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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Yep. I'm trying to be objective here. Disastrous.

Parading a young naked female conscientious objector's body who refused to serve in the Israeli army through the streets of Gaza while people line up to spit on her corpse and then posting it online, not great PR. Shooting people is only a part of winning wars. Idiotic.
I read she was German. In which case why would she be in the Israeli army? But obvs Hamas just opened fire at anyone without checking if they considered them legit targets or not.
Israel is now cutting the water off.

Absolute cunts in charge who are going to just kill even more and the cycle of violence will continue to get worse - if anyone survives the next few weeks

There was an Israeli politician on Ch4 news last night saying "we haven't occupied the Palestinians for years". Which is absolute bullshit. We know Israel shuts off their electricity frequently - and seemingly has the power to kill their water supply too.
Yep spoken like a terrorist.

Politically I'm not a Hamas supporter. I prefer, if offered the choice, the secular more 'left' PLO tradition. However, it's often the case that today's terrorists are tomorrow's state leaders not just in the case of Israel themselves, or indeed Ireland but also for example South Africa. The ANC killed more civilians than military and Nelson Mandela's name wasn’t removed from US terrorist lists until just before his 90th birthday in 2013, shortly before his death.
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Well the cutting off of the water supplies is consistent with their deliberate use of words like siege.

I was immediately reminded of Falluja in Iraq. eg this quote from a 2005 article: Mike Marqusee: The destruction of Falluja was an act of barbarism that ranks alongside My Lai, Guernica and Halabja

Following on from that, I would suspect that its possible to find some signs that such acts against civilian populations have sometimes been formal parts of US etc military and psyops doctrines that relate to guerrilla warfare, going back very many decades.
Within the last hour I've seen some disgusting idiot argue that the presence of the ravers on "colonized land" was a form of, and I quote, "violence", with the implication that the ravers deserved what they got. Where do you even start with a fucking cretin like that? Of one thing you may be sure, a person like that no more cares about the Palestinians than the man in the moon - the important thing is the thrill he gets from expressing contempt at unarmed and defenceless people who got machine-gunned to death.
Within the last hour I've seen some disgusting idiot argue that the presence of the ravers on "colonized land" was a form of, and I quote, "violence", with the implication that the ravers deserved what they got. Where do you even start with a fucking cretin like that? Of one thing you may be sure, a person like that no more cares about the Palestinians than the man in the moon - the important thing is the thrill he gets from expressing contempt at unarmed and defenceless people who got machine-gunned to death.
where have you seen 'some disgusting idiot' argue this?
The European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement made a dickish statement on twitter.

The scale of terror and brutality against #Israel and its people is a turning point. There can be no business as usual. As the biggest donor of the Palestinians, the European Commission is putting its full development portfolio under review, worth a total of EUR 691m

•All payments immediately suspended.
•All projects put under review.•All new budget proposals, incl. for 2023 postponed until further notice
.•Comprehensive assessment of the whole portfolio

twitter link
thread reader

No official statement, just a declaration on Elon Musk's Twitter contradicting earlier statements by @EU_Commission
Journalists and diplomats blindsided, now scrambling to find out if Varhelyi can legally do this off his own bat
Foreign ministers were supposed to discuss tomorrow

twitter link

According to wikipedia he's a lawyer and diplomat.
Not trying to nitpick here Spy, but misusing the word "psychotic" isn't particularly helpful. I doubt most of the people you'd disagree with politically are psychotic. And people who are are more likely than most to be targeted with violence.

Yeah, ok. Obviously when I use the term "psychotic" I mean "politically biased to the point of fundamentalist incoherence and absurdity", and I'm not sure there's a better adjective for that.

Point taken though :thumbs:
Late to thread, so apols in advance if this has already been gone through...but this sounds like the Israeli state are proud to be embarking upon genocide?

From a perspective of total ignorance, can't the world community pay for the population of Cyprus (similar size and weather etc as Israel) to move to Turkey or Greece - building fancy homes for them etc - then rebrand Cyprus as Israel and move everyone from Israel there, then give Palestine back to the locals. Surely this will cost the West a lot less than the ongoing cost of funding a functionally bankrupt Israel militarily and economically, let alone the effects of the many global terrorist movements that use the occupation of Palestine as a key recruitment tool. People move house all the time ffs! I'm happy to have solved this issue. You're welcome x
From a perspective of total ignorance, can't the world community pay for the population of Cyprus (similar size and weather etc as Israel) to move to Turkey or Greece - building fancy homes for them etc - then rebrand Cyprus as Israel and move everyone from Israel there, then give Palestine back to the locals. Surely this will cost the West a lot less than the ongoing cost of funding a functionally bankrupt Israel militarily and economically, let alone the effects of the many global terrorist movements that use the occupation of Palestine as a key recruitment tool. People move house all the time ffs! I'm happy to have solved this issue. You're welcome x
Unlike you I wouldn't wish the zionists on the cypriots
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