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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Hamas released a very slickly produced, Hamas branded teaser video yesterday of the last words of the 6 hostages. Sick fucks. I notice no major media organisation is airing it or even mentioning it which is I guess a good thing. Must be fucking heartbreaking for those families.
Suspending some arms licenses but specifically not doing an arms embargo is typical Labour party fudge and is going to please no one.

However the very fact that they have stopped some is symbolically important.

I don't think the Labour government would have done this if it had not seen independent MPs get elected on a Gaza ticket. Or the large demos month after month. Plus MPs getting loads of emails about this.

However they brush it off independent MPs getting elected at a general election and now forming a bloc cannot be ignored.

I also have some sympathy for David Lammy due to the pressure he must be under from mainstream Jewish leaders in UK.

Board of Deputies of British Jews are calling for a review of the governments decision soon.

And say they are talking to both Israel and UK government:

“We hope that the ongoing engagement between Israel and the UK will see this decision reviewed at the earliest opportunity, and we will continue discussions with both governments to this effect.”

So this could be reversed or watered down. And the pressure on David Lammy will not end with this decision

I expect David Lammy and government decided to do an option that they thought would get some support.

Alas no.
Surprising response from Labour Friends of Israel.

I would have thought that LFI as its membership contains MPs would have accepted Labour government decision.

I wonder if any MPs in LFI will lose the whip. Like those MPs who supported two child benefit cap being lifted.

Hamas released a very slickly produced, Hamas branded teaser video yesterday of the last words of the 6 hostages. Sick fucks. I notice no major media organisation is airing it or even mentioning it which is I guess a good thing. Must be fucking heartbreaking for those families.
The video is being shown in part by Sky, and the Jerusalem Post.
reasonable response by Labour Friends of Palestine on stopping of some arms supplies

Whilst supporting what has been done they say this is first step. And more can be done.

This is going to be a problem for the government as both pro Palestine and pro Israel MPs are going to be pushing David Lammy to review what arms have been stopped.

So the fudge that the government has done is not going to be the end of the matter

Suspending some arms licenses but specifically not doing an arms embargo is typical Labour party fudge and is going to please no one.

However the very fact that they have stopped some is symbolically important.

I don't think the Labour government would have done this if it had not seen independent MPs get elected on a Gaza ticket. Or the large demos month after month. Plus MPs getting loads of emails about this.

However they brush it off independent MPs getting elected at a general election and now forming a bloc cannot be ignored.

I also have some sympathy for David Lammy due to the pressure he must be under from mainstream Jewish leaders in UK.

Board of Deputies of British Jews are calling for a review of the governments decision soon.

And say they are talking to both Israel and UK government:

So this could be reversed or watered down. And the pressure on David Lammy will not end with this decision

I expect David Lammy and government decided to do an option that they thought would get some support.

Alas no.

I think there is zero chance of it being watered down - for a start, there is the ongoing legal action (that this step was probably intended to try and forestall) around the review of all these licences. The law there is pretty clear that we should not be exporting weapons to states committing / appearing to commit human rights abuses / breaches of international law and there is plentiful evidence that such abuses are being committed dozens of times a day across Gaza and the West Bank (to say nothing of what has been done in Lebanon and Iran in terms of breaches of international law). When the ICC / ICJ cases are thrown into it, as well as the fact we are already sanctioning various state-sponsored settler activists, there is going to have to be a dozen Bob Massingbirds appearing for the Government to win that case.

More importantly though is the lack of any reason to restore these licences. The Israeli government, unless it is removed, is only going to change course to select a worse option; the British government isn't going to get any positive thing from backing them either. Even the pro-Israel lobby is weaker than normal at the moment, given the lack of any upcoming election and no Tory alternative to boost.

I can see further licences being suspended and quite quickly, albeit not for the F-35 stuff (which would probably see our participation in the programme suspended and it is a lot easier to argue that the F-35 is probably the least useful of the combat aircraft that the IDF has in terms of committing offences in the occupied territories anyway).
Surprising response from Labour Friends of Israel.

I would have thought that LFI as its membership contains MPs would have accepted Labour government decision.

I wonder if any MPs in LFI will lose the whip. Like those MPs who supported two child benefit cap being lifted.

I think its almost certain that at most one or two LFI MPs saw that before it went out - the language is almost trolling, eg: "Israel has come under repeated, unprovoked and indiscriminate attack by Iran and its proxies....".
The Israel/ Zionist lobby in UK are seriously pissing me off now Ive seen their response to David Lammy very limited stopping of arms to Israel.

Chief Rabbi/ Labour Friends of Israel/ Board of Deputies of British Jews

Reading what they say and one would think no large scale Palestinian deaths of civilians and the IDF go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties.

I find it bordering on racist attitude to Palestinians. They just don't matter. Israeli whatever the government is should be allowed to do what It wants and this country should support it. Even if its a government of the far right.
The Israel/ Zionist lobby in UK are seriously pissing me off now Ive seen their response to David Lammy very limited stopping of arms to Israel.

Chief Rabbi/ Labour Friends of Israel/ Board of Deputies of British Jews

Reading what they say and one would think no large scale Palestinian deaths of civilians and the IDF go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties.

I find it bordering on racist attitude to Palestinians. They just don't matter.
it's well past the border
I can see further licences being suspended and quite quickly, albeit not for the F-35 stuff (which would probably see our participation in the programme suspended and it is a lot easier to argue that the F-35 is probably the least useful of the combat aircraft that the IDF has in terms of committing offences in the occupied territories anyway).

CAAT report proven use of F35 in Gaza

Danwatch uncovered an article describing Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant personally going to an F-35 base to thank the pilots involved, and the Israeli military has since confirmed in response to a request by Information and Danwatch that an F-35 carried out the attack.
CAAT report proven use of F35 in Gaza

They are used, but they don’t clearly need a fifth-gen low observability aircraft to drop guided and unguided munitions over an area that doesn’t even have radar, never mind air defences above the level of man portable things.

It would be a lot easier to defend supplying bits for one of them than it would be, for example, for prison equipment.
They are used, but they don’t clearly need a fifth-gen low observability aircraft to drop guided and unguided munitions over an area that doesn’t even have radar, never mind air defences above the level of man portable things.

It would be a lot easier to defend supplying bits for one of them than it would be, for example, for prison equipment.

My link shows evidence of them being used in Gaza. As article states getting hard evidence is difficult.

As its proven they are being used then what is the defence for supplying bits?

As its clear from article Yoav Gallant went to tell the pilots well done lads keep it up.
I don't get how David Lammy got his officials to distinguish between what is being used and what is not being used.

To me as a layman looks like the IDF have been throwing everything at Gaza. Except for nuclear weapons.
The Israel/ Zionist lobby in UK are seriously pissing me off now Ive seen their response to David Lammy very limited stopping of arms to Israel.

Chief Rabbi/ Labour Friends of Israel/ Board of Deputies of British Jews

Reading what they say and one would think no large scale Palestinian deaths of civilians and the IDF go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties.

I find it bordering on racist attitude to Palestinians. They just don't matter. Israeli whatever the government is should be allowed to do what It wants and this country should support it. Even if its a government of the far right.
All of this, and also the Government are doing this for legal reasons, not moral or political ones. (I'm not defending the Government - IMHO, and no doubt most of you on here, they should be doing it for moral reasons, and going a lot further so we're not supplying any arms to Israel).

The legal advice on this needs to be made public.
All of this, and also the Government are doing this for legal reasons, not moral or political ones. (I'm not defending the Government - IMHO, and no doubt most of you on here, they should be doing it for moral reasons, and going a lot further so we're not supplying any arms to Israel).

The legal advice on this needs to be made public.

I was listening to the rapporteur on Palestinian Francesca Albanese last night.

She was saying the anti Genocide international agreements that UK is signed up to means it and other countries should be looking at how to avoid Genocide.

Her reading of the agreements is that they are not just about saying its happening ( wait until its categorically proven) but also, if as ICJ say there is a possibility its happening, they must step in.

That means UK and other countries signed up to the Genocide convention should do due diligence on all relations to Israel.

She also said recent ruling on Occupation being illegal adds another element.

As other countries should address relations with Israel on that as well

She said the due diligence should include military, diplomatic and economic relations.

Basically she say international law and the recent ruling of the ICJ mean boycotts / disinvestment and arms embargoes.

I'm not so be sure moral helps. All sides say they are moral. I just want the government to do it's job.

If a rules based order matters then countries like UK should step up to the plate and follow international rules based order for Israel. And end Israeli exceptionalism.

UK government should just do its job and follow the rules based order it supposedly says its in favour of.

The argument put forward by the Zionists/ Israeli lobby in this country is in fact the one that is going against the international rules based order set up after WW2.

It's them that are being unreasonable.

Agree David Lammy should publish the legal advice. And make clear decisions making process on why some weapons were stopped and not others.
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I think, in retrospect that it was fairly obvious that something like this was going on, likewise the refusal to reinstate UNWRA funding. Completely disgusting. Cameron is directly complicit in war crimes but it is vanishingly unlikely that he will face any accountability:

I think, in retrospect that it was fairly obvious that something like this was going on, likewise the refusal to reinstate UNWRA funding. Completely disgusting. Cameron is directly complicit in war crimes but it is vanishingly unlikely that he will face any accountability:

We might need to depend on a higher tribunal than any here on earth
Just learned from the musk/twitter thread about Mandamus:

A writ of mandamus is a judicial remedy in the English and American common law system consisting of a court order that commands a government official or entity to perform an act it is legally required to perform as part of its official duties, or to refrain from performing an act the law forbids it from doing.

Just sayin'
A question for the regulars on the thread from the OP creator: is the thread title still accurate/acceptable?
agricola Idris2002 and others who know about this stuff - what do you think would need to happen for some sort of sanctions to be imposed? I saw someone arguing on twitter that they never would because no leader of a western country would want to be the ones to undertake interventions against a Jewish state. Being Jewish, I find this an unconvincing argument to say the least - various western countries have found it quite easy to ignore or even facilitate antisemitism when it suited them. But what would it actually take?
agricola Idris2002 and others who know about this stuff - what do you think would need to happen for some sort of sanctions to be imposed? I saw someone arguing on twitter that they never would because no leader of a western country would want to be the ones to undertake interventions against a Jewish state. Being Jewish, I find this an unconvincing argument to say the least - various western countries have found it quite easy to ignore or even facilitate antisemitism when it suited them. But what would it actually take?
Some random thoughts off the top of my head.
1. Western leaders prior to this generation were pro-Israel (generally) but not to this degree. The next generational shift among the mainstream elites isn't likely to reproduce the same loyalties, world-view etc., of the present lot, at least not entirely.
2. The Americans will be the last to go, but go they will. The bipartisan consensus on Israel is the last of the bipartisan consensuses there will ever be over there, for a long time to come at least.
3. Re: facilitating antisemitism - there were always anti-semites who were pro-Zionist, and that particular toxic mix has never gone away completely.

Just some random thoughts, that's all. . . .
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Some random thoughts off the top of my head.
1. Western leaders prior to this generation were pro-Israel (generally) but not to this degree. The next generational shift among the mainstream elites isn't likely to reproduce the same loyalties, world-view etc., of the present lot, at least not entirely.
Yea, even Bush seemed less pro Israel than Biden. Harris doesn't seem particularly pro Israel though
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