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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

A single unitary state is one of those ideas that sounds so good, it's hard to imagine why they aren't rushing to implement. The problem is that the main raison d'etre for Israel's existence is that it is a Jewish state. A homeland for an ethnic/religous group that has some justification for viewing itself as one of the most persecuted in history. There are currently 9.5 million Israeli citizens of whom about 1.6 million are Arabs. 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank and 2 million in Gaza means that Arabs in a unified Israel would be roughly half the population and Israel's unique Jewish status would be lost in a couple of generations (the Palestinians have larger families) This also doesn't count the 2-2.5 million living in Jordan/Lebanon where they're still not citizens 75 years later. Just not happening I'm afraid.

Historically partition did not work either. The original UN partition plan left the Zionists with a problem. To many Palestinians would live in the new proposed borders of the Israeli state in their view. As the Israeli historian Ilan Pappe points out Zionism is land plus demographics. That is its raison d'etre in practise.

Thus Zionist para military groups - the mainstream one being the Haganah - embarked on Plan Dalet - the organized expulsion of Palestinians from their land and homes. A leading light in this organized expulsion of Palestinians was David Ben Gurion.

This expulsion , reading Ilan Pappe work, was done by for example Haganah surrounding a Palestinian village. Separating men from women. Executing on the spot Palestinian men considered trouble makers and then putting the rest out of their homes onto the road. Villages were often blown up afterwards to make sure they could not come back. After State of Israel was formally set up the stolen Palestinian land was transferred to the Jewish National Fund to allocate to Jews.

If you think that is justified by the fact of Jewish persecution over the centuries fair enough. I have problems with it.

The One State solution is supported by Israeli Jews like Pappe who grew up in Israel and through their own research found what Pappe calls the myths of Israel he was taught growing up were not true.

It might be a minority view in Israel but its certainly not one to be dismissed. The British historian Tony Judt also came to support the One state solution and got a lot of stick for it.

It might be utopian considering the present situation but to right wrongs and make the land a place where Israeli Jews and Palestinians can live side by side it might be the only option in the end to stop the conflict.
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Hmmmm... why would they ignore it and then deny being warned? Pretty epic fuckup imo.

I suspect this is just about journalism. Think the Egyptian guy said "we had warned them" meaning generally, rather than about a specific event. An Israeli journalist then asked about whether there had been a specific warning and reported the answer as a denial, even though there had been nothing to deny.

I think that's probably it, anyway.
I suspect this is just about journalism. Think the Egyptian guy said "we had warned them" meaning generally, rather than about a specific event. An Israeli journalist then asked about whether there had been a specific warning and reported the answer as a denial, even though there had been nothing to deny.

I think that's probably it, anyway.
Seems more specific:
Hmmmm... why would they ignore it and then deny being warned? Pretty epic fuckup imo.

Ideological arrogance


This means they will be extra violent in reprisals because they are absolutely embarrassed their fuckup led to it.
I don't know where that is from, but it seems to glide pretty carelessly from fact to speculation. I'd be pretty sure no journalist has had access to the text of the specific warnings Israel says never happened, and if they had they wouldn't need to ask if there had been any warnings.
I don't know where that is from, but it seems to glide pretty carelessly from fact to speculation. I'd be pretty sure no journalist has had access to the text of the specific warnings Israel says never happened.

No, but it is almost certain they'd have checked with sources who would know if a warning had been given. Those sources would probably have every incentive to do that too, given that the government are already spinning this as a colossal intelligence disaster rather than yet another example of that man stepping on a load of rakes.
I don't meant o be flippant, but how is flattening gaza going to help rescue anyone? They'll be killed!
I recollect when an IDF soldier got captured via a tunnel near the Gaza perimeter fence a while back. The IDF bombed flat a whole area in which they thought he had been taken. They wanted him dead rather than “held hostage “. It’s the same for the current abductees. They are a political pain for the Israeli government. Easier if they are dead.
Can you stop tagging me in posts please.


You are among the most intellectually, ethically, morally, and politically bankrupt posters on these boards, with regards to Ukraine and Israel.

I love your posts on gardening, shooting vermin, and meat preparation. They exude a sense of life and decency, belied by your dogshit politics that are supported by 'likes' from some of the biggest ddickheads ever to disgrace U75.

Stick me on ignore if you don't want to see yourself being called-out as a thoughtless sheep.


Any thoughts on what Netanyahu means by "we are going to change the Middle East"?
Frightening talk.
Yes I know and said so in my post. Israel clearly wants to be in Europe. My plan will make that happen in the only way that really matters. Geographically.

There will be no Cypriots. Re-read my plan. Everyone from Cyprus gets a free fancy flat in Turkey or Greece (their choice). Cyprus is empty when we move in the Israelis and rename the island as Israel.

Solving the Northern/Southern Cyprus conflict isn't the main aim of my plan, it's just a happy side effect. You're welcome.
Why not Malta?
if you push someone into a corner don't be surprised how they react

what have hamas or the people of Palestine got to lose

this will inspire the next generation of fighters

its all a cycle

more likely the end of a cycle
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