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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Yes we are, what would you like to do here? Go back and forth with "coverage of war top trumps"?
I'd like you to think about the vicious revenge the zionists are meting out as we speak, at the bestial cruelty the zionists show at the best of times - the way last week, for example, the guardian reported that idf snipers were shooting Palestinians in the ankle, which often requires amputations of legs. For my money they get off very lightly. Yes, what happened to the festival goers was horrible, horrific, and that footage will be played and played to show how barbaric and degenerate the Palestinians are. But never forget they've had some of the best teachers in the world.

Pickman's is one of my best mates off the boards, and Israel is one of the very few subjects that we fiercely disagree on, and have always avoided discussing face-to-face.

With that in mind, I'm avoiding responding to him directly on here, so feel free to get stuck into him on my behalf. :thumbs:
The difference between you and the lamentable pr1 is you can land a punch. He's more like a slap from a soggy napkin
Two weeks ago.

Cheers I’ve saw it on a tweet but I’ve been busy in the U.K. all last week . Any info on context ?
I suspect domestic opinion is going to be a major driver here. After the events of the weekend telling the Israeli public that they are going to continue supplying free water and leccy to Gaza is going to be a very hard sell I reckon. Israeli casualties now up to 900 apparently. Loss of water will hurt more than leccy I suspect, hard to fight fires without it and the IAF is still bombing.

The UK is solidly pro-Israel as well, most of the West is. I daresay we will be cutting off any aid as well not that it will get through for a while anyway.

I live in London and would say its not all pro israel. Depends which bit of London you are talking about. London is multicultural and their are different views on Israel / Palestine. I would not say London is always pro Israel.

I meet many people from middle Eastern backgrounds. Some living here permanently and some here to learn English and go back to their own countries. I've noticed one thing. Whatever their back round. Religious or secular they regard the Palestinians as their brothers who have been done an historic wrong. That has not been addressed by either their rulers in own countries or the West countries properly Who really are the ones over the years who could put pressure on Israeli governments and didn't. The Arab Street as its called will always see the plight of Palestinian people as one that transcends borders.
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Pickman's is one of my best mates off the boards, and Israel is one of the very few subjects that we fiercely disagree on, and have always avoided discussing face-to-face.

With that in mind, I'm avoiding responding to him directly on here, so feel free to get stuck into him on my behalf. :thumbs:
Also we've never avoided discussing the zionist entity, I haven't anyway. If we chat about it next time over another luxurious curry I think we'll find we agree far more than you - or I - expect.
I just noticed that the Channel 4 reporter (Matt Frei?) mentions the wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973, but omits the war of 1956, which was when the UK and the Republic of France conspired with the State of Israel to attack Egypt, so that the British and French armed forces could intervene and re-assume control of the Suez Canal, which had been nationalised by the government of Egypt.
Cheers I’ve saw it on a tweet but I’ve been busy in the U.K. all last week . Any info on context ?
I think he was mainly talking about Israel-Saudi relations, the controversy being mainly about the map, and also a map showing the middle East in 1948, with Israel occupying the same territory.
Not intentionally wanting to add to confusion/ conspiracy stuff but did anyone read /see anything /understand about Netanyahu going to the U. N with a new map of Israel that allegedly didn’t display Palestine ?
Err. . . Palestine does not exist as a state, so why would it be on a map?

Pickman's is one of my best mates off the boards, and Israel is one of the very few subjects that we fiercely disagree on, and have always avoided discussing face-to-face.

With that in mind, I'm avoiding responding to him directly on here, so feel free to get stuck into him on my behalf. :thumbs:
You always make a point of picking the opposite position on the boards to what I say, or what you think I'll say. But I know off the boards you're actually a thoughtful and insightful thinker
This makes me think of Chechnya, a people with a long history of oppression and genocide at the hands of the Russian state. They attempted to get independence in the 1990's, in a relatively civilised way at first, but then the Russian state invaded, killing the 'moderate' leadership and creating a power vacuum which was filled by Islamist fundamentalists. The latter initiated terrorist attacks on, amongst others, theatre goers in Moscow and school children in Ossetia. They were then destroyed by the Russian army. Any sympathy most outsiders had for the Chechens was lost by these terrorist attacks on civIlians. Never mind that the Russian army was wantonly destructive and murderous.

Similarly here, the attacks on festival goers will be the pretext for far greater atrocities carried out by Israel.
Err. . . Palestine does not exist as a state, so why would it be on a map?
The West Bank and Gaza Strip are shown as part of Israel on the map. Not even lip service to a two-state solution. Not that there can ever be a viable two-state solution. One state for both Jews and Palestinians is the only possible solution. On that narrow point, his map is kind of right.

I live in London and would say its not all pro israel. Depends which bit of London you are talking about. London is multicultural and their are different views on Israel / Palestine. I would not say London is always pro Israel.

I meet many people from middle Eastern backgrounds. Some living here permanently and some here to learn English and go back to their own countries. I've noticed one thing. Whatever their back round. Religious or secular they regard the Palestinians as their brothers who have been done an historic wrong. That has not been addressed by either their rulers in own countries or the West countries properly Who really are the ones over the years who could put pressure on Israeli governments and didn't. The Arab Street as its called will always see the plight of Palestinian people as one that transcends borders.

I think the UK is pro-Israel in the same way it is pro-privatization; the people at the top like it because they are lobbied to do so, whereas the rest just have to sit there and listen how great it is whilst the image and the reality drift further and further apart.
This makes me think of Chechnya, a people with a long history of oppression and genocide at the hands of the Russian state. They attempted to get independence in the 1990's, in a relatively civilised way at first, but then the Russian state invaded, killing the 'moderate' leadership and creating a power vacuum which was filled by Islamist fundamentalists. The latter initiated terrorist attacks on, amongst others, theatre goers in Moscow and school children in Ossetia. They were then destroyed by the Russian army. Any sympathy most outsiders had for the Chechens was lost by these terrorist attacks on civIlians. Never mind that the Russian army was wantonly destructive and murderous.

Similarly here, the attacks on festival goers will be the pretext for far greater atrocities carried out by Israel.
Russian actions backed by Labour under Blair as I recall
I think the UK is pro-Israel in the same way it is pro-privatization; the people at the top like it because they are lobbied to do so, whereas the rest just have to sit there and listen how great it is whilst the image and the reality drift further and further apart.

Eli Folan Stats for Lefties column shows more support for Palestinian rights in general public than in our political establishment

This is pre Hamas attack on Israel.

I personally did not think it was good idea of Khan to put Israel flag up. Im saying this as a Londoner. Condemn all violence yes. But he represents a multicultural City. With widely different views on Israel.
I live in London and would say its not all pro israel. Depends which bit of London you are talking about. London is multicultural and their are different views on Israel / Palestine. I would not say London is always pro Israel.

I meet many people from middle Eastern backgrounds. Some living here permanently and some here to learn English and go back to their own countries. I've noticed one thing. Whatever their back round. Religious or secular they regard the Palestinians as their brothers who have been done an historic wrong. That has not been addressed by either their rulers in own countries or the West countries properly Who really are the ones over the years who could put pressure on Israeli governments and didn't. The Arab Street as its called will always see the plight of Palestinian people as one that transcends borders.
London is very multicultural so I would expect fervent support for both Israel and Palestine, outside I suspect most people are more neutral. I fully expect there to be pro-Palestine demos (and pro-Israel ones) in most European capitals over the next couple of weeks. We will no doubt have to endure another speech by Jeremy Corbyn swiftly followed by condemnation from Keir Starmer. (if Hamas had managed to somehow shoot the pair of them even I would be cheering them)
I have. You're right out there with the likes of TC on this. That's not a good place.

I seriously doubt that. I'd bhuna avoid it completely.
I've said it before and no doubt I'll say it again but your cunty si online persona disappears when you're chatting face to face
The difference between you and the lamentable pr1 is you can land a punch. He's more like a slap from a soggy napkin
I wasn't aware that I was expected to land a punch. I try to avoid doing so online as much as I never do in real life.

I only posted that C4 News showed footage from the festival, and my opinion on it. I haven't - and won't - deny that there will be horrific footage of Israeli atrocities. If that was the impression you got, it was misplaced. I just observed, I didn't judge, I didn't show preference or bias.
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