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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

not that shooting journalists seems to be problematic for the IDF estimated to have killed 126 Palestinian media workers in four months.

The idf can guarantee it will shoot fleeing hostages let alone foreign (and indeed Palestinian) journos

Indeed, and of course this is something that Bowen knows from personal experience:

The pivotal moment in his career - "in my life", he corrects - was the Israeli tank attack on the Mercedes car in which he and two colleagues were travelling through southern Lebanon in 2000. At the moment of the attack, Bowen and his cameramen Malek Kanaan were a short distance away doing a piece to camera. Their fixer and driver Abed Takkoush had remained in the vehicle to make a phone call to his son.

With the car in flames, the tank's machine gun prevented Bowen from going to his friend's aid. "I felt like a coward," he writes. "I decided I could not save him and that I had to save myself. The ending was not happy. Life is not a film."
From bluesky, not quite sure how to copy it here.

The NYT is reviewing the social media activity of the journalist who promoted dubious claims of Hamas atrocities. No explanation yet why they got an employee of Israeli state-owned station KAN and former member of Israeli military intelligence to write a series of articles with a distinct slant.
with a list of them.
JFC. Is that real?

It is, and to be honest its as close as we will probably get to an admission that they did shoot a load of people (as opposed to the official spokespersons line that people stampeded / were ran over by the aid trucks / strange gunmen did (edit) most of it, we only shot people a bit).

He wouldn't be crowing about it otherwise.
Don't feed the Gazans. Like a sign you'd hang at the zoo.


(US Secretary of State for Defence) Lloyd Austin added that about 21,000 precision-guided munitions had been provided to Israel since the start of its war.

They go by ship don't they? (I seem to remember one getting re-routed or something recently). Shame they don't go up the Red Sea. Give the Houthis some proper targets.
Don't feed the Gazans. Like a sign you'd hang at the zoo.


(US Secretary of State for Defence) Lloyd Austin added that about 21,000 precision-guided munitions had been provided to Israel since the start of its war.

They go by ship don't they? (I seem to remember one getting re-routed or something recently). Shame they don't go up the Red Sea. Give the Houthis some proper targets.

A lot of them were already over there.
Official Israeli government position:
View attachment 414100

I'm assuming this is official position.

If it is it's going against the ICJ provisional ruling.

The key demands made by the court on January 26 were for Israel to “prevent and punish” incitement to genocide, and “enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance” to Gaza to alleviate civilian suffering in the territory.
Israel reported in its submission that it is implementing those orders, and detailed the steps it has taken to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, as well as the measures being taken by senior legal and law enforcement officials against those who may have made comments inciting genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza, including senior government officials, Kan news reported.

Lying, bullshitting and complaining international community are picking on them is part and parcel of Zionism in practice.

So no surprise sending ICJ a load of bollocks whilst killing civilians trying to get food.

All part of the history of Zionism.
I'm assuming this is official position.

If it is it's going against the ICJ provisional ruling.

Lying, bullshitting and complaining international community are picking on them is part and parcel of Zionism in practice.

So no surprise sending ICJ a load of bollocks whilst killing civilians trying to get food.

All part of the history of Zionism.

TBF that is Ben-Gvir's statement, not the official position. The official position is still absolutely absurd, though (this is from the Times of Israel liveblog of Hagari's fibs this evening):

“In this video, the tanks that were there to secure the convoy saw the Gazans being trampled and cautiously tried to disperse the mob with a few warning shots,” he says.

“When the hundreds became thousands and things got out of hand, the tank commander decided to retreat to avoid harm to the thousands of Gazans that were there,” Hagari says.

“You can see how cautious they were when they were backing up. They were backing up securely, risking their own lives, not shooting at the mob,” he continues.

“The Israel Defense Forces operates according to the rules of engagement and international law. No IDF strike was conducted toward the aid convoy,” Hagari says, amid claims by Hamas that 104 people were killed and hundreds more were wounded.

“On the contrary, the IDF was there carrying out a humanitarian aid operation, to secure the humanitarian corridor, and allow the aid convoy to reach its distribution point, so that the humanitarian aid could reach Gazan civilians in the north who are in need,” he says.

Hagari says the IDF has been conducting operations of this kind “for the last four nights without any problem, this is the first night we have had any kind of event.”

“This humanitarian aid was coordinated by Israel, for the people of Gaza. We want the aid to reach the people of Gaza. We are working around the clock to make this happen. Israel puts no limits on the amount of aid that can go into Gaza,” he says.
Watching Al Jazeera and a few things.

The situation in Gaza is entirely due to Israel government / IDF decisions.

As one reporter said the past months they have been "dismantling" society in Gaza.

This is not an accident of war. It's been going on long enough to see that its an objective of IDF/ Israeli govenment

Another thing - the convoys are not protected as the remnants of Gaza police force who were going with convoy drivers found that IDF were targeting them as Hamas.

People in Gaza are now desperate. Law and order are breaking down.

Imo the situation in Gaza is how the IDF and Israeli government want it to be.
Watching Al Jazeera and a few things.

The situation in Gaza is entirely due to Israel government / IDF decisions.

As one reporter said the past months they have been "dismantling" society in Gaza.

This is not an accident of war. It's been going on long enough to see that its an objective of IDF/ Israeli govenment

Another thing - the convoys are not protected as the remnants of Gaza police force who were going with convoy drivers found that IDF were targeting them as Hamas.

People in Gaza are now desperate. Law and order are breaking down.

Imo the situation in Gaza is how the IDF and Israeli government want it to be.
Genocide by another name.
Ukrainians aren't targeting Russian civillians and kindnapping them that's not war that's terrorism, If you think shooting unarmed ravers is a legitimate act of resistance your actually part of the problem. It never works to get people back down it just makes them more likey to fight.
Holding 3rd world argicultural workers hostage is just stupid their of no value either to Israel or their governments
The comparisons between the OTP and Ukraine are as stupid as they are politically dangerous.
The comparisons between the OTP and Ukraine are as stupid as they are politically dangerous.
not at all. as would be obvious to anyone with half the intellect of a woodlouse. how can western governments back international law in ukraine but not wr2 the zionist entity? there's a problem which has made western countries look less than sparkly clean to the global south.

Linked just for the headline really. BBC have decided not to call it a massacre.
A tragedy is some people falling through ice while skating and drowning. This incident rather exceeds that and merits being described as it is, a massacre
probably because it wasn't, convoy of heavy trucks, desperate people, zero security because the IDF would kill them it's entirely predicatable that a tragic incident would happen.
IDF wouldn't even need to shoot anyone let the panic do the work for you :mad:.
not at all. as would be obvious to anyone with half the intellect of a woodlouse. how can western governments back international law in ukraine but not wr2 the zionist entity? there's a problem which has made western countries look less than sparkly clean to the global south.
Indeed, Israel is the tool with which the US battered any hope of an international consensus to death with.
The Ukrainians are a nation with the right to self-determination.

The Palestinian Arabs are a nation with the right to self-determination.

The government of the state on the territory of which we live agrees with the first proposition, and would claim that it agrees with the second proposition, but in practice thwarts the self-determination of the Palestinian Arab nation.

The government of the UK and other UK politicians and ex-politicians describe the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine as crimes, and call for Putin et al to be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court. They do not do so in the case of the crimes against international law committed by the State of Israel in the Gaza Strip War,

What is sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander, but it is not.

Ukraine and the Gaza Strip cannot be compared, it is said. Each attempt to remove, or fail to allow, the right of self-determination has its own particularities, but universal principles can and should be applied.

Linked just for the headline really. BBC have decided not to call it a massacre.
The Guardian are currently going with:
Screenshot_20240301_162737_Samsung Internet.jpg
Which makes this massacre sound like some unaccountable food poisoning mystery rather than starving people being gunned down by soldiers.
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