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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

"Israel has a right to defend itself". This phrase always comes out the woodworks at times like this.

But you never hear "Palestinians have the right (to try) to end the occupation".
the Palestiniians have zero ability to end the occupation Israel has no idea what they want to do with the occupied territory they know they can't murder the Palestians and giving them infected blankets won't work:rolleyes:. The Arab states used to use them as a proxy force but don't care about them either. Jordan who used to own the West bank have zero interest in having them back
the PA are corrupt but also under israeli guns so are fairly ineffectual at doing anything
Hamas are horrible.
Palestianians are stuffed
It'll also be interesting to see to what degree the Israelis and Ukrainians cooperate against their common enemy - Iran.

Israel has been treading a fine, and somewhat all over the place, line over Ukraine. I wonder to what degree that changes, and whether that's dependant of when/if Bibi gets the boot.
Israel and Netanyahu in particular are not the enemy of Russia.
Speaking of Iran, I’m surprised they haven’t supplied Hamas with drones, given that they are fully supportive of them in general and have already declared their support of this action.
Looks like the Palestinians have been watching Ukraines use of commercial drones dropping ordnance.

The use of paragliders was original mind.
Speaking of Iran, I’m surprised they haven’t supplied Hamas with drones, given that they are fully supportive of them in general and have already declared their support of this action.

They probably have. I'm sure Hamas have considered the consequences and the likelihood of a full scale invasion/occupation of the Gaza strip. They are likely very prepared.

I suspect the Israelis will not be able to do this. Because the losses will be huge on both sides and there will be a lot of international pressure on both sides to come to the table. This combined with the huge number of hostages taken today means Hamas do in some ways have the upper hand right now. And that's why Israelis are more scared today than in any other day in recent memory. 250+ killed and maybe hundreds captured. Things crumbled morely quickly at the border than anyone thought possible.

I suspect Iran has armed and equipped and maybe trained Hamas for this but they are telling Hizbullah etc to hold back. As the aim is not a massive regional war but more a massive blow to unsettle the status quo.
Already being billed as one of the greatest intelligence failures of all time and rightly so. More so when you consider the level of sophisticated surveillance targeting all aspects of Palestinian society and deeply infiltrated informant network Israel has long had at their disposal.
Another way of looking at it is one of the greatest ever triumphs of counter-intelligence. Not sure how Hamas pulled off such a complex operation.
Bibi telling civilians in the Gaza Strip to leave the territory for their own safety, apparently.
The Ukrainians will be hating what's going on as this will no doubt be seen as distracting the West. The Russians won't be displeased as two major wars in two regions now distracting the West.
Surely Putin's involved here somewhere.

This pic is quite surreal as they raided a retirement home for hostages and then drove them off in golf carts.

Such a bizarre thread. Palestinians should be worried that they're about to be wiped out etc? Who are you to tell them what to think?
This action will certainly bring up questions for the other regimes in the area who have been normalising ish relations with Israel of late. What is their reaction going to be to what is likely to be a bloody Israeli “victory” will consume hundreds of lives across both sides the the beef .
Luckily (!) It's a bit too close to home for Israel to go for retaliatory nuclear strikes but I expect they'll be setting the scene for the US to back them up. This is going to get dire, isn't it.

Despite appearances, Israel doesn't actually care about US support. It's good to have obvs, but they know they don't really need it if push comes to shove. Self-reliance is Israel's raison d'être.
That one hyena can have a bloody good try, though.

I've seen stuff claiming that this is to stop King Salman signing a deal with Israel. I'm sure he's really worried about how this will hurt his party in the mid-terms, not.

It’s not elections that MBS will be concerned with but his subjects. Saudi citizens widely support Palestinians.
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