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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

A local parish and district councillor in Tavistock was recently asked to resign for bringing the councils into disrepute. His misdemeanour? Child abuse? Drugs? Drink? Swearing? No. His crime was to be a long-standing supporter of Palestinian rights. Not a supporter of Hamas, indeed his being a Quaker would preclude that. Anti-Semite? Well unlikely, as his wife is part Jewish and he has in the past visited and lived in Israel, West Bank and the Golan Heights. Someone at West Devon Borough Council was out to get him.
A local parish and district councillor in Tavistock was recently asked to resign for bringing the councils into disrepute. His misdemeanour? Child abuse? Drugs? Drink? Swearing? No. His crime was to be a long-standing supporter of Palestinian rights. Not a supporter of Hamas, indeed his being a Quaker would preclude that. Anti-Semite? Well unlikely, as his wife is part Jewish and he has in the past visited and lived in Israel, West Bank and the Golan Heights. Someone at West Devon Borough Council was out to get him.

I can't find anything on this and I want to know more, do you have a link?
I can't find anything on this and I want to know more, do you have a link?
It's on the front page of the physical edition of this week's Tavistock Times. I can't see it on their internet version, Tavistock Today - don't know why. Maybe it will materialise there sometime. I went to a parish meeting on Tuesday and raised the issue - not their doing. The invitation to resign came from the Borough. I'm still trying to find more concrete info on the shadowy cabal behind it all.
It's on the front page of the physical edition of this week's Tavistock Times. I can't see it on their internet version, Tavistock Today - don't know why. Maybe it will materialise there sometime. I went to a parish meeting on Tuesday and raised the issue - not their doing. The invitation to resign came from the Borough. I'm still trying to find more concrete info on the shadowy cabal behind it all.
Has he actually resigned though?
It's on the front page of the physical edition of this week's Tavistock Times. I can't see it on their internet version, Tavistock Today - don't know why. Maybe it will materialise there sometime. I went to a parish meeting on Tuesday and raised the issue - not their doing. The invitation to resign came from the Borough. I'm still trying to find more concrete info on the shadowy cabal behind it all.

I'd really like to know the background to this. Peter has long been willing to take a principled stance in this Tory heartland, such as campaigning against Brexit and it's gutting to see him forced out like this.
Russia and China block the latest UN resolution for a ceasefire :mad: :mad:
No surprise, though. All sides in this are playing politics with Palestinian lives. Nobody, it seems, is prepared to accept someone else's wording. The wording of the US resolution was shit, mind you. This comment came from Guyana (who abstained):

Ambassador Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett said the proposed text “lacked attribution in a number of key areas.” While it includes condemnation of Hamas, there was no mention of the Israeli authorities.

“To whom is the demand for compliance with obligations under international law [addressed to?]… Who is preventing the use of all available routes to the Gaza Strip? Who does not respect deconfliction and notification mechanisms?,” she said.

“We know the answers to these questions… Why then were the relevant demands in this resolution not clearly addressed to the occupying power, not even once?”
A local parish and district councillor in Tavistock was recently asked to resign for bringing the councils into disrepute. His misdemeanour? Child abuse? Drugs? Drink? Swearing? No. His crime was to be a long-standing supporter of Palestinian rights. Not a supporter of Hamas, indeed his being a Quaker would preclude that. Anti-Semite? Well unlikely, as his wife is part Jewish and he has in the past visited and lived in Israel, West Bank and the Golan Heights. Someone at West Devon Borough Council was out to get him.

Sounds similar to what happened to my local Jewish Labour Cllr in Lambeth. Suspended indefinitely from the Labour group for voting for a ceasefire. Labour group being run by the right of the party. And according to them voting for a ceasefire is "divisive" in multicultural borough like Lambeth.

Up and down the country Cllrs have resigned from parties or left or been forced out.

Contrast this with a member of the right of the Labour party. A grown up politician Steve Reed MP whose career in politics has continued despite blatant anti Semitic comment.

One standard for some and one the the others.

Some time ago but shows how the political establishment treat one side- the grown ups.

A spokesperson for Sir Keir said: “Steve deleted the tweet and did not mean to cause any offence.”

TBF after the rank double standards over Gaza I'm struggling to find a reason to vote in upcoming elections in London.

Decent people are losing their positions in government - Local and national. And its imo the wrong ones.

The political establishment - none of this effects them
Sounds similar to what happened to my local Jewish Labour Cllr in Lambeth. Suspended indefinitely from the Labour group for voting for a ceasefire. Labour group being run by the right of the party. And according to them voting for a ceasefire is "divisive" in multicultural borough like Lambeth.

Up and down the country Cllrs have resigned from parties or left or been forced out.

Contrast this with a member of the right of the Labour party. A grown up politician Steve Reed MP whose career in politics has continued despite blatant anti Semitic comment.

One standard for some and one the the others.

Some time ago but shows how the political establishment treat one side- the grown ups.

TBF after the rank double standards over Gaza I'm struggling to find a reason to vote in upcoming elections in London.

Decent people are losing their positions in government - Local and national. And its imo the wrong ones.

The political establishment - none of this effects them
None of this affects them yet. Tbh a canny fascist party would be making hay with the ways most of the parliamentary parties have acted over numerous issues, sidelining the electorate who are looked on as nothing but ballot fodder. Time after time it's clear that public opinion only makes politicians alter course after the event rather than considering what's decent and principled and acting accordingly. Sure, some people will find their way to the left but most will be left apathetic. Nature abhors a political vacuum and there's a gaping one in this country. Who will fill it? Only time will tell.
I've just read this:

Signed by human rights groups in UK. Back in February.

Reading the article and the devil is in the detail.

Reading this and our political establishment are not following the rules they set.

Basically the argument by the political establishment ( and I include the leadership of the Labour party in this) is that its oh so difficult to come up with analysis that says sending arms to Israel now should be stopped. Its so hard to prove that these arms may be used in ways that are not in line with humanitarian international rules.

There is an alternative universe of mainstream politicians in this country who swear blind that they cant see the problem here.

I give up. The political class in UK are supporting gross violations of Palestinian human rights.

But then as I've learnt from all this the political classes do not see Palestinian lives matter. Its Israel has a right to defend itself.
Reading the press today to catch up.

IDF have arrested 800 suspects at a hospital for further questioning.

And Israel government has taken control of yet more Palestinian land on West Bank.

Netanyahu is saying he will attack Rafah with or without Biden support

Thing about Zionists is that they never really gave a shit about what others think.Apart from for tactical reasons.

Why it is to me more incomprehensible that leading politicians in this country and US support this political project of Zionism.

Zionists treat there supposed allies with same contempt as those who oppose their racist ideology
Reading the press today to catch up.

IDF have arrested 800 suspects at a hospital for further questioning.

And Israel government has taken control of yet more Palestinian land on West Bank.

Netanyahu is saying he will attack Rafah with or without Biden support

Thing about Zionists is that they never really gave a shit about what others think.Apart from for tactical reasons.

Why it is to me more incomprehensible that leading politicians in this country and US support this political project of Zionism.

Zionists treat there supposed allies with same contempt as those who oppose their racist ideology
It's a racist ideology as you say so non zionist friends and enemies have no value or status to zionists. Modern day 'slaves' or potential 'slaves' is their only value.
The harrying of the civilian population would seem to indicate that the IDF have not actually been able to neutralise Hamas militarily. Does anyone know what might be going on there?
The harrying of the civilian population would seem to indicate that the IDF have not actually been able to neutralise Hamas militarily. Does anyone know what might be going on there?
I don't know where we would get that information from. We know that the IDF lies its head off about everything and has a habit of rounding up random Palestinian men and exhibiting them as captured Hamas fighters. Conspicuously absent among the casualties in Gaza are the various leaders of Hamas. That suggests a certain lack of success.

But also, 'our operation is aimed at destroying Hamas' is itself a lie. The harrying of the civilian population is the intention here. Not an unfortunate byproduct.
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