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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

From a perspective of total ignorance, can't the world community pay for the population of Cyprus (similar size and weather etc as Israel) to move to Turkey or Greece - building fancy homes for them etc - then rebrand Cyprus as Israel and move everyone from Israel there, then give Palestine back to the locals. Surely this will cost the West a lot less than the ongoing cost of funding a functionally bankrupt Israel militarily and economically, let alone the effects of the many global terrorist movements that use the occupation of Palestine as a key recruitment tool. People move house all the time ffs! I'm happy to have solved this issue. You're welcome x

You are copping a lot of flack for this idea for good reason, but if it makes you feel any better, there are people on this site who believe in a two state solution. :)
I’m increasingly pleased to not be in the fucking EU.
Yes, in our new paradise we can just have uncomplicated, uncontroversial wholehearted support for Israel without unpleasant interventions in other languages.
Didn't realise Israel has been shelling southern Lebanon, group of four militants crossed the border Monday apparently.

Israelis have killed 3 Hezbollah. Hamas inviting Hezbollah to join in. Israelis burning wooded borderland which would provide cover.
They've cut the power in part to fuck whatever medical facilities remain in gaza, as blood etc will no longer be chilled while the operating theatres will all be dark quite quickly, not to mention the medical electronics
I suspect domestic opinion is going to be a major driver here. After the events of the weekend telling the Israeli public that they are going to continue supplying free water and leccy to Gaza is going to be a very hard sell I reckon. Israeli casualties now up to 900 apparently. Loss of water will hurt more than leccy I suspect, hard to fight fires without it and the IAF is still bombing.
I’m increasingly pleased to not be in the fucking EU.
The UK is solidly pro-Israel as well, most of the West is. I daresay we will be cutting off any aid as well not that it will get through for a while anyway.
Apparently it's Islamic Jihad attacking via southern Lebanon rather than Hizbullah. Various infiltrators killed today. But could be both. the Israelis have been conducting preemptive airstrikes just in case I guess, destroying watch towers and nearby military facilities.

Hizbullah not joining in and holding back suggests to me this was not planned and executed by Iran as some are claiming.
Apparently it's Islamic Jihad attacking via southern Lebanon rather than Hizbullah.

Hezbollah have said three of their people were killed. But yes, apparently from rocket fire into Lebanon. Islamic Jihad have indeed admiitted making an incursion (2 dead). The prospect for escalation is very much there.

Anyway, Israelis announcing they don't really give a toss about their captured people. Hamas said they'll start killing captives for every attack on a house that didn't come with a warning (which I thought was very liberal of them) and the Israeli army have in effect said "Go on then, we're not stopping"

1000 targets hit in Gaza already
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Channel 4 has footage of the Supernova Festival. It's horrendous. A slaughter.

I had to change channel and am trying to watch Richard Osman's House of Games, instead.

The London based Jewish lad whose just had multiple family members kidnapped, including 2 babies in "daipers", said 'Hamas has just showed us the fate of Israelis if the IDF and IAF didn't exist. They want to destroy us'.

It's hard to imagine that a return to '67 lines, or a 2 state solution would satisfy people like this.
Ireland and Luxembourg questioned a statement by an EU commissioner announcing the suspension of almost €700m EU payments to the Palestinians in the wake of the Hamas attacks on Israel, heaping embarrassment on commission officials who had indicated any decisions on funding would be taken at an emergency meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers on Tuesday.

A spokesperson for the department of foreign affairs in Dublin said:

Madrid and Brussels also expressed reservations, with Belgium announcing development and humanitarian aid would continue. It said:

As hours elapsed with no explanation, another commissioner was forced to reassure critics that civilians in Gaza were not being abandoned in the face of a “total blockade” of energy and food by Israel.

The commissioner for crisis management, Janez Lenarčič, tweeted:
On the news here the Portuguese Foreign minister said there were questions to be asked about what the legal basis was for this unilateral announcement .
I had to change channel and am trying to watch Richard Osman's House of Games, instead.

The London based Jewish lad whose just had multiple family members kidnapped, including 2 babies in "daipers", said 'Hamas has just showed us the fate of Israelis if the IDF and IAF didn't exist. They want to destroy us'.

It's hard to imagine that a return to '67 lines, or a 2 state solution would satisfy people like this.

what would at this stage a blood bath in the gaza strip :hmm:
I had to change channel and am trying to watch Richard Osman's House of Games, instead.

The London based Jewish lad whose just had multiple family members kidnapped, including 2 babies in "daipers", said 'Hamas has just showed us the fate of Israelis if the IDF and IAF didn't exist. They want to destroy us'.

It's hard to imagine that a return to '67 lines, or a 2 state solution would satisfy people like this.
Yeh tbh I think the world would be a better place if ersatz Israel was destroyed in the course of a solution to this conflict. Because in 5, 10, 15 years time we'll be back here unless the zionists kill all the Palestinians.
do you support providing military support to Israel

one shower of cunts not listening to another

restricted aid will be the conservatives next move
BN - This is just the beginning/our response will change the Middle East/won't stop until we eliminate our enemy/special thanks to Joe

It's war Chris.
Apparently it's Islamic Jihad attacking via southern Lebanon rather than Hizbullah. Various infiltrators killed today. But could be both. the Israelis have been conducting preemptive airstrikes just in case I guess, destroying watch towers and nearby military facilities.

Hizbullah not joining in and holding back suggests to me this was not planned and executed by Iran as some are claiming.
Someone who knows the region very well indeed:

E2a Others are speculating that Hezbollah have so far refrained from becoming actively involved because a) the Lebanese economy is in ruins from years of corruption and incompetence and there is no appetite with the Lebanese people for war. and b) were they to become actively involved and have their forces suffer severe casualties Iran would be the one to lose out.
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Yes we are, what would you like to do here? Go back and forth with "coverage of war top trumps"?


Pickman's is one of my best mates off the boards, and Israel is one of the very few subjects that we fiercely disagree on, and have always avoided discussing face-to-face.

With that in mind, I'm avoiding responding to him directly on here, so feel free to get stuck into him on my behalf. :thumbs:
Not intentionally wanting to add to confusion/ conspiracy stuff but did anyone read /see anything /understand about Netanyahu going to the U. N with a new map of Israel that allegedly didn’t display Palestine ?
Two weeks ago.

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