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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

The Ukrainians are a nation with the right to self-determination.

The Palestinian Arabs are a nation with the right to self-determination.

The government of the state on the territory of which we live agrees with the first proposition, and would claim that it agrees with the second proposition, but in practice thwarts the self-determination of the Palestinian Arab nation.

The government of the UK and other UK politicians and ex-politicians describe the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine as crimes, and call for Putin et al to be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court. They do not do so in the case of the crimes against international law committed by the State of Israel in the Gaza Strip War,

What is sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander, but it is not.

Ukraine and the Gaza Strip cannot be compared, it is said. Each attempt to remove, or fail to allow, the right of self-determination has its own particularities, but universal principles can and should be applied.

Well I think they don't verbally support the right of Palestinian self determination. Because if it were a right it would not be negotiable, or an end result of negotiation. Even if they want a peace process leading to a two state solution they don't recognise Palestine in the immediate, whereas they do of course recognise Israel in a way that is non-negotiable. This is also why the phrase "from the river to the sea" is considered beyond the pale but only from the Palestinian side.
I don't think the IDF killed many if at all just let an aid convoy into a crowd of starving people with absoultely no security (because they know the IDF would kill them ) then sit back and watch the chaos:( possibly fire a few warning shots to start the stampede sit back and laugh :mad: .
If there were any palestinian security, even if it was my palesetin cousin:mad: with a hi Viz and a clip board 😢they'd be Hamas so a legit Target according to the most moral army in the world
Anyone listening to R4 just now? Palestinian writer/journalist (described as respected by the BBC) who was in the food queue, unambiguously saying IDF opened fire on the crowd, not in the air. Followed by IDF spokesperson who was asked again and again what threat the IDF felt they were under - refused to answer the question.

Just in case there's anyone out there who has doubts this was a war crime and a continuing act of genocide.

Firing on a queue/crowd of starving people. Seems pretty close to an act of fascism to me.

And yet those posters who left this thread, some left the website, still refusing to engage. If it was an American mass shooting this incident alone would have produced page after page of (rightful) condemnation by all and sundry.

Why the fuck are some people too scared to even condemn a hideous crime perpetrated by a state?
I don't think the IDF killed many if at all just let an aid convoy into a crowd of starving people with absoultely no security (because they know the IDF would kill them ) then sit back and watch the chaos:( possibly fire a few warning shots to start the stampede sit back and laugh :mad: .

Though that is possible, it's not what happened. The evidence, the people turning up at hospital with gunshot wounds, the eyewitness accounts, says otherwise.
I don't think the IDF killed many if at all just let an aid convoy into a crowd of starving people with absoultely no security (because they know the IDF would kill them ) then sit back and watch the chaos:( possibly fire a few warning shots to start the stampede sit back and laugh :mad: .
If there were any palestinian security, even if it was my palesetin cousin:mad: with a hi Viz and a clip board 😢they'd be Hamas so a legit Target according to the most moral army in the world
Yes...well there are numbers of dead with bullets in their heads. So...
I believe the Palestinians.
I don't think the IDF killed many if at all just let an aid convoy into a crowd of starving people with absoultely no security (because they know the IDF would kill them ) then sit back and watch the chaos:( possibly fire a few warning shots to start the stampede sit back and laugh :mad: .
If there were any palestinian security, even if it was my palesetin cousin:mad: with a hi Viz and a clip board 😢they'd be Hamas so a legit Target according to the most moral army in the world

I agree the IDF probably fired first and triggered a stampede that way, but I rather doubt that it was a few warning shots. 100+ wounded with gunshot wounds and another hundred dead suggests sustained fire over a period of time, as does the stampede itself (since they'd all be running in a similar direction away from the fire).
I don't think the IDF killed many if at all just let an aid convoy into a crowd of starving people with absoultely no security (because they know the IDF would kill them ) then sit back and watch the chaos:( possibly fire a few warning shots to start the stampede sit back and laugh :mad: .
If there were any palestinian security, even if it was my palesetin cousin:mad: with a hi Viz and a clip board 😢they'd be Hamas so a legit Target according to the most moral army in the world
Have you actually seen any of the footage? That wasn't rioting, that was people running for their lives.
I don't think the IDF killed many if at all just let an aid convoy into a crowd of starving people with absoultely no security (because they know the IDF would kill them ) then sit back and watch the chaos:( possibly fire a few warning shots to start the stampede sit back and laugh :mad: .
If there were any palestinian security, even if it was my palesetin cousin:mad: with a hi Viz and a clip board 😢they'd be Hamas so a legit Target according to the most moral army in the world

IMO, even if things went as in your description, the IDF killed those people. Start a panic in a crowd like that, and you're responsible.

and called for a ceasefire for at least six weeks (part of interview shown on Fox News)
As the International Rescue Committee say: "airdrops are not the solution to relieve this suffering, and distract time and effort from proven solutions to help at scale".

This air dropped aid is just a spectacle to provide cover against outrage in an election year that the US are enabling the genocidal denial of food to the Gazan population.

Rather that politely requesting Israel stops the killing for six weeks, in the face of Netanyahu's government clearly doing everything it can to undermine ceasefire negotiations, he could force it if he actually wanted to.

The clock is ticking down to Ramadan - 8 days to go - when the Israelis have said they'll invade Rafah, which everyone knows will result in the slaughter of innocents on a massive scale. It's not time to call for a ceasefire; it's time to make it happen.

The Application also contains a Request for the indication of provisional measures, pursuant to Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and Articles 73, 74 and 75 of the Rules of Court. Nicaragua requests the Court to indicate provisional measures as a matter of extreme urgency, pending the Court’s determination on the merits of the case, with respect to Germany’s “participation in the ongoing plausible genocide and serious breaches of international humanitarian law and other peremptory norms of general international law occurring in the Gaza Strip”.

THE HAGUE, 1 March 2024. Nicaragua today filed an Application instituting proceedings against Germany before the International Court of Justice for alleged violations by Germany of its obligations deriving from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the “Genocide Convention”), the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, “intransgressible principles of international humanitarian law” and other norms of general international law in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly the Gaza Strip.

Germany as well as Israel now up in front of the ICJ.

In Gemany case for supporting Genocide

Good. Way German politicians and government have been going on glad Nicaragua have filed this.

The provisional measures would be to halt any military aid from Germany to Israel I assume.
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More on Nicaragua:

In a press release issued by the Nicaraguan government, Managua said that Germany provided Israel with "political, financial, and military support" despite knowing that "the military equipment would be used in the commission of serious breaches of international law".

It also noted that Berlin cut off assistance to Unrwa, a move that followed Israeli allegations that Unrwa staff members were involved in the 7 October Hamas-led attacks on southern Israel.

"Germany continues to disregard its obligations, and to actively facilitate violations of the rules of international law by Israel to the severe and immediate prejudice of the Palestinian people, particularly Gazans, and the international community," the Nicaraguan government said in its statement.
I don't think the IDF killed many if at all just let an aid convoy into a crowd of starving people with absoultely no security (because they know the IDF would kill them ) then sit back and watch the chaos:( possibly fire a few warning shots to start the stampede sit back and laugh :mad: .
If there were any palestinian security, even if it was my palesetin cousin:mad: with a hi Viz and a clip board 😢they'd be Hamas so a legit Target according to the most moral army in the world

A panic leading to a stampede is quite probable. However I think I heard early 80% of those killed or injured had bullet wounds. I’m guessing the stampeding panicking starving crowd didn’t start shooting themselves.
I’m guessing the stampeding panicking starving crowd didn’t start shooting themselves.
According to the ever-despicable Mark Regev, currently special advisor to Netanyahu: "In the incident of the truck being swarmed there was gunfire, that was Palestinian armed groups. We don't know if it was Hamas or others."
Ryanair is no longer flying to Israel.
I don't think its a boycott as such. Just that people in Ireland are no.longer flying there because of their support for Palestine.

Is there a thread here that lists Israeli products etc which can be boycotted?
Anyone listening to R4 just now? Palestinian writer/journalist (described as respected by the BBC) who was in the food queue, unambiguously saying IDF opened fire on the crowd, not in the air. Followed by IDF spokesperson who was asked again and again what threat the IDF felt they were under - refused to answer the question.

Just in case there's anyone out there who has doubts this was a war crime and a continuing act of genocide.

Firing on a queue/crowd of starving people. Seems pretty close to an act of fascism to me.

And yet those posters who left this thread, some left the website, still refusing to engage. If it was an American mass shooting this incident alone would have produced page after page of (rightful) condemnation by all and sundry.

Why the fuck are some people too scared to even condemn a hideous crime perpetrated by a state?
This. There is no excuse for anyone not to see what is going on.
.... Is there a thread here that lists Israeli products etc which can be boycotted?
The No Thanks app which was initially removed from both Google Play and the App store has been reinstated by both. It scans barcodes to give the country of origin thus giving you the choice to purchase or not depending on where it's from.
The No Thanks app which was initially removed from both Google Play and the App store has been reinstated by both. It scans barcodes to give the country of origin thus giving you the choice to purchase or not depending on where it's from.
Thanks for that..
I don't know that I could use it as most my shopping is done online.

I've looked online and found some useful mini posters. Might post them to a new thread. I'll include your reference to the app..thanks.
EU resumes funding to UNRWA. ( EU elections btw in June )

To add the funding to UNWRA is part of the funding. Some is being withheld to later date:
The European Commission, one of UNRWA's biggest donors, had been due to pay 82 million euros around now to the agency.
But, seeking to balance different views among EU countries and in its own ranks, the Commission said it would pay 60% now and the rest in two installments of 16 million euros each as UNRWA addressed issues arising from the allegations.

UNRWA has agreed it "stands ready to ensure that a review of its staff is carried out to confirm they did not participate in the attacks and that further controls are put in place to mitigate such risks in the future," the Commission said.
It said the agency also agreed to an audit into its control systems "to prevent the possible involvement of its staff and assets in terrorist activities" and to strengthen its department of internal investigations.
The further tranches of aid would be "released in line with the implementation of this agreement", the Commission said.

So rest of the funding is conditional.

Personally I'm not impressed by EU attitude. UNWRA people on the ground have been killed by IDF. UNWRA is under intense pressure due to the humanitarian crisis. A lot of Palestinians depend on UNWRA across West Bank and Gaza due to actions of Israeli state over the years. The blockade of Gaza for years meant UNWRA was more needed by a lot of Palestinians due to effect on economy of the the blockade.

Yet EU and some member states have chosen this time to question UNWRA not the conditions that led UNWRA to play an important and necessary role in keeping Palestinians going. Conditions caused by State of Israel actions over the years.

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