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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Analysis from 2022.

There was not a big divergence in policy between Trump and Biden. Rhetoric changed but the essentials did not. Biden threw a few scraps of money to Palestinians.

At that time Biden position on peace process was that it was all so difficult.

Essentially the summary is that the old peace process of land for peace ended up in the dustbin of history.

The continuation from Trump to Biden of the "normalisation" process was great for Israel state and Netanyahu. Peace minus any deal with those Palestinians over land.

This from 2022 is particularly telling. A high point for the right in Israel and Netanyahu:

"As the Abraham Accords were signed, Israeli leaders, particularly on the right, were mocking the centrist Israeli leaders who previously said that the only way forward for Israel to establish relations with its neighbors was to exchange land for peace," Hashemi said. "[Then-Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu was explicit two years ago in celebrating how Israel had scored a major victory, when no longer has Israel been forced to exchange land for peace.

"They don't have to give up any land and they're getting the peace that they've always sought," Hashemi added. "This is a major strategic, political, military and moral victory for Israel and a colossal defeat for the Palestinians that reflects the overall imbalance in power that exists between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The Abraham Accords are affirmation that these are the darkest days for the Palestinians in their modern existence."

The differences between how the Biden and Trump administrations have approached the Palestinians are "substantially negligible" and only amount to "rhetorical cosmetic statements," said Nader Hashemi, the director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Denver's Josef Korbel School of International Studies (and a non-resident fellow at DAWN). "In effect, the policy and the substance are identical to that of the Trump administration. Both the Trump administration and Biden administration completely agree that what matters for the United States is full security for Israeli citizens, for the state of Israel, but not for the Palestinians

Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera politics commenter, on the commemoration of anniversary of the Nakba ( May 15th)

Points out that this was not one off event. That the Nakba is an ongoing process that is as old as Israeli state. So , whilst not opposing idea of commemoration of what happened to Palestinian people in 48 , it has been an ongoing process.

Whilst the Holocaust could be justification of what happened in 48 it can no longer be used to justify what state of Israel has been doing too Palestinian people since then. Nor can accusations of anti semitism hold weight now.

Similar point made by Novara media commentator Rivkah Brown on Novara media. Zionism always was about moving Palestinians out for Jewish colonisation of land.

Marwan Bishara also makes point that despite successes of State of Israel Palestinians have never given up. Uses the middle east word Steadfastness ( Sumud)

Refusing to give up and go is a form of resistance.

This refusal means the conflict will go on. Whilst Palestinian people do not get justice.

Always impressed by Marwan Bishara on Al Jazeera. Justified anger tempered by level headed analysis. And reflects opinion of people in middle east. If not their leaders.
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But what about the hostages. Bear in mind there are more recorded instances of the below than there are of hostage rescue.


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Been following the appeal to the ICJ by South Africa (et al) today, and if today's efforts are anything to go by I think the Israeli government knows the Court is about to order a halt to the Rafah attack. The Court itself asked Israel to confirm - by tomorrow afternoon - "how it would ensure safe passage to these zones, as well as the provision of shelter, food, water, and other humanitarian aid and assistance to all evacuees that are and can be expected to arrive in these zones?"
This report from a conference promoting America’s military-industrial complex unveils the dystopian core behind Blinken and co's Keep Rocking in the Free World

"A huge aspect of war in a democracy, Karp went on to argue, is leaders successfully selling that war domestically. “If we lose the intellectual debate, you will not be able to deploy any armies in the west ever,” Karp said"

This report from a conference promoting America’s military-industrial complex unveils the dystopian core behind Blinken and co's Keep Rocking in the Free World

"A huge aspect of war in a democracy, Karp went on to argue, is leaders successfully selling that war domestically. “If we lose the intellectual debate, you will not be able to deploy any armies in the west ever,” Karp said"

Thanks that was an interesting read.

This struck me. The journalist goes around the conference chatting to people. One said they reason they worked for the software company that makes stuff for Israel among others was that she was one of those people:
who are interested in national security, who understand there aren’t black and white solutions,” she said. “People who want to defend western democracies.”

This was not one of the high up but run of mill worker for company. Some people genuinely have these idealistic views. Its imo a new cold war. I'm not having a go at people like this. Entitled to their views.

What I object to is that if one does not sign up to this one is basically treated as not having a legitimate opinion.

Reminded me of David Lammy in speech he gave recently in US where he said:

“There will be tensions, but in the end the nature of our shared intelligence capability and our military endeavour – and we saw that recently above the skies of Israel and Jordan – and our shared interest in pushing back against this authoritarian cabal that is coming together, means that I think we will survive the wrinkles when they appear.

So theres "us" fighting the "Cabal" - Russia / Iran/ and possibly China and there proxies to defend democracy and Western values.

The its not black and white I take it to mean defending democracies West might have issues with over their behaviour like Israel and having allies like Saudi Arabia. Whose states do not appear to me to represent these vaunted Western values that we are defending. But there you go,

The other thing that struck me from the Guardian article on the conference was the general view that those in western democracies who have reservations about this are in words of one of the more frank talkers at conference:

an infection inside of our society”.

To be ridiculed.

And an ex US armed forces said:

By the panel’s end, he was describing Americans who oppose the war in Gaza as “supporting a terrorist organization”.

This is where those in West ( like me) who wont sign up to this are treated are illegitimate.

Seems to me there is the centre ground ( Lammy ) and the more of the wall ( Billionaire CEOs and Ex western military} who genuinely think that western values are under threat and a new cold war against an authoritarian Cabal and their supposed proxies is warranted. If this is not succeeding then even more weapons and even more sophisticated hardware/ software needs to be produced.

And anyone in West who says hold on a minute is in effect supporting the "authoritarian Cabal"

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I saw on the news that four (I think) hostages had been found dead recently. The Israeli spokesperson said that they had died on 7 October, which confused me. Are they saying that Hamas took the bodies and have been storing them somewhere for 7 months? I didn't really understand it.

This is one of the stories, and there was also a separate one about another guy. Bodies of three hostages recovered from Gaza, Israel's army says
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From The Guardian article:

Benny Gantz, a former military chief and member of Israel’s war cabinet with Netanyahu and Gallant, criticised Khan’s announcement, saying Israel fights with “one of the strictest” moral codes and has a robust judiciary capable of investigating itself”.

'capable of investigating itself'!!! FFS.
From The Guardian article:

Benny Gantz, a former military chief and member of Israel’s war cabinet with Netanyahu and Gallant, criticised Khan’s announcement, saying Israel fights with “one of the strictest” moral codes and has a robust judiciary capable of investigating itself”.

'capable of investigating itself'!!! FFS.
but it can, the zionist judiciary would make a good fist of investigating itself. but investigating the idf? not a chance
I was reading the New Yorker over the weekend and there is a mention of a 'Promise of the Hereafter' conference in Gaza in 2021. Never heard of it before but it has Al Sinwar going on about how to get rid of the Jews after the conquest of Israel.
Is it a real thing or bullshit?

The warrants have to be issued first.

This is the full statement:

Starts with the charges against Hamas leadership, the charges against Israel are from around 4:50.

Also the stonefaces of the lawyers behind him are impressive.
The one on the left has the closest thing to a Mr Miserable upside-down smile I've ever seen in my life.

In happier times (presumably after sending Charles Taylor on his roundabout trip to HMP Frankland).


Guy is Andrew Cayley KC who, er... oddly? was Braverman's appointment to head up the CPS inspectorate (i.e the people who keep tabs on the CPS).
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