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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

I've seen stuff today about exhumations of Palestinian dead from the mass grave at the hospital.

Isn't this going to destroy forensic evidence that would be needed by any future war crimes investigation.?
It's a not uncommon position amongst the dumber liberal 'big thinkers'. If you reject theistic interpretations of the world then you must be a humanist (not that Hitler even did reject theism). Harari, iirr, tends to the version of 'humanism' which says 'well, God doesn't exist, but its best to pretend he does, cos humans are all cunts.'
See also:

OK so he used his own definition of humanism

'How does the author come up with this bold idea? Well, according to Harari, all humanistic denominations have in common that they replace "faith in God" with a "faith in humanity" '

and included nazis in that as they didn't profess faith in God.

It's a bit crude, and it seems he's been widely criticised for it!

Thanks for the link.
To nobody's surprise:

So now an independent investigation has found that Israel made a bunch of unsubstantiated accusations hamstringing the region's most important aid body at precisely the moment the IDF was physically denying aid into the region, no doubt there will be repercussions for this deliberate and successful effort to sabotage food supplies to starving civilians? I won't hold my breath for either that or a reversal of the US funding ban.
Immediately following the Israeli accusations the gutless and spineless Sunak cut funding which is why I despair of our politicians in both major parties and don't look forward to the coming general election as I feel that neither of the major parties are worth my vote.
I've seen stuff today about exhumations of Palestinian dead from the mass grave at the hospital.

Isn't this going to destroy forensic evidence that would be needed by any future war crimes investigation.?

Perhaps in terms of the fine-detail forensics that might be useful if this was one isolated murder - but they seem to have been filming the recovery of at least some of the remains and some of the things found (the corpse still wearing scrubs and with bound hands for instance) pretty much speak for themselves.
I can't right now find a source for this, have you got one?
Does this from "The American Conservative" help?
Harari says that Stalin is the prime example of socialist humanism gone berserk, and Hitler is the same for evolutionary humanism. But neither terrible example obviates the insights of their rival humanisms.

Not having read Hariri's book (or the American Conservative if I can avoid it), this spin looks logical.
Bear in mind lots of people apart from Hitler were early to take up eugenics: HG Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Sydney and Beatrice Webb (Labour Party pioneers), even Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour!!
If Hariri is saying out of control evolutionary humanism (ie eugenics) led to Hitler's genocide of Jews, gypsies and gays - how can anyone argue with that?
If Hariri is saying out of control evolutionary humanism (ie eugenics) led to Hitler's genocide of Jews, gypsies and gays - how can anyone argue with that?
I don't know much about Hariri, but I'd recognise a tortured attempt to place Nazism on the political left anywhere.
Does this from "The American Conservative" help?
Harari says that Stalin is the prime example of socialist humanism gone berserk, and Hitler is the same for evolutionary humanism. But neither terrible example obviates the insights of their rival humanisms.

Not having read Hariri's book (or the American Conservative if I can avoid it), this spin looks logical.
Bear in mind lots of people apart from Hitler were early to take up eugenics: HG Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Sydney and Beatrice Webb (Labour Party pioneers), even Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour!!
If Hariri is saying out of control evolutionary humanism (ie eugenics) led to Hitler's genocide of Jews, gypsies and gays - how can anyone argue with that?
Not to mention the slavs. Millions of Soviet prisoners starved or worked to death.
Does this from "The American Conservative" help?
Harari says that Stalin is the prime example of socialist humanism gone berserk, and Hitler is the same for evolutionary humanism. But neither terrible example obviates the insights of their rival humanisms.

Not having read Hariri's book (or the American Conservative if I can avoid it), this spin looks logical.
Bear in mind lots of people apart from Hitler were early to take up eugenics: HG Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Sydney and Beatrice Webb (Labour Party pioneers), even Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour!!
If Hariri is saying out of control evolutionary humanism (ie eugenics) led to Hitler's genocide of Jews, gypsies and gays - how can anyone argue with that?

I'd argue with it. There is a huge a gap - as with any science, indeed any belief system - between evolutionary science and what non-expert people chose to believe about it.

Eugenics of the kind popular then (and still popular with the likes of Toby Young now) is almost entirely about the person wanting to justify their own status, ie: I run this company / own this land / was given this glittering career / run this world empire / make a good living chatting utter rubbish because I and my family / my people are better than these other people who don't or aren't able to do those things. This has no scientific basis whatsoever, indeed it is in direct opposition to the theory of evolution even as it was understood at the time.

It is surely too much of a stretch to believe that people who don't understand a thing, who do things in opposition to a thing, are the logical endpoint of that thing. You'd have as much justification to say that the logical outcome of Taylor Swift is the MAGA movement.
Skid Mark receives an award from Yitzhak Herzog.
Douglas Murray received an honorary award from Israel’s President Isaac Herzog and Minister of Diaspora Affairs Amichai Chikli during a ceremony in Jerusalem this week.
The award was given to Murray for being a “friend to the Jewish people and fighting the resurgence of antisemitism.”
“The whole world should hear the words of Douglas Murray
as he shows the stark difference between Israel and its jihadist enemies. We love and honour life,” President Herzog said as he gave him the award.

Au contraire, you love and honour the indiscriminate murder of brown people.
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I'm currently dealing with this as part of my job... What the actual fuck were they thinking. They're getting boycotted across the middle east.

Fucking hell. The optics on that are crazy. If I didn't already not eat their shit food, I certainly wouldn't ever again now. Feeding for free the occupying army that are enforcing starvation on Gaza. FFS!
Fucking hell. The optics on that are crazy. If I didn't already not eat their shit food, I certainly wouldn't ever again now. Feeding for free the occupying army that are enforcing starvation on Gaza. FFS!

Feel my pain. I'm designing their response to it all. On the briefing call I had apparently all US companies have been suffering (Nike, Apple etc) but McD's have really taken the biscuit here. I'm actually considering opting out of this one on humanitarian grounds or whatever.
I'm currently dealing with this as part of my job... What the actual fuck were they thinking. They're getting boycotted across the middle east.

This is while ago, but it was McDonalds's Israeli franchise, which they had to buy back to stop it happening.

I think Israeli soldiers generally get a lot of free stuff.
This is while ago, but it was McDonalds's Israeli franchise, which they had to buy back to stop it happening.

I think Israeli soldiers generally get a lot of free stuff.

Yes, I gather from the call I had that this may have gone back a while, wasn't clear if it just after 7 Oct. But they've put a LOT of research into it and they did say it's taken months. Regardless they should have never done this in the first place and stopped it after Netanyahu's blitzkrieg in the strip.
Has the attitude towards Israel changed in the UK?, I think it has or rather I think more people in the UK actually have an opinion on Israel whereas previously they didnt really give a fuck or even have a clue what was going on.
I don't think this will change the inevitable forgiveness and excuse making that Israel will be in receipt of from USA and Europe but perhaps it's a seed
I don't see Israel going to the ICJ even if it is summoned, they'll just declare it a witch-hunt...antisemitic victimisation and the west will just say...oh,yeah-ok then
If the quote is correct it's not evidence of any crime
The ICJ is assessing whether or not Israel is responsible for perpetrating genocide. Part of the evidence submitted by South Africa thus far is incendiary statements from prominent individuals such as this man who have been or are for example members of the Israeli government or the IDF. The ICJ will pass judgement on Israel the state not on individuals. That would be the remit of the ICC
This is completely outrageous. No Palestinians, no NGO's with expertise in the region just this ex UK army pro-Israel bod and pressure group UK Lawyers for Israel:

Turning them into penguin feed or draining Falkland sound is too good for them
The ICJ is assessing whether or not Israel is responsible for perpetrating genocide. Part of the evidence submitted by South Africa thus far is incendiary statements from prominent individuals such as this man who have been or are for example members of the Israeli government or the IDF. The ICJ will pass judgement on Israel the state not on individuals. That would be the remit of the ICC
Like I said its not evidence of a crime, it supports a supposition of intent which is a different thing
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