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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

What a stupid fuck Netanyahu is :facepalm: Egypt is the one country in the middle east that's generally reliably pro Israel. I also read another report saying Sisi and Netanyahu haven't spoken since the October attacks.
Rather they wouldn't tbh
What do you want me to engage in? People here are not interested in facts and just want to bash Israel at every opportunity. All I can see is people posting insults and accusations as I am posting an opposing realistic view that they don't like.

The real world and the politically correct world that most on here live in about are completely different realities.

You guys can all keep banging on about a one or two state solution, but it will never happen.
So i'm a fool because you because you are an ignorant idiot who doesn't like the fact that I pointed out that the Palestinians don't want to live in peace with Israelis. I think you are the fool if you believe otherwise.

Maybe you should take you own dam advice and do some research. I have been keeping up with this conflict for decades directly from the middle east and not by the biased westernised media and being a sheep like you, so know what the western media don't like to admit and tell you. You evidently have no clue about the conflict as per your response so stop being an idiot and parroting stuff you hear online.
I have I think a rather better notion than you, founded on, for instance, the fact that there could have been a peace based on the zionists abiding by un security council resolution 242. Or if you don't like 242 then try the Oslo accords. The people who can't live in peace with the Palestinians are the zionists, it's not the other way round. There could have been a fair and just peace decades ago, if it wasn't for the Israeli government.
What do you want me to engage in? People here are not interested in facts and just want to bash Israel at every opportunity. All I can see is people posting insults and accusations as I am posting an opposing realistic view that they don't like.

The real world and the politically correct world that most on here live in about are completely different realities.

You guys can all keep banging on about a one or two state solution, but it will never happen.
You're not posting a realistic viewpoint, not any more. The zionist slaughter in gaza, the murders of Palestinians in the west bank, it's not going to grant greater longevity to ersatz Israel but hasten its demise. What succeeds it, whether it's a one state solution where Jews and Palestinians live together, a two-state solution, or some awful third option - that's up to the Israelis. But the zionist entity in its current form, I don't think that'll last as long as the kingdom of Jerusalem did.
I have I think a rather better notion than you, founded on, for instance, the fact that there could have been a peace based on the zionists abiding by un security council resolution 242. Or if you don't like 242 then try the Oslo accords. The people who can't live in peace with the Palestinians are the zionists, it's not the other way round. There could have been a fair and just peace decades ago, if it wasn't for the Israeli government.
No there wouldn't as the Palestinians won't live in peace unless Israel doesn't exist at all. Arafat said that on camera, the Hamas leader said that on camera and most of the Palestinians say that as well. The fact that you believe that that would have led to peace shows you know nothing about the conflict.
What do you want me to engage in? People here are not interested in facts and just want to bash Israel at every opportunity. All I can see is people posting insults and accusations as I am posting an opposing realistic view that they don't like.

The real world and the politically correct world that most on here live in about are completely different realities.

You guys can all keep banging on about a one or two state solution, but it will never happen.
So in summary, the problem is the Palestinians. All of them, pretty much, as they are a hate-filled (religiously fanatical) people incapable of peace. The solution is...?
I get the impression it's not a returner. The insistence on access to better knowledge from the Middle East does actually suggest to me some kind of Hasbara shill.
I am not a shill and no one is going to pay me to post on this forum. That is the problem with you guys, anyone who is pro Israel is a Hasbara shill, a racist or whatever you like to say. It's honestly pathectic.
I am not a shill and no one is going to pay me to post on this forum. That is the problem with you guys, anyone who is pro Israel is a Hasbara shill, a racist or whatever you like to say. It's honestly pathectic.
of course, that is exactly what a Hasbara shill would say. :thumbs: I'm not particularly bothered either way. Don't think you're a banned returner though, fwiw. You are racist, though. That's clear from the words you write. ;)
So in summary, the problem is the Palestinians. All of them, pretty much, as they are a hate-filled (religiously fanatical) people incapable of peace. The solution is...?
I'm sure you won't like the answer, but I don't think there is a real solution that I can see to peace between both sides. If it was solely about land then yes, it might help, but even if you can create a Palestinian state, it won't lead to peace as there is much more to the conflict then land.

Sad to say, but I think this conflict will just go on and on as long as the state of Israel exists. I'm sure I will now get derogatory responses for my answer but looking at the reality on both sides, I can honestly see no workable solution for long term peace. I don't see a point in giving utopian imaginary solutions like many on here but let's see what happens.
Why would they have a vote as they not part of the Israel nation, even though they are occupying the land. Problem about such statements like yours are they are impractical and impossible to take seriously. If the millions of Palestinians were able to vote in Israel, there wouldn't be an Israel as there would vote in a Islamist terrorist group to government.

Regarding there self-determination, they were given Gaza if you remember and within months destroyed all the infrastructure left behind and voted in a terrorist government. It may not have been an official state as you would like, but it gave them a chance to show that they could live side by side and they showed their true colours. Complaining about a blockade is also a ridiculous argument. Why the hell would Israel allow Palestinians access to Israel when they pose a significant security threat, they would be stupid to allow that. Evidence being that many of the Palestinians who worked in Israel in the areas affected on October 7th passed on info to Hamas for the attack which has been proved before you try to deny it.
Fuck off you tedious Zionist troll
of course, that is exactly what a Hasbara shill would say. :thumbs: I'm not particularly bothered either way. Don't think you're a banned returner though, fwiw. You are racist, though. That's clear from the words you write. ;)
I don't think you can really have a real valid opinion on this topic if you are going to claim racism because someone claims the majority of Palestinians don't want peace. You may not agree, but have you ever thought that maybe it could actually be true. Just because it is not what you like to hear doesn't making it racist. You belittle the word racist and do many with the word genocide.
I have made my points and although I knew no one would agree and it would be like walking in the lions den in here, I am happy I did. I don't really have the time to keep replying which I'm sure many of you are happy with so you can go to back to your demonisation of Israel. Enjoy.


danny40 recently
And there you have the reason I mentioned above. All insults on here with nothing else. The fact that you use the word Zionist as an insult shows that you are indeed racist. Hypocrites.
All trolling and nothing else so fuck further off.
No there wouldn't as the Palestinians won't live in peace unless Israel doesn't exist at all. Arafat said that on camera, the Hamas leader said that on camera and most of the Palestinians say that as well. The fact that you believe that that would have led to peace shows you know nothing about the conflict.
For there to be peace Israel as it is currently constituted will have to disappear. No settlers on the west bank, for example.
Why would they have a vote as they not part of the Israel nation, even though they are occupying the land. Problem about such statements like yours are they are impractical and impossible to take seriously. If the millions of Palestinians were able to vote in Israel, there wouldn't be an Israel as there would vote in a Islamist terrorist group to government.

Regarding there self-determination, they were given Gaza if you remember and within months destroyed all the infrastructure left behind and voted in a terrorist government. It may not have been an official state as you would like, but it gave them a chance to show that they could live side by side and they showed their true colours. Complaining about a blockade is also a ridiculous argument. Why the hell would Israel allow Palestinians access to Israel when they pose a significant security threat, they would be stupid to allow that. Evidence being that many of the Palestinians who worked in Israel in the areas affected on October 7th passed on info to Hamas for the attack which has been proved before you try to deny it.
I presume you are Regev on overtime?

Apologist as you are, good you admit that were Palestinians to all have a vote, yourcolonial settler state would go.

danny40 if Israel won't remove the cause of war only a fucking ignoramus would think it'd lead to peace or the possibility of peace. Tell you what, get the zionists out of the West Bank and east jerusalem, have them rebuild gaza, say sorry for the past 75 years and maybe, just maybe the long conflict might end
danny40 if Israel won't remove the cause of war only a fucking ignoramus would think it'd lead to peace or the possibility of peace. Tell you what, get the zionists out of the West Bank and east jerusalem, have them rebuild gaza, say sorry for the past 75 years and maybe, just maybe the long conflict might end
No, it won't end if that happens. Only an ignoramus with no idea about the reality of the war being a religious war would think that.
No, it won't end if that happens. Only an ignoramus with no idea about the reality of the war being a religious war would think that.
So it's some form of Jewish crusade. Right. But anyone who understands English knows what maybe means, and it doesn't mean would. Maybe - perhaps - one day you'll actually comprehend what people are saying.
danny40 if Israel won't remove the cause of war only a fucking ignoramus would think it'd lead to peace or the possibility of peace. Tell you what, get the zionists out of the West Bank and east jerusalem, have them rebuild gaza, say sorry for the past 75 years and maybe, just maybe the long conflict might end
Or the Palestinians try something other than war as it simply hasn't worked for them ever.
Call it what you want but the Palestinians will never accept the Jews having a state there. What part of that is too difficult to understand. I mean they openly admit it there on their own and Arab media.

The hamas leader recently on the news interview said that they will say to the world that they want a two state solution and then after getting it will fight on forever the whole country.

I know you will say that they don't have represent the Palestinians buy that is what you they pretty much all say. It is a religious war. Problem is that many in West like you struggle to understand that mindset.
No, it won't end if that happens. Only an ignoramus with no idea about the reality of the war being a religious war would think that.
This line is one of the reasons I can believe this is Hasbara. Ignore land. Ignore history. Palestinians are Hamas. And they are motivated by Islamist fervour. They are ISIS. They are Al Qaida. They want all Jews dead. And beware, rest of the world - they won't stop there. You've been warned.
This line is one of the reasons I can believe this is Hasbara. Ignore land. Ignore history. Palestinians are Hamas. And they are motivated by Islamist fervour. They are ISIS. They are Al Qaida. They want all Jews dead. And beware, rest of the world - they won't stop there. You've been warned.
Lol, you really are mental. You think that anyone who has a different view of the conflict is paid to write on forums. You realise how pathetic that sounds. Gets your tin foil hat off.
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