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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Jeez. Words pretty much fail me: :mad:

for those of you who cba to watch the vid here's a screenshot of the full text of the above tweet:

Actually it's turned into a whole thread of awfulness as protestors descended on the prison and assaulted military police and journalists. Completely out of control and totally vile.

E2A I've refreshed the unrolled thread more than half a dozen times as it's still going on as of this update and there are now real concerns that the rioters some of whom are armed may gain access to the prison itself:

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There has been another strike on the St. Porphyrius church, what looks like a 155mm artillery shell hit and damaged the structures but did not explode:

It still injured two people, though if it had gone off it would have been far worse.
I understand enough to realise you are a 'wrongmo'.

I don't know what that means.

And you appear to understand fuck all tbh. Between this ridiculous, unwarranted hostility and all the assumptions you seem to be making I'm not surprised your capacity is restricted to gibberish like 'wrongmo'. You should probably just read the thread and we can catch up when you get back to this page.
Jeez. Words pretty much fail me: :mad:

for those of you who cba to watch the vid here's a screenshot of the full text of the above tweet:
View attachment 435557

Actually it's turned into a whole thread of awfulness as protestors descended on the prison and assaulted military police and journalists. Completely out of control and totally vile.

E2A I've refreshed the unrolled thread more than half a dozen times as it's still going on as of this update and there are now real concerns that the rioters some of whom are armed may gain access to the prison itself:

Ahmad Tibi is a Palestinian Israeli.

One of the things about Palestinians is that they tend to be divided up into those who are Israeli citizens/ those in West Bank/ those in middle east refugee camps.

On the ground that is not how Palestinians themselves see it.

Noura Erakat in her book I've mentioned on law makes point that in actuality the Palestine issue should encompass all these Palestinians. Being a Israeli Palestinian does not stop one supporting those who are not Israeli

It reminds me of what the Israeli architect Eyal Weismann said whatever the solution. One state or two Zionism must be dismantled

Getting two states should be only the start. Getting one state as Noura Erakat says is not necessarily going to solve the issue if Zionist Jewish suprematism is not removed.

The open racism of the present lot in Israel makes this all the more easy to put forward.

The present lot in power are the heirs of Revisionist Zionism which was always up front on its attitude to the Palestinians. More honest and open Zionists.
Apologies if already posted


Heartfelt, angry piece on how "necropolitics" work and the othering of the Palestinian people.

She has been following this and done some good stuff.

In particular its a rebuff to those who think getting worked up about what is happening to Palestinians is a sign of political immaturity. Not understanding how the real world works.

Seen this on this thread. Though not recently. Been dead silence recently

So its always a pleasure to read her articles.
Apologies if already posted


Heartfelt, angry piece on how "necropolitics" work and the othering of the Palestinian people.

It raises some important points but I cannot in all honesty agree with the framing of this as something new. For example, take a sentence from it like this one:

And so as the past nine months have unfolded, with each landmark episode of killing, there were many moments when you thought: surely this is it?

I cannot claim that there have been any moments at all where I thought 'surely this is it'. And that implies that the necropolitics described in the article is not at some brand new moment where a hideous new world then ermeges unlike what we have seen before. Rather, I would claim that many attributes of this system and the propaganda that goes with it are far from new. This shit has ebbed and flowed in the past. Various powers apply it to certain conflicts and the reporting of them. It doesnt stop them from hypocritically shouting about international law, war crimes and genocide when an opposing power does the same sort of thing.
They are not new. But this was the grown up politics as opposed to student politics /loss of moral compass/ putting posters off line I've seen here.

So its good to see Nesrine Malik put it out clearly.
Apologies if already posted


Heartfelt, angry piece on how "necropolitics" work and the othering of the Palestinian people.

This bit reminds me of my perfectly nice MP when she replies to me on this issue. I get stock answer, fair enough, as she says she is inundated by emails about Gaza from her constituents
At the same time, the presumptive Democratic contender, Kamala Harris, makes a nonsensical appeal that “we cannot allow ourselves to become numb” to what is happening and that she “will not be silent”, when the only thing that matters is that the US continues to arm and fund Israel.

The hand wringing I feel their pain but cant do anything like vote for a ceasefire line.

Ie not do anything concrete.
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This bit reminds me of my perfectly nice MP when she replies to me on this issue. I get stock answer, fair enough, as she says she is inundated my emails about Gaza.

The hand wringing I feel their pain but cant do anything like vote for a ceasefire line.

Ie not do anything concrete.

Harris has to be seen to maintain the status quo. Just look at the outrage from the MAGAverse when she acknowledged that something bad is happening in Gaza.

But yes, it probably means that the suffering will continue for not just Gaza but all of Palestine.
No politics here :mad:

Yes I noticed that.

Zionism not do itself any favours at the moment.

If I was running a PR agency I would have to sit these people down to have serious chat about their public image.

Zionists now imo don't give a shit as long as US and country like UK gives them a free pass.

Any politician in US or UK who takes principled position on supporting Palestinians is liable to face the aggressive pro Israel stance seen in this clip.

In this country the CAA among others

Without being conspiracy loon about this perhaps Ilan Pappe writing a whole book on the Israeli lobby has a point.

It does filter down. As I've read the history I find myself having to correct people I know on there views.

Common one is " those Palestinians never wanted peace"

So yes I found the clip funny. But it has a serious side as example of how pro Israel Zionists behave. And don't see it as a problem
Yes I noticed that.

Zionism not do itself any favours at the moment.

If I was running a PR agency I would have to sit these people down to have serious chat about their public image.

Zionists now imo don't give a shit as long as US and country like UK gives them a free pass.

Any politician in US or UK who takes principled position on supporting Palestinians is liable to face the aggressive pro Israel stance seen in this clip.

Without being conspiracy loon about this perhaps Ilan Pappe writing a whole book on the Israeli lobby has a point.

It does filter down. As I've read the history I find myself having to correct people I know on there views.

Common one is " those Palestinians never wanted peace"
The thing is 23 was a remarkably bloody year before 7/10. The narrative of 1) 7/10 -> 2) genocide in gaza omits everything preceding and is, thus, unbalanced.
Yes I noticed that.

Zionism not do itself any favours at the moment.

If I was running a PR agency I would have to sit these people down to have serious chat about their public image.

Zionists now imo don't give a shit as long as US and country like UK gives them a free pass.

Any politician in US or UK who takes principled position on supporting Palestinians is liable to face the aggressive pro Israel stance seen in this clip.

Without being conspiracy loon about this perhaps Ilan Pappe writing a whole book on the Israeli lobby has a point.

It does filter down. As I've read the history I find myself having to correct people I know on there views.

Common one is " those Palestinians never wanted peace"

The decline in the deterrent effect of Hasbara is as severe as it is for the IDF.
I don't really know much about this guy but could he be right? It seems to me that there is a possibility with every new excess and atrocity that the writing is on the wall and it is a matter of not if but when:

The piece hinges on the last lines "All it would take to finish it is one healthy nudge or one semi-serious blow. It has very little life remaining in it, and zero vitality. For most intents and purposes, and especially morally and politically, Israel is already over."
....what does "one semi-serious blow" mean?

Personally I don't buy into this line, I think Israel has achieved its objectives just as Putin has achieved a bunch in Ukraine too. Been over this before though.
The piece hinges on the last lines "All it would take to finish it is one healthy nudge or one semi-serious blow. It has very little life remaining in it, and zero vitality. For most intents and purposes, and especially morally and politically, Israel is already over."
....what does "one semi-serious blow" mean?

Personally I don't buy into this line, I think Israel has achieved its objectives just as Putin has achieved a bunch in Ukraine too. Been over this before though.

I agree its over optimistic.

Was watching Novara media last night about half way through this they had editor of plus 972 on. About the demos opposing arrest of soldiers.

He gave a picture of a society fracturing. In a dangerous fashion. The police for example have under the far right minister in charge become more politicised.

So its not one blow but as the war drags on will Israeli society hold up?

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Israel will not fall apart unless the USA and it's allies stop their unequivocal support .....that won't happen, right up to the point they dish out the sunshine
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