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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

This is racist, that is racist bla blah. Can you actually give a valid opinion on the points? The world is not black and white and many times the truth is not politically correct. You can sit on your imaginary moral high ground and bury your head in the sand but that doesn't change reality.
ohh, hello Laurence, I thought you said you were taking some time off social media.
This is racist, that is racist bla blah.
Saying Palestinians are "incapable" of a thing (eg. living peacefully alongside Jews) or are "abnormally young" (as a rather laughable euphemism for breeding too fast) are specific slurs on an ethno-national group. I suppose if you'd prefer to get technical about it you could say it's not racism in the same sense as anti-Semitism isn't, but that'd be rather splitting hairs on what kind of horrible prick you are, wouldn't it.

Perhaps you should try applying the same lines to other ethnic groups and see how they look.
Proper cop out
Come and spout a load of crap, can't/won't back it up
"Got better things to do" run away
Well all I get is one liners saying stupid things like racist, hasbara, we know what people like you are like and other crap so not much else to discuss. You say spouting crap but just because you don't like the reality doesn't make it crap. I wanted to make my points but I know from years of experience that there is literally no evidence or points that I can say, even if I posted a dossier of evidence that would change the mind of any anti-Israeli in here, and I think you know that's the case too. So I can spend all my time posting but it would be like talking to a brick wall. Don't worry, I am sure there is a lot more time now for you guys to post more Anti Israel drivel.
Well all I get is one liners saying stupid things like racist, hasbara, we know what people like you are like and other crap so not much else to discuss. You say spouting crap but just because you don't like the reality doesn't make it crap. I wanted to make my points but I know from years of experience that there is literally no evidence or points that I can say, even if I posted a dossier of evidence that would change the mind of any anti-Israeli in here, and I think you know that's the case too. So I can spend all my time posting but it would be like talking to a brick wall. Don't worry, I am sure there is a lot more time now for you guys to post more Anti Israel drivel.
You haven't posted a single thing to back up any of your "reality"
You admit you have no evidence so it's merely your point of view/opinion, a poisonous one
Saying Palestinians are "incapable" of a thing (eg. living peacefully alongside Jews) or are "abnormally young" (as a rather laughable euphemism for breeding too fast) are specific slurs on an ethno-national group. I suppose if you'd prefer to get technical about it you could say it's not racism in the same sense as anti-Semitism isn't, but that'd be rather splitting hairs on what kind of horrible prick you are, wouldn't it.

Perhaps you should try applying the same lines to other ethnic groups and see how they look.
No, they are not capable of living in peace with Israelis. Again, that is a reality to anyone who knows the situation but of course it is not politically correct so it is racist as usual.
No, they are not capable of living in peace with Israelis. Again, that is a reality to anyone who knows the situation but of course it is not politically correct so it is racist as usual.
Why isn't it "politically correct" dog whistler?
No, they are not capable of living in peace with Israelis. Again, that is a reality to anyone who knows the situation but of course it is not politically correct so it is racist as usual.
Goodness, I've never heard "it's not racism if it's true" used as an excuse for racism before, how novel. And with a sideswipe at me just being politically correct as well - sure you don't want to go with woke? It's the more popular one for bigot bingo these days.

Which'll come first I wonder, danny40 mustering up the self-control to actually keep his promise and leave, or the inevitable ban?
Goodness, I've never heard "it's not racism if it's true" used as an excuse for racism before, how novel. And with a sideswipe at me just being politically correct as well - sure you don't want to go with woke? It's the more popular one for bigot bingo these days.

Which'll come first I wonder, danny40 mustering up the self-control to actually keep his promise and leave, or the inevitable ban?
It is an Islamic idealogy against Jews that has been ingrained through their education systems for decades, I mean you can even see videos of them teaching hate to in their schools. That is the issue but we all have to lie and pretend that things don't exist otherwise you are labelled racist. How can you guys debate on a forum if you are too scared to admit the reality of a situation that is clear to see in the fear of being considered racist. Saying the majority of Palestinians want to live peacefully with Israel is amongst the most intellectually dishonest reading of the situation that is possible.
Ah, so now you listen to this Israeli, because it suits your opinion. Got it. There are many left wing bury head in the sands Israelis as well you know.
You moan about one line responses but what do you expect if this is the quality of your debating?
ooh, we agree on something!
To a certain degree Jews and Muslims lived side by side but that was because Jews became a big minority in that area. But there was still violence against Jews e.g in 1939 massacre etc and in many other middle eastern countries that Jews lived before that. The Jews never had long term safety anywhere, particularly in the middle east as has been shown throughout history.

Things heated up because the Jews were given an official state which the Arabs could never accept, even though Jews have been part of that land for millennia and have the right to have a country. Crying about the creation if Israel is a non starter as they are not going anywhere and the situation now is that the Palestinians will never accept a Jewish state, so as I said there is no practical solution. The hatred for the Jews is also evident.
Yes, I do. They're hatred for the Jews and complicity in bringing up generations of anti Jewish idealogy and looking up and idolising terrorists who kill Jews as heroes means they are also responsible. It has been happening for decades, and yet people still say the the Palestinians want peace
Tbh the best thing you can do is shut the fuck up. The auld adage that it is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than pipe up and prove yourself one could have been devised with you in mind. And while you're keeping quiet you could educate yourself so you don't come across as a vacuous twat.
Tbh the best thing you can do is shut the fuck up. The auld adage that it is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than pipe up and prove yourself one could have been devised with you in mind. And while you're keeping quiet you could educate yourself so you don't come across as a vacuous twat.
So i'm a fool because you because you are an ignorant idiot who doesn't like the fact that I pointed out that the Palestinians don't want to live in peace with Israelis. I think you are the fool if you believe otherwise.

Maybe you should take you own dam advice and do some research. I have been keeping up with this conflict for decades directly from the middle east and not by the biased westernised media and being a sheep like you, so know what the western media don't like to admit and tell you. You evidently have no clue about the conflict as per your response so stop being an idiot and parroting stuff you hear online.
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