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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

This is a frightening speech. Not because of Netanyahu but because of the way congress is lapping it up.

Musk skulking in the crowd too.

I mean, how can you possibly berate Musk or the Israeli government? Together they've just given a hospital in Gaza access to the internet.

BBC are doing live coverage on their webpage of Netanyahu

Only in USA is what I think..I can't imagine it happening here.

BBC doing some choice quotes:

There are loud cheers as Netanyahu says Israeli soldiers are "unbowed, undaunted and unafraid" and have "risen like lions

I mean IDF are seriously tooled up by USA to blast away at civilians in Gaza without much danger to themselves. So how this can get load cheers is beyond me
Netanyahu speech and it's reception in USA centres of power is almost comic.

So these are the grown ups who run things. And something like me needs to take a reality check

I like reading sci fi and at times looking at what grown up politics is about and irs surreal.

Him saying protesters are useful idiots for Iran.

If Palestinians weren't getting slaughtered by IDF what he's saying would be laughable.
Really? Seems exactly like the kind of thing the US loves to do, to beat the shit out of a defenceless opponent.

Point taken.

Reminds me was reading more of Justice for Some I mentioned earlier today.

She gets onto international law and extra judicial killings/ assassination by a state.

Israel in early 2000s took out a senior Hamas leader with a helicopter gunship. Blowing up the car he was in.

This at time caused uproar.

As it was a state doing an extra judicial killing. Publicly not even trying to hide it.

In international law Israel was the occupying power and if terrorism took place it was supposed to treat it as a policing matter.

Arrest trial etc. As behoves a western democratic state.

To cut a long story short 9/11 meant USA got very interested in these extra judicial killings. And worked with Israel to give justification of them.

Now as the author of the book says this counts as customary practise.

The argument now is the number of civilians to be killed when an extra judicial assassination takes place. Not that extra judicial killing is wrong.

This is how customary international law/ accepted practice changes over time.

Both US and Israel regard themselves as western democratic states not like the authoritarian states like Iran and Russia.

In the book she points out most extra judicial assassination were done during Obama time.

Sorry to digress. But what you said reminded me of what I read today.
Just listened to the whole speech ( its on YouTube)

Barnstorming performance from Netanyahu. He did have a receptive audience who were constantly on their feet clapping.

Some of it was classic Zionism. Well planned speech with IDF heroes in audience. The IDF being a melting pot that stands for Israel. And Jews are no longer victims in the State of Israel. As they were historically in the past. But heroes fighting barbarism.

It's a fight between barbarism and civilization.

US takes place of UK. Israel is the little Ulster for US in middle east.

Middle East is a backward place that needs an Israel backed by that other great democracy US to bring progress.

His vision for the future is a demilitarised Gaza managed by de radicalised Palestinians. As US/ UK did with postwar Japan and Germany.

With a middle east peace between Arab countries and Israel/ US.

The main fight is with , in middle east, Iran. Which is behind all the trouble. Its Iran that is funding protests in West. Those protestors are the useful idiots of Iran.

International law as represented by the ICC is issuing blood libels against Israel.

Israel is the Jewish homeland. Going back 4000 years.

Comments like that got standing ovations.

Palestinians don't feature in his speech as having any right to this land.

So it was a speech couched in terms of fairly traditional Zionism.

Unlike some of his fellow politicians in Israel he publicly said Israel will not annex Gaza. So that was interesting.

He said nothing on West Bank or two state solution.

But then a self government by Palestinians in Gaza with Israel having security control was what some in Israel saw as the so called two state solution in practise. So he's not that out of line with Zionist thinking.
Except that in UK case the new government didn't follow up on this.

The argument they are using is that ( from Guardian article)

However, senior Labour figures have long insisted they would respect the independence of the court. David Lammy, the foreign secretary, told the Commons in May: “Labour’s position is that the ICC chief prosecutor’s decision to apply for arrest warrants is an independent matter for the court and the prosecutor.”

Technically speaking the last government putting a query into the ICC court does not undermine it's independence.

It's called an amicus brief. And is legitimate action for a state signed up to ICC to take.

Other states have put in comments that they support the warrants.

States signed up to ICC as far as I can tell can do both. And court can consider them

There are international legal issues around this case about whether arrest warrants can be issued due to Palestine not being a state and decisions agreed between PLO and Israel in the Oslo accorda.

Also "complementarity" . States should be given time to prosecute individuals before intervention of ICC.

I think it's avoiding the issue when Starmer and Lammy argue that they really care about independence of court. This is court that depends on states signing up to and involving themselves in it.

Seems to me that labour government trying to sit on the fence here.

Useful background info from this Israeli news site


Seems to me that IDF are becoming shameless about their actions now.

It's the I Don't give a Fuck army.

With no real push back from countries like US the idea that this is a war fought in accordance with international law is frankly obscene.

People were getting messages on mobiles to move whilst attack was starting. No time to go and no where for them to go.

After months this is the new normal.
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