They continue to shock me with their actions.Torture at military hospitals.
Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
Allegations centre on a military hospital where, a whistle-blower said, painkillers were "routinely" not used in
Detainees are denied (or not given enough) anaesthetic/painkillers and made wear nappies. Other acts of revenge torture happening, say whistleblowers.
Unhelpful implies that 'threatening' israel with the law further jeopardises the lives of civilians. Rather proves the ICC's case no?Wow this guy is not messing around. Partner Bindimans LLC:
worth quoting in full:
' Warning to UK Members of Parliament.We warned you that Israel was committing war crimes. We put you on notice that if you were complicit we would seek to prosecute you. It is probably too late for most British MPs as the ink of history on your potential complicity is almost dry and you already made your decision whether or not to support war crimes. We warned you that the ICC issuing arrest warrants for war crimes was real. So is complicity in those war crimes.It is time for each individual MP to make their position perfectly clear. If you remain complicit in war crimes by providing political cover or material support we will work to hold you personally accountable in accordance with the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court Act right here in the UK. We pledged to make MPs accountable in court for their actions.Accountability has begun. We will add to it this week. Justice is coming….'
The warrants have to be issued first.
This is the full statement:
Starts with the charges against Hamas leadership, the charges against Israel are from around 4:50.
Also the stonefaces of the lawyers behind him are impressive.
"But even if you take a different view to my view, to look at Israel, a democracy, a country with the rule of law, a country with armed forces that are committed to obeying the rule of law, to say that that country, that leadership, that armed forces, that they have intent to commit genocide, I think that is nonsense, I think that is wrong."
Hopefully they will come after the rank hypocritical shitsWell I never:
The boycotts are spreading and can only get stronger with publicity like this
Ken Loach and Mike Leigh resign as patrons of London cinema over Israeli film festival screening
Loach said it was ‘simply unacceptable’ that the cinema is hosting the Seret film