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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Perhaps there are parallels there with the UK and the way that Remembrance (Capital R) has changed here over the decades. From something relatively low-key, commemorating events that were within living memory of many people, with poppies sold on the streets by veterans of the world wars, into something that fetishises those and other wars, in which poppy-wearing is seemingly compulsory on TV, on football shirts, etc, big fuck-off poppies in train stations and the rest of it. Remembrance that is now weaponised, ironically enough, to represent a particular form of patriotism and coopted to explicitly support the UK's more recent and ongoing history of militarism.

As the Holocaust fades from living memory, it is clearly being weaponised by the likes of Netanyahu. It has definitely been coopted to support Israel's ongoing militarism.
One thing to consider is that many European Jews had ‘survivor’s guilt’ after the Holocaust, which might explain how it would not be something spoken of - in particular those who survived the camps often did so only by providing themselves useful to their oppressors, sometimes at the expense of others. This is something quite evident in the writings of Primo Levi. That and the massive fucking trauma of having born witness or having lost so many of your community, to relive that trauma would be something most people would want to avoid.

The parallel with our own remembrance is valid - I can remember going to the cenotaph as a child in the 70s/80s and the solemn silence and tears as names were read out, many surnames familiar to those in the village, brothers and widows still there, and old soldiers who bore witness to it all. None of this crass cosplay Tommy stuff and decorated pubs which we have now, with the words ‘never again’ seeming to have disappeared. It meant something very different.
Some common sense from Ben Wallace, writing in the Telegraph, with comparisons between Northern Ireland and this situation.

Worth reading in full TBH, archive link -

Netanyahu’s tactics are weakening Israel

Hamas’s jihadist ideology must be defeated – but Israel’s methods will only boost that hate-filled creed

His history is a bit off

Hamas have moved on from their original charter. Over years several times have not gone against negotiations for two state solution.

Have offered a truce as well at previous times. Between Gaza Hamas and Israel

Any feelers they have put out for national unity/ truce been rebuffed by whatever government is in power in Israel.

They also won elections.

And going on polling would do well at any future elections.

The comparison with NI could be one state solution. NI is still in UK but people their have dual nationality. Can have Irish and UK passport.

The other very loose comparison is that long negotiations took place with all parties. Including "terrorists" in NI.

IRA weren't just excluded.

Wallace doesn't agree with call for ceasefire I noticed. Which rather undermines rest of his argument.

And the settlement in West Bank have been defacto Israeli government policy since 67. It's not just about a few militant settlers.
I suppose the museum and the roman cemetery were terrorist targets. The zionists' use of dumb bombs, little mentioned on this thread, might have had something to do with that. Their assault on heritage as well as the genocidal slaughter of the Palestinian population shows them to be barbarians, and in no way in a good way. Worthy allies of the Saudis.
His history is a bit off

Hamas have moved on from their original charter. Over years several times have not gone against negotiations for two state solution.

Have offered a truce as well at previous times. Between Gaza Hamas and Israel

Any feelers they have put out for national unity/ truce been rebuffed by whatever government is in power in Israel.

They also won elections.

And going on polling would do well at any future elections.

The comparison with NI could be one state solution. NI is still in UK but people their have dual nationality. Can have Irish and UK passport.

The other very loose comparison is that long negotiations took place with all parties. Including "terrorists" in NI.

IRA weren't just excluded.

Wallace doesn't agree with call for ceasefire I noticed. Which rather undermines rest of his argument.

And the settlement in West Bank have been defacto Israeli government policy since 67. It's not just about a few militant settlers.
The British government talked to the ira throughout the conflict in the six counties. In 1972 Adams and mcguinness were flown to London for talks. 'Ten men dead' goes into some detail about the communications with the British government during the 1981 hunger strike as does adams' own 'before the dawn'. And the peace process emerged from talks between Hume and Adams.
So even the Americans are now saying pretty please. And with language that could have been more carefully chosen.

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin says the US has spoken to Israel about making the war in Gaza more "surgical"
Ten Conservative MPs are to the left of Keir Starmer, in that they call for an immediate ceasefire.

"By any measure we are witnessing a catastrophe of precisely the kind the 1949 Geneva Conventions were supposed to prevent. As such, it is unconscionable that we should make Gaza an exception to the rules and obligations those accords created"

It would be both paradoxical and cynical if the conflict with so much suffering and destruction that failed to move the world were to escalate through attacks on neutral ships.

Shipping firms avoid Red Sea as Houthi attacks increase
Dec 18 (Reuters) - Iranian-backed Houthi militants in Yemen have stepped up attacks on vessels in the Red Sea to show their support for Palestinian Islamist group Hamas fighting Israel in Gaza.

The attacks, targeting a route that allows East-West trade, especially of oil, to use the Suez Canal to save the time and expense of circumnavigating Africa, have pushed some shipping companies to re-route vessels to avoid the area.

Went back to Owen Jones interview of Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford Uni Paul Rogers.

Quite informative

Rogers take is that Hamas are far from being defeated. They managed a complex operation to kill senior commanders in IDF recently.

Middle of interview an awful lot on Iraq/ ISIS. Was not happy with this. Rogers was ( rightly saying) way Israel government/ IDF have been pursuing this war means if they defeat Hamas all the young men ( he does say men. I have issue with this. Hamas for example has a lot of women members. Even if they are in traditional female roles) scarred by the attack on Gaza will possibly end up in future building an even more extreme para military group ( he correctly imo does not like term terrorist)

I find this a bit insulting to Palestinians. Despite what they have been through there basic demands are secular nationalist. The extremes of ISIS never have had a foothold in Palestinian community. Hamas came out of Muslim Brotherhood. Who are pragmatic.

Also the harking on about how Israel is now run by hard line extremists I find a bit irritating. As though it was all nice and cuddly before.

For Palestinians the difference between the hard liners and the "moderates" is not significant. Under Labour Zionism of Israel early years Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from areas/ put under military rule/ shot if tried to return to their land.

What I see is a continuity - Zionism has always been about removing Palestinians from their land to be replaced by Jews.

Rogers is correct to say religion now plays a bigger role. For example when asked why US supports Israel he say US Christian Zionism of Evangelicals is now important at election time.

In fact more so than what he terms Israeli lobby. Which he separates from Jewish people in US. He specifically stated that he does not refer to a Jewish lobby in US as a lot of US Jews oppose what Israel is and has been doing over the years.

He also says in US younger generation are more pro Palestinian rights.

He also refers to the Dahiya doctrine. Which me and other posters have referred to previously. Don't disagree with him on that.

He rightly says air power is now important.

This along with other weapons means that Biden/ US could stop this now by stopping support for supply and finance of weapons to replenish what has been used.

There is an answer its that Biden is not doing it.

The last ten minutes are interesting as Professor Rogers goes into broader picture.

This war is about what he calls "lidism". Not dealing with the underlying problems but using force to keep a "lid" on them.

He sees this getting worse as the have nots suffer and rebel against the adverse circumstances they find themselves in with Neo liberal economics and climate change. With the "haves" trying to keep them out. I agree with his broader analysis. This conflict presages future ones once climate change kicks in more.

It reminds me of Barnaby Raine elsewhere saying the chant "We are all Palestinians " is not that far fetched. If Israel gets away with this with West support then it does not bode well for the rest of the have nots.
I find this a bit insulting to Palestinians. Despite what they have been through there basic demands are secular nationalist. The extremes of ISIS never have had a foothold in Palestinian community. Hamas came out of Muslim Brotherhood. Who are pragmatic.
It is true that the MB differ from ISIS, just as any within any philosophy there are strands.
But the MB is an Islamist organisation, it wants sharia law to be implemented. While it has moved away from using and advocating political violence against the state, the actions of the Morsi government give an insight as to how it is willing to use violence and oppression when it has the opportunity.

The MB is not ISIS or al-qaeda, but it should not be mistaken as benign.
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Israeli press is saying it'll be full steam ahead into mid January, then less bombing and more occupation and mopping up (which Biden will no doubt present as a de-escalation)

"The military rabbinate are preparing for IDF to celebrate Passover in Gaza next year".
That is 22nd April 2024. Don't ask me why Passover is 2 weeks after Good Friday next year - but I'm sure someone may know.
Thanks a lot for summarising it. Ive got two questions:
Rogers was ( rightly saying) way Israel government/ IDF have been pursuing this war means if they defeat Hamas all the young men [...] scarred by the attack on Gaza will possibly end up in future building an even more extreme para military group

....where will they be building it? The big question mark in the next year is where will Gazans live/die? Hamas command centre will survive as its based abroad, but with every Gazan in exile and the Gaza strip under permanent IDF occupation for the foreseeable I can't see how they can meaningfully rebuild much.

Despite what they have been through there basic demands are secular nationalist. The extremes of ISIS never have had a foothold in Palestinian community. Hamas came out of Muslim Brotherhood. Who are pragmatic.

You are much better read on this than me, but I was under the impression Muslim Brotherhood are far from secular, and likewise Hamas. I thought they both shared a goal of an Islamic state founded on sharia law. They may well be more pragmatic and democratic than the likes of ISIS, but nonetheless they're not secular as far as I was aware
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Thanks a lot for summarising it. Ive got two questions:

....where will they be building it? The big question mark in the next year is where will Gazans live/die? Hamas command centre will survive as its based abroad, but with every Gazan in exile and the Gaza strip under permanent IDF occupation for the foreseeable I can't see how they can meaningfully rebuild much.

You are much better read on this than me, but I was under the impression Muslim Brotherhood are far from secular, and likewise Hamas. I thought they both shared a goal of an Islamic state founded on sharia law. They may well be more pragmatic and democratic than the likes of ISIS, but nonetheless they're not secular as far as I was aware

Agree with first question. When heard Professor Rogers talk about this I was wondering how. If IDF / Israeli government succeed in flattening Gaza then Hamas could end up like PLO stuck in exile.

On second question.

Im not supporter of Hamas as Im secular for starters.

However as recent poll I posted about show Hamas have support amongst ordinary Palestinians.

Im not an expert on Hamas but have read book Ive done a few posts on.

The recent poll shows Hamas have a bedrock support. Support for them goes up when they take on Israel and stick up for Palestinian people- secular nationalist struggle.

Fatah/PLO / Arafat- the main secular group got caught up with the "peace process". Which as Ive posted the Palestinian American historian Rashid Khalidi ( and Edward Said) saw as a big mistake. Correctly as it turns out. Not having to much of a go at PLO but the lesson of the "peace process" is that Israel are not honest broker.

The so called Peace process let Israel continue in its settlement building with no real state for Palestinians.

Anyway Hamas are popular when they take up issues that Palestinians care about. Secular issues not religious ones. As at this moment.
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An investigation by+972 magazine shows further evidence of Israeli authorities being keener to indiscriminately hammer the people (and infrastructure) of Gaza than to save Israeli hostages:

A new investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call suggests that, since the beginning of the Gaza war, the Israeli leadership has relegated the goal of ensuring the hostages’ safety in favor of larger military and political goals in the occupied territory — a fact that has not only stoked anger and discontent from hostages’ families, but seems to have been pursued despite concerns from soldiers, especially during the first few weeks of the operation.

Intelligence sources who spoke to +972 and Local Call on the condition of anonymity, before the shooting of the three abductees on Friday, affirmed that during the initial stages of the war, the Israeli army’s intense bombardment of Gaza was conducted without having a clear picture of where many of the more than 240 hostages were being held. The relentless airstrikes — which have so far killed more than 18,700 Palestinians, displaced the vast majority of Gaza’s population, and decimated large swathes of the besieged Strip — also continued despite concerns that the bombings might endanger the lives of the hostages, according to the sources.

How Israel’s bombing frenzy endangered captives in Gaza

More games from Iran.

I hate this idea that the middle-east is a chess board for Iran/America/Saudis running proxies left right and centre. We usually have some standards around scepticism towards conspiracy theories but this one keeps getting a pass. Is Britain a proxy for America? That's about as valid an idea. In any case it's usually the so called proxy tail wagging the dog as they have more control over their immediate locality. Nothing that has happened has been good for Iran or America, their "proxies" are busily embarrassing them.

There's massive spontaneous support for Palestine in Yemen and the Houthis are happy to show up their gulf state enemies by doing something effective. There's no need to reach for the Iran conspiracy explanation.

BTW good for the Houthis.
I hate this idea that the middle-east is a chess board for Iran/America/Saudis running proxies left right and centre. We usually have some standards around scepticism towards conspiracy theories but this one keeps getting a pass. Is Britain a proxy for America? That's about as valid an idea. In any case it's usually the so called proxy tail wagging the dog as they have more control over their immediate locality. Nothing that has happened has been good for Iran or America, their "proxies" are busily embarrassing them.

There's massive spontaneous support for Palestine in Yemen and the Houthis are happy to show up their gulf state enemies by doing something effective. There's no need to reach for the Iran conspiracy explanation.

BTW good for the Houthis.
You may change your celebration for them if they cause serious issues in the global trade system. All that happens then is inflation rises and poor people get even more fucked.
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