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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Fuck this shit, though I'd be surprised if Starmer has the balls to act against Israel anyway.

...and it will be exactly the same situation whichever of the 2 arsecakes get to be next Prez, the American political class is 100% cunt (much like ours)
This strike in Israel is, I think, significant.

By itself I doubt it, though its failure will probably be another reminder to the Israeli left and centre that they are an irrelevance now and that there is no way to remove the current administration by these means - however serially incompetent, genocidal, disdaining of the lives of others or isolated the regime is.

The regime is pretty clearly aiming at starting a war that would make that of 66-74 look sensible by comparison, and so people are going to have to choose between doing something about it or voting with their feet, I think.
Netanyahu currently giving a press conference condemning 'the massacre of innocents'.

Hmm yeh mate. Almost 50,000 of them and counting.
Watching all the people outside this press conference with their flags. Out of interest, what would happen if I rocked up with a Palestinian one. My local area in east London is bedecked with them, which the council takes down on a weekly basis but I could borrow a couple I'm sure.
And the BBC giving him as long as he likes to say what he likes.

People should be shown this, what he (and others) say domestically is not what their spokespeople say in the media elsewhere and it should educate those remaining people who don't already know what he is. Everything he says is right, and everything everyone else says is wrong.

edit: a great example being this call for unity, a unity that he claims Hamas is aiming to destroy but which in fact he spent two decades actively destroying himself
I understand that we in Britain have suspended the sale and export of some arms to Israel.
It turns out we have suspended the export of 30 different types of arms which leaves us with
320 different types of weapons we still can export.
Just why are we exporting ANY arms at all to a country that is blatantly breaching a plethora of
UN human rights laws.
Isn't this just why the manufacturing, sale and export of arms is so wrong.
As for Johnson saying we are supporting Hammas and abandoning Israel just leaves me speechless.
I understand that we in Britain have suspended the sale and export of some arms to Israel.
It turns out we have suspended the export of 30 different types of arms which leaves us with
320 different types of weapons we still can export.
Just why are we exporting ANY arms at all to a country that is blatantly breaching a plethora of
UN human rights laws.
Isn't this just why the manufacturing, sale and export of arms is so wrong.
As for Johnson saying we are supporting Hammas and abandoning Israel just leaves me speechless.
Hes not the only one, a bunch of people on my fb are outraged at this even happening at all :( we will be dealing with the ramifications of this a long time
I understand that we in Britain have suspended the sale and export of some arms to Israel.
It turns out we have suspended the export of 30 different types of arms which leaves us with
320 different types of weapons we still can export.
Just why are we exporting ANY arms at all to a country that is blatantly breaching a plethora of
UN human rights laws.
Isn't this just why the manufacturing, sale and export of arms is so wrong.
As for Johnson saying we are supporting Hammas and abandoning Israel just leaves me speechless.

It's a very symbolic gesture. We don't really export that many weapons to Israel. And only about 10% of that has been suspended.

Still it's got Benji pretty fucked off so I'll take it.
There are countless reports from the UN about human rights abuses committed by Israel
what more does it take to help people understand.
Rights/ "rules" of war aside, I wonder if those people have any idea what it must be like be told to move from place to place
and what it must be like to be under a shower of bombs or at the wrong end of a gun, to hear the deafening roar of
a jet flying over head reaping death destruction and chaos. :(
I remember being 14 and having a strong sense of wrong and right and it is a disgrace how the government of this country is turning the youngsters of today into cynics. Abuses of international humanitarian law have been occurring on a large-scale for nearly a year now, and the UK continues to supply arms to the perpetrators of those crimes. And then youngsters are told that it is important to vote, and that we should elect people complicit in war crimes because they may give us a few crumbs from the table (although it looks like we are going to be deprived of all the crumbs).

“Yes, dear, but we can’t do anything about it, and anyway you ought to be concentrating on your schoolwork.”
Well, quite. But it's a massive money spinner for the UK. If you're gonna suspend exports to Israel though - um, there are plenty of other terrible regimes out there in receipt of our guns.
Not to mention the most corrupt industry that ever existed.
Abuses of international humanitarian law have been occurring on a large-scale for nearly a year now, and the UK continues to supply arms to the perpetrators of those crimes.
Of course it is not an abuse of humanitarian law to invade another country or go to war with them.
Even sticking to just Israel, it's not just a year is it, it has been many years and we, the Brits are happy to pour petrol on to the fire.
Our (Britains) commitment to the arms trade generally just saddens and sickens me and makes me feel guilty.
It is not in my name. The arms manufacturers will say it's about defence; really. I could go on, but I would still be here ranting this time tomorrow.
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