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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

What's the betting that they will blithely ignore this or level accusations of antisemitism or a combination of both?

Like everything that has happened the last six months, a dead certainty. There's no plausible deniability in any of this
There isn't much left to bomb in Gaza now. The storming of Rafah is looking unlikely IMO. As others have said, they keep saying they'll do it but still haven't. But enforcing the famine by blocking aid will kill more efficiently than bombs anyway.

And as we are seeing, attention is turning north to Lebanon. I can see a ramping up of pressure on the people of the West Bank as well.
Still, the US has reportedly supplied him with loads more bombs and weapons to mop up any remaining Palestinians.

He's moved on from 'mowing the lawn' to digging it up and dousing it in weed killer.
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I've seen a concerning uptick this week in posts on social media with a distinctly antisemitic conspiracy feel. One was on an African news type account and about 'Zionist' billionaire Gilbert Bigio who is based in Haiti and for sure the man sounds like a corrupt piece of shit, but the whole tone was very much 'Jews exploit POC' and like it was aiming to sow distrust between POC in general and Jewish people.

Similarly some dude today saying that Jews were moneylenders because British royalty made a 'deal' to 'protect them' if they became moneylenders, which is bullshit because Jews weren't allowed many jobs except moneylending becausee Christians wanted someone to borrow from without having to dirty their mitts with doing it and it didn't offer any protection from being disenfranchised and chucked out of countries and was pushing a line that Jews basically profit from colonialism.
I've seen a concerning uptick this week in posts on social media with a distinctly antisemitic conspiracy feel. One was on an African news type account and about 'Zionist' billionaire Gilbert Bigio who is based in Haiti and for sure the man sounds like a corrupt piece of shit, but the whole tone was very much 'Jews exploit POC' and like it was aiming to sow distrust between POC in general and Jewish people.

Similarly some dude today saying that Jews were moneylenders because British royalty made a 'deal' to 'protect them' if they became moneylenders, which is bullshit because Jews weren't allowed many jobs except moneylending becausee Christians wanted someone to borrow from without having to dirty their mitts with doing it and it didn't offer any protection from being disenfranchised and chucked out of countries and was pushing a line that Jews basically profit from colonialism.
A division all too easy to stoke sadly. Some of the private conversations I’ve had within the Black community show a constant thread of tension. There’s a lot of anger over the claims that Jews supported us in BLM and now we’re not doing enough to support them .etc.
It's taking too long, but at least there are gradual signs of breaks in the ranks, as stated above:

This has been going on for a while. Foreign Affairs Select committee with Alicia Kearns as Chair has been persistent in trying to get Cameron to say what advice he has had.

See here article from few months back.

Reading this and the other article Cameron comes across as slippery.

At one point saying it was not up to him as he's not a lawyer on IHL. And at other times what has emerged is that Foreign Office officials have presented him with options and it appears the final say is up to him.

One reaction to this is for Cameron to get officials to write to Israeli embassy who give them assurances that IDF are abiding by IHL.

So that's ok then. If Israeli government say it abiding by IHL Cameron accepts that as green light for continuing granting licenses.

I mean really. It's this sort of thing that is the boring detail that shows those who believe that this government supports Israel whatever it does are not conspiracy loons.

I'd say its clear that this government and Cameron have been granting arms licenses in full knowledge that they could if they want to invoke IHL concerns to halt them under the present arrangement for granting arms licenses

That it doesn't is a political decision.

But they don't publicly want to say this.

To add the Foreign Office officials historically were always a bit more sceptical of Zionism and Israel than politicians. Even back in Mandate days. .
It's taking too long, but at least there are gradual signs of breaks in the ranks, as stated above:

Given the opinion polls and if this carries on for much longer this will become Labour's issue and, given the leadership's unflinching support for the Zionist entity I can't see them changing position. Then, of course there is the profit motive of the arms companies

banning UK arms sales isn't going to effect the war one way or another doesnt even really "send a message" that israels going to listen to at the moment they dont care and hamas is still up for a fight to the last dead civillian and the idf
What would, in your opinion, be the best way to 'send a message' that the Israeli government would listen to?

banning UK arms sales isn't going to effect the war one way or another doesnt even really "send a message" that israels going to listen to at the moment they dont care and hamas is still up for a fight to the last dead civillian and the idf
Whilst this may be true on one level, it's the principle that is at issue here. But even so parts are manufactured here that go into planes, missiles and drones that are then sold to Israel.
On the one hand this article may give a tiny glimmer of hope:

But it somehow manages to overlook this:

armed escort of aid supplies putting in a non fly zone etc parking a t45 off shore and telling them no more air strikes telling quatar and the hamas leadership to deal or else.
Fair play for answering however does the 'or else' also apply to no more air strikes and Israel being told to do a deal?
of course the whole point is a type 45 is an air defence destroyer thats no more air strikes or else one can cover Gaza no more airstrikes
Although the Hamas leadership make an easier target than Israel
of course the whole point is a type 45 is an air defence destroyer thats no more air strikes or else one can cover Gaza no more airstrikes
Although the Hamas leadership make an easier target than Israel

I took the question as what do you think this country could do to send a message to Israel.

As you stated stopping arms supplies from this country would make no difference.
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