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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

I don’t think you are suggesting that the other incidents are linked though like Mason is ?

Is there a huge difference between 'linked' and 'mutually beneficial' for people who talk to each other?

It looks pretty solid to pretty much everyone that the Russians are, at the least, stirring the pot in Serbia, and that the Iranians are significant backers of Hamas (observers will have noticed an Israeli Merkerva Main Battle Tank being destroyed by an armour piercing munition dropped by a Hamas UAV, which wouldn't look out of place on Ukraine), and that the Iranians are very significant partners of the Russians.

Does that mean Putin giving the orders from a bunker in the Urals without which none of this would be happening? no, absolutely not, but I think raising an eyebrow at the coincidental timing wouldn't put anyone in conspiraloon land....
Hamas holding 35 Israelis hostage according to reports

I thought they might have been taken back to Gaza as human shields to deter Israeli reprisal air strikes and bombardment. But news reports saying Israel has already launched airstrikes.
Is there a huge difference between 'linked' and 'mutually beneficial' for people who talk to each other?

It looks pretty solid to pretty much everyone that the Russians are, at the least, stirring the pot in Serbia, and that the Iranians are significant backers of Hamas (observers will have noticed an Israeli Merkerva Main Battle Tank being destroyed by an armour piercing munition dropped by a Hamas UAV, which wouldn't look out of place on Ukraine), and that the Iranians are very significant partners of the Russians.

Does that mean Putin giving the orders from a bunker in the Urals without which none of this would be happening? no, absolutely not, but I think raising an eyebrow at the coincidental timing wouldn't put anyone in conspiraloon land....
How does one fit Nagorno-Karabakh into the eyebrow raising ?
I don’t think you are suggesting that the other incidents are linked though like Mason is ?

Not in terms of some sort of a grand plan (I think, anyway), but they probably share a similar inspiration - in that a country or an actor taking an action won't necessarily face the consequences that it might have ten or twenty years ago because of everything else that is going on geopolitically.
How does one fit Nagorno-Karabakh into the eyebrow raising ?

I think that is more because there was such a favourable scenario there - Russia distracted and angry at Pashinyan's government, Pashinyan having signed the 2020 thing and being weakened thereby, the EU dependent on Azeri energy supplies so unlikely to meaningfully help either, and a secure partner in Ankara.
It looks like the tactic is to kidnap Israeli citizens and take them back to Gaza.

I wouldn't rule out a ground invasion of Gaza in response
The language BN is using is this is now a war (he even said it’s not an operation or escalation). This is the perfect gift for him given what’s been going on in Israel this last year..
Times of Israel reports at least 100 Israeli dead today.

Only 700 or so died in the entire 2nd intifada period from 2000 to 2005
It's going to end worse for the Palestinians. When Sharon was in power, I genuinely thought he was trying to provoke them into doing something that would give him an excuse for the ethnic cleansing of what was once Palestine. This - this is more than he could have dreamt of.

That could have happened under Sharon though, I really doubt they would be allowed to do it now. The world has changed massively since then.
Hamas are now warning that the attacks will spread into the West Bank

Seems odd - this stuff only really works when it's by surprise. If Hezbollah aren't going to join in in the north, then what Hamas mean is 'we hope the attacks spread into the West Bank' - because if they don't (they will, but whether on anything like the scale, complexity and effect of the Hamas attacks is an answer I don't know..) then Hamas in the Gaza strip are going to get the full and undivided attention of the Israeli's, which I assume they'd rather not have.

Many Hyenas can take down a lion. One? Not so much.
That one hyena can have a bloody good try, though.

I've seen stuff claiming that this is to stop King Salman signing a deal with Israel. I'm sure he's really worried about how this will hurt his party in the mid-terms, not.
The language BN is using is this is now a war (he even said it’s not an operation or escalation). This is the perfect gift for him given what’s been going on in Israel this last year..

Is it though? He’s painted himself as the strong man on defence, and yet it appears that there’s been a fairly massive Israeli intelligence fuck up on his watch.
Fifty years ago, the intelligence fuckup over the 1973 war started the process in Israel that ended with the rise of Likud and Begin, and ultimately, the rise of Bibi.

This is likely to be the same kind of event, with similar results. And a year from now, it'll be "Bibi come home, all is forgiven".
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