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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

We seemed to have acquired a hasbara troll.
Enough with your propoganda. Everyone time someone isn't pro Palestinian we hear Hasbara, zionist lies and other stupid buzzwords. Stick to the argument and stop trying to dismiss any opposing opinion as Hasbara or Zionist lies.
I choose to go back 50,000 years to the time when (some of) my ancestors were driven into Europe. You prefer 3,000 years. Others choose 75 years.

Whose 'agenda' has the most merit?
Well we can go back further to the Philistines who no longer exist so that's why I went back 3000 years.
Enough with your propoganda. Everyone time someone isn't pro Palestinian we hear Hasbara, zionist lies and other stupid buzzwords. Stick to the argument and stop trying to dismiss any opposing opinion as Hasbara or Zionist lies.
ok, anti-deutsch then.
Enough with your propoganda. Everyone time someone isn't pro Palestinian we hear Hasbara, zionist lies and other stupid buzzwords. Stick to the argument and stop trying to dismiss any opposing opinion as Hasbara or Zionist lies.
naah, we're dismissing them as uninformed, laughable, bollocks. Oh, and racist bollocks too.
Well we can go back further to the Philistines who no longer exist so that's why I went back 3000 years.
And those who go back 75 years?

You seem to want Palestinians to no longer exist. You may not realise it but you fall into a common way for settlers to think about those they dispossessed. A present of suffering and a non-existent future. You add in the twist of a non-existent past as well. They just appear to be there, in the little enclaves they've so graciously been granted.
what brought you here, danny40 , how did you find us and why did you sign up?
Have been checking in the forum over the last few months and after seeing all the Pro Palestine and Anti Israel propoganda on here, thought I would add my view, not that it will make a difference. The amount of times I see people dismissing what Israel say and then lapping up Hamas or Pro Palestinia articles straight after is laughable.
wow. Fuck off you racist shit.
Seriously, get a grip you fool. It is not racist to state a fact that Israelis and Palestinians will never peacefully Co exist. How you define that as racist is beyond me. You need to live in the real world and leave your utopia imaginary bubble.
Have been checking in the forum over the last few months and after seeing all the Pro Palestine and Anti Israel propoganda on here, thought I would add my view, not that it will make a difference. The amount of times I see people dismissing what Israel say and then lapping up Hamas or Pro Palestinia articles straight after is laughable.

Seriously, get a grip you fool. It is not racist to state a fact that Israelis and Palestinians will never peacefully Co exist. How you define that as racist is beyond me. You need to live in the real world and leave your utopia imaginary bubble.
Oh yes it is. Especially when you blame Palestinians for that fact.
And those who go back 75 years?

You seem to want Palestinians to no longer exist. You may not realise it but you fall into a common way for settlers to think about those they dispossessed. A present of suffering and a non-existent future. You add in the twist of a non-existent past as well. They just appear to be there, in the little enclaves they've so graciously been granted.
I didn't say that I don't want to them to exist but with a one state solution is a ridiculously unworkable suggestion and two state solution is not practical the yeah things are. My parents originate from the middle east and I listen to alot of the stuff that really is being said in Palestinian and Arab media which most people on here wouldn't have a clue about. It's a religious war and land is just an excuse to fight it with land and occupation being a reason yo give the rest of the world. You can still argue about the land if you want and that is your right and opinion but what my point is if the Palestinians got all the land that some want for a Palestinian state, the war would continue.
Oh yes it is. Especially when you blame Palestinians for that fact.
Yes, I do. They're hatred for the Jews and complicity in bringing up generations of anti Jewish idealogy and looking up and idolising terrorists who kill Jews as heroes means they are also responsible. It has been happening for decades, and yet people still say the the Palestinians want peace.
Yes, I do. They're hatred for the Jews and complicity in bringing up generations of anti Jewish idealogy and looking up and idolising terrorists who kill Jews as heroes means they are also responsible. It has been happening for decades, and yet people still say the the Palestinians want peace.
Ah the old Golda Meir line - if only they loved their children more than they hate us? Then maybe we could stop killing their children.

It was racist and self-serving when Meir said it, and still is now.
Ah the old Golda Meir line - if only they loved their children more than they hate us? Then maybe we could stop killing their children.

It was racist and self-serving when Meir said it, and still is now.
Yes, the Israelis are purposely killing Palestinian children, so much so that there population has exploded, oh wait, that doesn't make sense oops. It's a war and they are not targeting children but it is impossible for innocents not to be killed in war. Which war ever didn't have innocents killed? And of the children which have actually been reported as being killed, assuming Hamas are giving accurate figures, everyone under 19 (as far as I know) is considered a child in those figures so I assume many are terrorists of which many are under 19. Or are we now claiming no terrorists have been killed.
An explicit racist. I guess thats something.
This is racist, that is racist bla blah. Can you actually give a valid opinion on the points? The world is not black and white and many times the truth is not politically correct. You can sit on your imaginary moral high ground and bury your head in the sand but that doesn't change reality.
Yes, the Israelis are purposely killing Palestinian children, so much so that there population has exploded, oh wait, that doesn't make sense oops. It's a war and they are not targeting children but it is impossible for innocents not to be killed in war. Which war ever didn't have innocents killed? And of the children which have actually been reported as being killed, assuming Hamas are giving accurate figures, everyone under 19 (as far as I know) is considered a child in those figures so I assume many are terrorists of which many are under 19. Or are we now claiming no terrorists have been killed.
When you start lying to yourself about child casualties you're really off the deep end with no return.
Enough with your propoganda. Everyone time someone isn't pro Palestinian we hear Hasbara, zionist lies and other stupid buzzwords. Stick to the argument and stop trying to dismiss any opposing opinion as Hasbara or Zionist lies.
* yawn * I've pretty much lost count of the amount of times the Israeli government, it's spokespeople or representatives of the IDF have been exposed as lying.

When you start lying to yourself about child casualties you're really off the deep end with no return.
Which part is a lie? It's a war with a population that has an abnormally high percentage of children so it makes sense that a lot of the innocents killed would be children. And it is a fact that anyone in the age category of children who are terrorists and killed by Israel are included in those Hamas figures if innocent children killed.
* yawn * I've pretty much lost count of the amount of times the Israeli government, it's spokespeople or representatives of the IDF have been exposed as lying.

You are correct, Israel have been caught lying and no one is denying that but so have the Palestinians and the Arab and leftist media so why do you guys believe everything that they say?
Which part is a lie? It's a war with a population that has an abnormally high percentage of children so it makes sense that a lot of the innocents killed would be children. And it is a fact that anyone in the age category of children who are terrorists and killed by Israel are included in those Hamas figures if innocent children killed.
You have shown us who you are and what you're worth.
Yes, the Israelis are purposely killing Palestinian children, so much so that there population has exploded, oh wait, that doesn't make sense oops. It's a war and they are not targeting children but it is impossible for innocents not to be killed in war. Which war ever didn't have innocents killed? And of the children which have actually been reported as being killed, assuming Hamas are giving accurate figures, everyone under 19 (as far as I know) is considered a child in those figures so I assume many are terrorists of which many are under 19. Or are we now claiming no terrorists have been killed.
They have targetted schools, hospitals and residential blocks. Among other things, they have specifically gone after the families of journalists. So yes, they have targetted children. Not just children. All Palestinians are fair game. All infrastructure is fair game. Starvation is a tactic (and in such situations, who dies first? I can give you a clue - it's not adults.).
You have shown us who you are and what you're worth.
Though as much. You have nothing constructive to reply so you come out with one liners. You and many on this forum have shown your anti Israel bias and hypocrisy so I am happy that someone like you doesn't like what I have to say. I know you prefer fellow anti Israelis who you can spew your rubbish to.
They have targetted schools, hospitals and residential blocks. Among other things, they have specifically gone after the families of journalists. So yes, they have targetted children. Not just children. All Palestinians are fair game. All infrastructure is fair game. Starvation is a tactic (and in such situations, who dies first? I can give you a clue - it's not adults.).
You mean like some of the journalists that was been proven to be affiliated with Hamas and of whom a pictures of his involvement in the 07 October act came out recently, but many of you defended and blasted Israel for when they were killed.

Israel like every country have make mistakes and I don't claim that they are not making mistakes in how they are fighting the war in some areas but you guys just want Israel to lay down and do nothing. You may bit say that explicitly but everytime they do anything you start seething through the teeth. I don't think anything they would have done apart from giving up their country would be acceptable to most on here.
I have made my points and although I knew no one would agree and it would be like walking in the lions den in here, I am happy I did. I don't really have the time to keep replying which I'm sure many of you are happy with so you can go to back to your demonisation of Israel. Enjoy.
I have made my points and although I knew no one would agree and it would be like walking in the lions den in here, I am happy I did. I don't really have the time to keep replying which I'm sure many of you are happy with so you can go to back to your demonisation of Israel. Enjoy.
Proper cop out
Come and spout a load of crap, can't/won't back it up
"Got better things to do" run away
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