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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Yeh cos obvs the yankee planes have overflown the intervening countries to Iran, I get that.
I thought we were discussing the General Ford (or similar) pulling up? I said it was to 'discourage Iran'. You said I needed to look at a map. So either you misunderstood what I said or ... I'm not sure what you meant by the map? Like planes can't fly over a desert or protect Israel or something.
TBF there are considerable differences between how previous Israeli governments would have done this and how this one (or any Netanyahu one) does this. The former would probably have, as you say, just ethnically cleansed the place probably in a matter of weeks/months - killing many and dumping the rest on the other side of a border with only the items they'd been able to carry. It is horrific but (sadly) it is usually effective to a degree.

This current lot on the other hand are much more about repeatedly degrading, almost trolling, the occupied - the humiliations of seeing the land be taken, of using a justice system that is clearly biased, of having your work destroyed, your children and homes attacked and/or locked up, of seeing the people doing this to you having better lives at your expense. People are repeatedly reminded they are worth less, but have to sit there and take it.

To me it is very reminiscent of things seen in societies that practice(d) slavery, and like them it almost always guarantees an explosion of tensions sooner rather than later.

I think comparing it to slavery going a bit far. Its a settler colonial state not a state founded on slavery.

Before Gaza attack/ Hamas attack I was reading on Empire and slavery.

The more recent histories have done a lot of work on resistance. Resistance in a broad way. With historians now putting argument that resistance to slavery was much more common than once thought.

I think that way of looking at resistance can be applied elsewhere.

Resistance in Palestine/ Israel is multifaceted. And has been continual since Israel was founded.

Myself I think both the forms of how Zionism has been put into action you correctly describe overlap. With at times the more clearly violent one in forefront.

I think another comparison - contemporary one - is Kenya and the Mau Mau rebellion. Kenya like Israel is settler colonial state. In Kenya Africans were pushed off their lands. Repression by British was brutal.

A comparison with history of slavery is that recent histories look at resistance by slaves as well as opposition to slavery in the Metropole.

Now the global South headed by South Africa state leading the way as well. A welcome new development. With public protest against Israel state in Western countries. Along with ongoing resistance in different forms by Palestinians

How they interact.

It's a bit far fetched but a way to look at opposition to Zionism is to look at the ongoing multi faceted resistance of Palestinians and the global support they get from ordinary people.

To get change in Palestine/ Israel requires both.

Waiting for change within Israel isn't going to work.

Another lesson from history of slavery was when it was abolished this didn't end the struggle of now free colonised people. But it was a start.

Any non violent opposition in Israel/ Palestine gets violently put down by state of Israel. One of the states defining ways of acting as a state since Inception.

Now the state of Israel is up in court for Genocide hopefully as the case progresses the impunity with which Israel as a state has acted since it's inception will be shattered. I hope so and would like to be optimistic on this. And also help l end trying to link anti Zionism as a form of anti semitism or making a space for it. I don't think that's going to last much longer. Particularly in younger generation. As now old trot friend of mine on march last said said to me it's good to see so many young people taking interest in this issue of Israel/ Palestine.

Secondly the pressure public can put on politicians to cut arms to Israel and trade links/ agreements. This is all doable

But yes I take your point on the different forms of how Zionism operates. With the second one you describe being in place for decades and western governments turn a blind eye to it.
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I thought we were discussing the General Ford (or similar) pulling up? I said it was to 'discourage Iran'. You said I needed to look at a map. So either you misunderstood what I said or ... I'm not sure what you meant by the map? Like planes can't fly over a desert or protect Israel or something.
Why the fuck would they send planes over Syria etc when they could either fly from bases in Arab countries or from Diego garcia where they keep actual bombers? I ask again, have you looked at an atlas?
It was utter madness to think they’d lob a barrage of missiles at them until a few days ago.
Only if you've not followed events the last few years. An analogous incident would be the american assassination of solemani in Baghdad, and the Iranians lobbed missiles at an American base or two. The Iranians told the Americans what they were going to do to respond to the attack on their consulate and tho on larger scale than the attack on American bases it's the same method of response.
Not sure if I believe this with the anonymous source. But it is sadly very believable.
It's pretty clear that Israel purposely escalated in order to provoke Iran into something. Now that something has happened, they will hope to have leverage. Their plan may be working, after a strange, apocalyptic fashion. :(
It's pretty clear that Israel purposely escalated in order to provoke Iran into something. Now that something has happened, they will hope to have leverage. Their plan may be working, after a strange, apocalyptic fashion. :(
Tbh the lever may shuffle Israel off the map. I remain confident the kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1187) will prove to have been more longlasting than the zionist entity
It is certainly a case of being very careful what you wish for if you're a Netanyahu government supporter right now. It does appear from reports that the majority of Israelis don't see that this is their existential danger.
It is certainly a case of being very careful what you wish for if you're a Netanyahu government supporter right now. It does appear from reports that the majority of Israelis don't see that this is their existential danger.
Is it though? I think Israel are in a better position than they possibly ever have been due to other Arab states fearing Iran’s ambitions in the region over Israel’s.
I think comparing it to slavery going a bit far. Its a settler colonial state not a state founded on slavery.

Before Gaza attack/ Hamas attack I was reading on Empire and slavery.

The more recent histories have done a lot of work on resistance. Resistance in a broad way. With historians now putting argument that resistance to slavery was much more common than once thought.

I think that way of looking at resistance can be applied elsewhere.

Resistance in Palestine/ Israel is multifaceted. And has been continual since Israel was founded.

Myself I think both the forms of how Zionism has been put into action you correctly describe overlap. With at times the more clearly violent one in forefront.

I think another comparison - contemporary one - is Kenya and the Mau Mau rebellion. Kenya like Israel is settler colonial state. In Kenya Africans were pushed off their lands. Repression by British was brutal.

A comparison with history of slavery is that recent histories look at resistance by slaves as well as opposition to slavery in the Metropole.

Now the global South headed by South Africa state leading the way as well. A welcome new development. With public protest against Israel state in Western countries. Along with ongoing resistance in different forms by Palestinians

How they interact.

It's a bit far fetched but a way to look at opposition to Zionism is to look at the ongoing multi faceted resistance of Palestinians and the global support they get from ordinary people.

To get change in Palestine/ Israel requires both.

Waiting for change within Israel isn't going to work.

Another lesson from history of slavery was when it was abolished this didn't end the struggle of now free colonised people. But it was a start.

Any non violent opposition in Israel/ Palestine gets violently put down by state of Israel. One of the states defining ways of acting as a state since Inception.

Now the state of Israel is up in court for Genocide hopefully as the case progresses the impunity with which Israel as a state has acted since it's inception will be shattered. I hope so and would like to be optimistic on this. And also help l end trying to link anti Zionism as a form of anti semitism or making a space for it. I don't think that's going to last much longer. Particularly in younger generation. As now old trot friend of mine on march last said said to me it's good to see so many young people taking interest in this issue of Israel/ Palestine.

Secondly the pressure public can put on politicians to cut arms to Israel and trade links/ agreements. This is all doable

But yes I take your point on the different forms of how Zionism operates. With the second one you describe being in place for decades and western governments turn a blind eye to it.

Sorry - I didn't mean slavery in terms of actually being enslaved, but rather the continual reminders of inferiority and worthlessness that Palestinians in the West Bank are deliberately subjected to.

The one that has always stuck in my mind is how one of the markets in Hebron has netting above all the alleyways and shops, because the settlement oversees that market and the occupants of said settlement like to throw things at the shoppers.
Of course it should be remembered that "security prisoners" are those seized off the street, not those charged (or convicted) of anything and potentially indefinitely. He is in essence talking about shooting hostages.
Yes.. this is my understanding too.
It's barbaric. To even think of shooting prisoners...as a solution.
The Israeli government is proving itself to be a very evil entity.
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