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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

The zionists already play in Europe plus as anyone who watches eurovision will confirm they're already in that too. Personally I favour birobidzhan

Yes I know and said so in my post. Israel clearly wants to be in Europe. My plan will make that happen in the only way that really matters. Geographically.

Adding a third party to the North/South Cyprus vendetta sounds like a marvellous idea :facepalm:

There will be no Cypriots. Re-read my plan. Everyone from Cyprus gets a free fancy flat in Turkey or Greece (their choice). Cyprus is empty when we move in the Israelis and rename the island as Israel.

Solving the Northern/Southern Cyprus conflict isn't the main aim of my plan, it's just a happy side effect. You're welcome.
Yes I know and said so in my post. Israel clearly wants to be in Europe. My plan will make that happen in the only way that really matters. Geographically.
Tbh you think you said that but your post is equivocal on those points and I took you to mean cyprael would enjoy access to, not that you felt they already do. Anyway it is a silly idea
If visitors to South Africa’s Sun City during apartheid years were attacked I would not have given two fucks. Going for a party two miles from the perimeter fence of Gaza in an occupied country suggests a willingness to completely ignore the reality of life for the Palestinians whilst doing balloons and dancing to trance.

Fucking hell 🤷‍♂️
Israel is essentially a constructed nation placed up another one. I'm not suggesting moving its people to Africa; Uganda as Joseph Chamberlain wanted or Madagascar as the Nazis initially planned.

Cyprus is a lovely f***ing island with a similar climate and orange groves etc as Israel. It's also in Europe, where (UEFA footballing and Eurovision entering) Israel would be geographically happier.

Cyprus also has (albeit less intense these days) issues of its own and both Israel (non-occupied areas) and Cyprus are of broadly similar size.

You could fix both issues by rehoming every Cypriot in a fancy seafront new build in (their choice) Turkey or Greece PLUS new build, move and rehome all Israelis for… does back of vape not fag packet maths …maybe £100bn.

Not cheap but how f***ing much is this never ending ME situation costing everyone. My solution will fix things permanently. You're welcome.
Yeah, them Cypriots don't give a fuck about the old village or grandma's grave, they'll be off like a shot.
The US are not going to do anything.

That is probably their intention, but I think there is a decent chance they get dragged into this - even if its just basing troops there, or covering parts of the country that would allow the IDF to be redeployed.

Bibi's incompetence is such that, should the bombing and mooted ground invasion not work, his next person to blame will be Biden for not supporting Israel enough / abandoning the US's strongest ally etc etc. That call will get eager backing from the Republicans and wider media. It will then be up to Biden to either just give in, or do what should have been done already and make further US support conditional on the Israelis getting rid of the man who has led his country onto the edge of an abyss (and throwing out the far right who back him).
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