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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Two main reasons - firstly, to maintain power he is going to have to change the state so that he will never face any consequences for his mismanagement. Doing that will prevent anyone competent from coming into a position of power who would be able to fix the mess he has caused, never mind the future messes.

Secondly, a lot of the security of the state depends on its deterrent effect of the IDF with regards to its neighbours. October 7th damaged the credibility of the IDF, but arguments can be made that they were isolated and understaffed formations taken by surprise, they were weakened by political miscalculations, although Hamas achieved some successes they were beaten back after a few hours etc etc. However going into Gaza and failing to win, especially after visibly making it an existential conflict, will obviously make the IDF seem much less capable.

What diplomatic engagement they had with neighbours was damaged by their repeated bad behaviour over previous negotiations, and has been destroyed by the brutality of the war so far. The diplomatic engagement with states further afield has been more of the interference type, with support bought at the elite level (via lobbying, arms supplies and services) rather than earned by appealing to populations. That has given the appearance of success, but as we see with the laughable nature of their PR it has resulted in them being unable and unwilling to try and come up with a narrative that other people can get behind.

Netanyahu will end up with an army that is seen as a defeated one, with no regional support and little useful support from further afield, and with a population that is absolutely does not support him but is unable to get rid of him via normal means. That is a massively risky situation for a country of nine million people to be in.
I wonder if the zionist entity will last as long as the kingdom of jerusalem did
I just finished reading Jeremy Bowen's 'The Making of the Modern Middle East', which keeps circling back to an interesting point at the core of Israel/Palestine. That the Palestinians keep themselves going in the belief this is temporary and they will be free of Israel, and at the same time a strong philosophy of some of Israel's founders was that the solution was that some day, the Palestinians would just accept they weren't getting rid of Israel because it was too strong for them and they'd just have to live with it. Which isn't going to happen.

I did have another thought recently re: the future of Israel and all those people who say Jews are only safe there etc.... that presumably, due to climate change, the Middle East will be pretty unlivable within a century. So honestly, Northern Europe continues to look a lot safer for Jews to me in the longer run.
Yeah that's literally all he ever does, I switch off the tv/radio when he's on and switch back on a few mins later. Ditto Tzipi Hotovely.
Been reading Winstanleys book onthis: Regevs USP is precisely that he will defend the indefensible without blinking an eye, going right back to Gaza in 2014. The real issue is the deference with which our media treat this war criminal.
I hate this idea that the middle-east is a chess board for Iran/America/Saudis running proxies left right and centre. We usually have some standards around scepticism towards conspiracy theories but this one keeps getting a pass. Is Britain a proxy for America? That's about as valid an idea. In any case it's usually the so called proxy tail wagging the dog as they have more control over their immediate locality. Nothing that has happened has been good for Iran or America, their "proxies" are busily embarrassing them.

There's massive spontaneous support for Palestine in Yemen and the Houthis are happy to show up their gulf state enemies by doing something effective. There's no need to reach for the Iran conspiracy explanation.

BTW good for the Houthis.

It isn't a conspiracy theory when it is quite clear that the USA, Russia, Iran, the Israelis, the Saudis and the Qataris are quite blatantly pursuing their oen regional interests.
It isn't a conspiracy theory when it is quite clear that the USA, Russia, Iran, the Israelis, the Saudis and the Qataris are quite blatantly pursuing their oen regional interests.

It's a problem when that fact becomes an excuse for evidence free claims of things happening because eg. Tehran has instructed it. Apart from anything these claims about control are used by those regional/global powers to justify themselves.
It isn't a conspiracy theory when it is quite clear that the USA, Russia, Iran, the Israelis, the Saudis and the Qataris are quite blatantly pursuing their oen regional interests.
They are involved and play certain roles for sure, but to view e.g. Hezbollah or the Houthis as simple sockpuppets of Iran, or Israel as an avatar of the US, ends up obscuring quite a lot of what is going on. The actors on the ground have their own agendas as well and are often playing their benefactors for their own ends.
What is the excuse for Starmer and Sunak supporting this barbarity?

Asking Israel to stop killing people might inhibit the peace process.

No seriously that's the best they could come up with. Never mind that the Israeli ambassador has clearly stated that Israel has no interest in the 'two-state solution' that this peace process is supposed to be predicated on.
Israel now ordering the immediate evacuation of large parts of Khan Younis, to which hundreds of thousands have already fled following similar orders in Gaza City.

I'm lost for words now to describe what Israel is doing. But there's no coming back from this. Long term, Israel has fucked itself. People will survive. They will bear witness. It will not be forgotten.
Been reading Winstanleys book onthis: Regevs USP is precisely that he will defend the indefensible without blinking an eye, going right back to Gaza in 2014. The real issue is the deference with which our media treat this war criminal.

Israel now ordering the immediate evacuation of large parts of Khan Younis, to which hundreds of thousands have already fled following similar orders in Gaza City.

I'm lost for words now to describe what Israel is doing. But there's no coming back from this. Long term, Israel has fucked itself. People will survive. They will bear witness. It will not be forgotten.

I sincerely hope that there is a reckoning, both for the perpetrators and those that enabled this.
Israel now ordering the immediate evacuation of large parts of Khan Younis, to which hundreds of thousands have already fled following similar orders in Gaza City.

I'm lost for words now to describe what Israel is doing. But there's no coming back from this. Long term, Israel has fucked itself. People will survive. They will bear witness. It will not be forgotten.

They probably will be forgotten in the same way that the Israeli backed massacres in Sabra and Chattila in 1982 have bern forgotten or in the way that the Syrian regimes massacres are being forgotten as they become respectable again.
Back in UK school excludes pupil, who lost a friend in Gaza, for wearing a lapel badge of Palestine colours.

His parents were threatened with reporting to Prevent.

Parents point out difference in way school dealt with Ukraine.

They had support of other parents at the school.

Back in UK school excludes pupil, who lost a friend in Gaza, for wearing a lapel badge of Palestine colours.

His parents were threatened with reporting to Prevent.

Parents point out difference in way school dealt with Ukraine.

They had support of other parents at the school.

Sounds like there are some thick teachers at that school. Reporting it to Prevent, ffs.
Sounds like there are some thick teachers at that school. Reporting it to Prevent, ffs.

Bit of different topic but Prevent was part of course I did for safeguarding of children in a volunteer role I did

The signs of extremism are fairly broadly drawn. And one is expected to report any concerns. It's a policing role that comes under safeguarding.

When I did course I was very uncomfortable about this.
Bit of different topic but Prevent was part of course I did for safeguarding of children in a volunteer role I did

The signs of extremism are fairly broadly drawn. And one is expected to report any concerns. It's a policing role that comes under safeguarding.

When I did course I was very uncomfortable about this.
Yes, I identified several of the given signs of extremism in my self, but refrained from self-denunciation
They probably will be forgotten in the same way that the Israeli backed massacres in Sabra and Chattila in 1982 have bern forgotten or in the way that the Syrian regimes massacres are being forgotten as they become respectable again.
I disagree. Millions of people have taken to the streets across the world to protest against this. In large parts of the world, both governments and people are protesting. In other parts, it's just the people, causing a sharp disconnect between politicians and their populations. And the whole thing is playing out in public. Whole cities flattened, tens of thousands dead and 2 million people displaced as the world looks on.
Back in UK school excludes pupil, who lost a friend in Gaza, for wearing a lapel badge of Palestine colours.

His parents were threatened with reporting to Prevent.

Parents point out difference in way school dealt with Ukraine.

They had support of other parents at the school.

Well, that's an 8 year old with better politics than the majority of the Parliamentary Labour Party.
I disagree. Millions of people have taken to the streets across the world to protest against this. In large parts of the world, both governments and people are protesting. In other parts, it's just the people, causing a sharp disconnect between politicians and their populations. And the whole thing is playing out in public. Whole cities flattened, tens of thousands dead and 2 million people displaced as the world looks on.
I agree with you that it won't be forgotten, but am struggling to see any kind of better outcome in even the medium term. Israel + USA (and much of the west) still trumps everything else. The ultimate in bottom lines. :(
I agree with you that it won't be forgotten, but am struggling to see any kind of better outcome in even the medium term. Israel + USA (and much of the west) still trumps everything else. The ultimate in bottom lines. :(
I don't pretend to have a good idea of the future, but I can't see Israel going back even to its permanent semi-war state of before. If any Israelis think this genocide is the way to secure their future, they are badly mistaken.

They probably will be forgotten in the same way that the Israeli backed massacres in Sabra and Chattila in 1982 have bern forgotten or in the way that the Syrian regimes massacres are being forgotten as they become respectable again.
There is no way that this will be easily forgotten. People have watched in real time or near to that as multiple war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed. It has long since gone way past a legitimate response or the 'right to defend itself'. Also the Syrian regime despite it's best efforts is not exactly 'becoming respectable again', they too are still committing war crimes as well as being widely regarded as a 'narco-state' for their production and distribution of Captagon.
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I think it's difficult to underestimate how much this has impacted Muslims. I hate talking about "the Muslim community" but it is still sort of a thing and working in a predominantly Pakistani/Bangladeshi area and I see Palestinian flags everywhere - on houses, on businesses, on lampposts (even if they are taken down pretty quickly), painted onto vans. I very rarely see eg. Vote Labour stickers in windows come the elections. This morning 9am I even saw a solitary old man marching down the street with a flag getting honks of approval. (On the other hand the rightwing "patriot" types hate it - it's an affront to wave any flag other than the Union Flag/George Cross.)

Both our local MP's were junior members of the shadow cabinet and both have resigned. I posted the email I got back from my MP on the other thread but I also received a hard copy in the post.

Right now I think this is politically big and I also don't think it's going to go away. Gaza is not going to return to "normal" even if normal was utterly miserable, best scenario we're looking at direct Israeli rule and repression worst scenario we're looking at complete ethnic cleansing into the Sinai. The settlement of the West Bank and the harassment, incarceration and murder of the Palestinian population has stepped up a notch in a way that looks permanent and a new authoritarianism in "Israel proper" has set in.
I think it's difficult to underestimate how much this has impacted Muslims. I hate talking about "the Muslim community" but it is still sort of a thing and working in a predominantly Pakistani/Bangladeshi area and I see Palestinian flags everywhere - on houses, on businesses, on lampposts (even if they are taken down pretty quickly), painted onto vans. I very rarely see eg. Vote Labour stickers in windows come the elections. This morning 9am I even saw a solitary old man marching down the street with a flag getting honks of approval. (On the other hand the rightwing "patriot" types hate it - it's an affront to wave any flag other than the Union Flag/George Cross.)
All the marches have seen a mix of groups, but on the big one, the one with close to a million people in London, a very significant percentage of London's Muslims must have been there. It was whole families - three generations often. I'm guessing that places like Bethnal Green will have been very quiet that day.

I know it is difficult to point to one horror amongst so many, but it is things like this which will doom the current Israeli government more than anything. Governments can bomb kids, weddings, hospitals, mosques, churches and so on with only the normal people getting upset by it. Things rarely change for the policymakers, who tut and then move on to ignore the next atrocity.

Deliberately hitting people they've been negotiating with / things they've been negotiating about on the other hand makes public fools of anyone - friend or foe - who negotiates with them. All those Western politicians going over there with "we support you, but..." arguments are exposed as having no influence, and are only welcomed if they sign up for everything that genocidal regime will do in the future. This is already the main reason why so much support in the West has ran off - why pay the political price of supporting Netanyahu when he will give you nothing in return - and it is going to wreck Biden as well, who will lose support from the Democrats for this whilst being continually critiqued by Trump et al (backed up by AIPAC and the rest of the lobby) for not supporting Israel enough.

It is just going to result in everyone stopping negotiations with them, which those idiots might welcome but will probably result in some kind of multinational effort to stop them by sanctions or by force.
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