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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Repression and anti-war protests in Israel

Anti-war activists across the country — Palestinian citizens as well as Jews — who were interviewed for this article all mentioned one word: “fear.” Even veteran political activists say they have never been so fearful of protesting. They are afraid of being arrested, which for Palestinian citizens could spell months in prison. More than ever, they said, it is dangerous to show solidarity with the people of Gaza, and they feel that politicians’ belligerent rhetoric is directly impacting police behavior.
I am glad to say that Zarah Sultana has been re-selectec to stand in her constituency.
She's like a British version of AOC. Decent politics and a sharp, fearless parliamentarian who regularly eviscerates her slower-witted colleagues. In a sane world, she'd be right at the heart of the shadow cabinet. At the very least, she would get a lot more coverage in the media. The BBC elevated Farage to star status while they regularly ignore the likes of Sultana.
Criterion 2 of the United Kingdom’s Strategic Export Licensing Criteria states that the Government should not grant a licence for the export of armaments if “there is a clear risk that the items might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law.”

A Foreign Office assessment of 27 November 2023 with respect to the actions of the State of Israel in the Gaza Strip stated that “the volume of strikes, total death toll as proportion of those who are children raise serious concerns”. It said that it had “concerns around the basis on which Israel is granting or withholding consent for humanitarian access”. It added that the government’s inability to make a conclusion on the State of Israel’s compliance with international humanitarian law “posed significant policy risks”. (See Foreign Office lawyers ‘unable to conclude if Israeli bombing was lawful’ )

So, if the Foreign Offices own assessments indicated that the State of Israel was engaged in violations of international humanitarian law, why then does the Foreign Secretary authorise the export of arms to that country?

We could do worse then asking Lord Cameron’s office, by emailing [email protected]
A decent Labour MP forces to apologise for stating that Sunak has blood on his hands.

How very naughty of him. I must say, it is most impolite to point out that someone is complicit in war crimes. It must have been very upsetting for poor Mr Sunak. I know many people have died horribly, but there is no excuse for such rudeness.

I’ve just seen a video of two wounded children in the Gaza Strip, and this boy has not told his six-year-old brother that their parents were killed, as he wants to protect his brother from the upset.

It’s hard to bear news of such cruelties.

This is what Sunak stands for. This what Starmer stands for. What kind of monster can allow this to happen?
A decent Labour MP forces to apologise for stating that Sunak has blood on his hands.

How very naughty of him. I must say, it is most impolite to point out that someone is complicit in war crimes. It must have been very upsetting for poor Mr Sunak. I know many people have died horribly, but there is no excuse for such rudeness.

Obviously not about to let the mass death of Palestinians jeopardise Labours election chances later this year😞
Can't see this making any difference unfortunately

50% of voters who voted for Biden in 2020 think that Israel is "committing genocide against Palestinian civilians, according to polling from YouGov and The Economist conducted from January 21-23 that surveyed 1,664 US adult citizens.

Another 20% of Biden voters said that's not the case, while another 30% said they were not sure.

Among all registered voters, 32% said that Israel is committing genocide, while 42% said no and another 26% said they were not sure. 67% of Republicans said Israel is not committing genocide.
Also in the poll the first question is

Which side in the Israeli/ Palestine conflict do you sympathise with more.

On party voting Labour voters 6% sympathise with Israeli side and 33% Palestine side.

82percent of labour voters support immediate ceasefire.

Doesn't surprise me. So why is Starmer winding up his own voters with his opposing ceasefire and I stand by Israel line?

Breakdown by regions in England and London is way higher in supporting Palestinians than other regions 31percent
The answer re Starmer is he is bought and paid for: look at who financed his leadership campaign
A decent Labour MP forces to apologise for stating that Sunak has blood on his hands.

How very naughty of him. I must say, it is most impolite to point out that someone is complicit in war crimes. It must have been very upsetting for poor Mr Sunak. I know many people have died horribly, but there is no excuse for such rudeness.

I think the real reason Chief Whip told him to apologise is that Starmer has taken same line as Sunak on ceasefire.

So far I haven't heard Starmer ask Sunak any questions about the revelations that FO advice showed concern about how Israel was using weapons supplied partly through this country. Perhaps I missed something.
The Court agrees that at least some of the SA case are plausible, now moving on to whether there is a link between the case and whether preventative measures are needed. It sounds like they agree they are.
The Court seems to agree that the urgency of what is happening in Gaza is such that preventative measures are required in order to prevent irretrievable damage (a genocide) before the final decision is made, so it sounds as if SA may have won.
Israel must:

i) take all measures to prevent genocide under Article 2 of the Genocide Convention
ii) ensure with immediate effect that its military forces do not commit any of the aforementioned acts
iii) must punish those inciting genocide
iv) must take immediate and effective measures to provide urgently needed supplies needed for life in Gaza
v) must also preserve evidence of acts committed against Article 2 and 3 against Gazans
vi) report to the Court stating they have done i-v above within ONE MONTH

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