African countries since 2014. Most recently they’ve just aided a coup in Burkina Faso.

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Me saying it can’t be discounted makes me a ‘loonspud’?
Equally amusing was folk being called ‘loonspud’ for suggesting Covid might have come from a lab. And then it started looking more credible.

It was always reasonable to suggest covid might have leaked from a lab given the extremely close proximity to the Wuhan market of two labs working on almost identical covid viruses from bats.

It's not reasonable to suggest Putin made monkeypox to kill gay people. It's crackpot garbage in the absence of any evidence other than Putin is a bad man.
It's not reasonable to suggest Putin made monkeypox to kill gay people. It's crackpot garbage in the absence of any evidence other than Putin is a bad man.
This is true but I still stand by my reckoning that this would make a good Ian Fleming Gay Bond movie plot ;) Putin as Dr No-A-Nal and Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev as his side kick Homophobie Wan Karpinski .
It was always reasonable to suggest covid might have leaked from a lab given the extremely close proximity to the Wuhan market of two labs working on almost identical covid viruses from bats.

It's not reasonable to suggest Putin made monkeypox to kill gay people. It's crackpot garbage in the absence of any evidence other than Putin is a bad man.
Not sure I claimed that. BTW, does having 'critical faculties' mean being entrenched in scepticism?
Not sure I claimed that. BTW, does having 'critical faculties' mean being entrenched in scepticism?

No, flat-earthers are entrenched in scepticism, "critical faculties" means arriving at an optimal level of scepticism that doesn't see you going on about steel beams and moon landings.

You don't have any reasonable basis for claiming that Putin might have created monkeypox to kill gay people do you?
Can you point to where I claimed Putin created monkey pox to kill gay people? I’d hate to think that someone banging on about critical faculties tended to make stuff up in a debate.

In multiple posts on the previous page. Note the word “might” which you appear to have omitted. You’re claiming it’s a possibility worthy of mentioning on this thread, which it isn’t.
In multiple posts on the previous page. Note the word “might” which you appear to have omitted. You’re claiming it’s a possibility worthy of mentioning on this thread, which it isn’t.

I have never once suggested that Putin created monkeypox to kill gay people. The closest I got was that him targeting the LGBT community would be straight out of his playbook.
Note the difference between creating something and targeting something. And then building a silly straw man.
I have never once suggested that Putin created monkeypox to kill gay people. The closest I got was that him targeting the LGBT community would be straight out of his playbook.
Note the difference between creating something and targeting something. And then building a silly straw man.

The shit you were talking is right here:

Tin foil hat warning!

The suggestion that it has evolved faster than expected and occurred in the LGBT community would be Putin’s MO in my honest opinion.
It clearly has ‘evolved’ for greater human to human transmission.

/Tin foil hat warning!

I’m not a truther but I wouldn’t put it past him at all given his previous form of these kinds of attacks on foreign soil when there hasn’t been a war on. We’ve already had a nerve agent attack in Salisbury and a poisoning with a radioactive isotope in central London. It’s hardly a theory to be disregarded.

He’s an utter cunt and hates LGBT. I don’t think it’s beyond the realms of possibility at all.

This is conspiraloonery and doesn’t belong on this thread, as other posters told you.
The shit you were talking is right here:

This is conspiraloonery and doesn’t belong on this thread, as other posters told you.

But I still didn’t say what you claimed I did.
To be clear, his agents targeting an LGBT event is not the same as saying something was created in a lab to kill gay people, which is entirely your interpretation that you are beating me with.
By the way, what previous names have you posted under? I want to know which idiot I’m dealing with.
But I still didn’t say what you claimed I did.
To be clear, his agents targeting an LGBT event is not the same as saying something was created in a lab to kill gay people, which is entirely your interpretation that you are beating me with.
By the way, what previous names have you posted under? I want to know which idiot I’m dealing with.

Where did I say it was created in a lab, rather than spread by Putin's agents, as you claim is a distinct possibility?

Maybe you should start a Putin monkey pox conspiracy thread, or use one of the many suitable existing threads for such matters.
Vladimir Putin definitely isn't above using biological weapons and his regime is massively homophobic - the Russian Orthodox leader who gave the invasion his blessing described it as a way to stop gay pride parades - but the current thinking seems to be that the virus has probably been circulating in Europe for a few years, which would rule out any link to the invasion.

“This may be a virus that’s been circulating undetected for quite a while,” said Prof Marc Van Ranst, a virologist at the University of Leuven in Belgium. “They all have a common ancestor and that common ancestor probably dates back to 2019, though it’s too early to date with any kind of accuracy.”

It is unclear whether mutations seen in the virus make the strain more transmissible in humans, but scientists point to the virus having evolved while infecting humans. “We know that chronic infection is not a plausible scenario, and that means there has been a chain of transmission events that apparently went unnoticed,” Van Ranst said.

Putin could easily be doing this.

"Anyone who tries to get in our way, let alone tries to threaten us and our people, should know that Russia’s answer will be immediate, and it will lead to consequences of the sort that you have not faced ever in your history.”
His Orthodox Easter message I believe.

For a not very transmissible virus it did well to survive 2 years of lockdowns. Sounds like bullshit.

If the covid lab origin holds weight this theory has legs.
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