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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Hamas have apparently (it was in a Washington Post thing that disappeared behind a paywall when I went back to it) said that "our fighters would never do such things, it is against our religion." Which makes me think that yes it probably did happen in one form or another, not because of the specific religion (in this case Islam) but because of what really happens behind the facade of purity and sexual morality that that are set up by sexually conservative religious regimes of any religion.
There is probably a point where the humanitarian situation in Al Mawasi is so horrific that either

1) Biden says enough is enough and there's a permanent cease fire
2) Sisi agrees to take in the remaining Gazan population into the Sinai
3) The remaining Gazan population escapes into the Sinai anyway
4) Hizbollah and maybe Iran intervene militarily

I've no idea when the breaking points will break. At the minute the Americans in particular are playing a game of brinkmanship with 2.2 million lives.
Brinkmanship might imply the US care. They do not, hence Biden sanctioning unlimited arms. US concern for Palestinians is on a par with Mussolinis concern for Jews (outside Italy) during the Holocaust: meaningless at best
Brinkmanship might imply the US care. They do not, hence Biden sanctioning unlimited arms. US concern for Palestinians is on a par with Mussolinis concern for Jews (outside Italy) during the Holocaust: meaningless at best

I think they care about the diplomatic blow back and possible military escalation. How much they care I really don't know, but we're about to find out.
I think they care about the diplomatic blow back and possible military escalation. How much they care I really don't know, but we're about to find out.
Sadly, I think the arms issue and the numbers dead show we have already found out. But agree with you they are already and will further engage in extensive posturing to cover up for benefit of the naive their role in facilitating genocide
This is a copied tweet , the link has the raw info

don't think people have processed just how crazy this report published in Israel's Hayom newspaper (owned by the family of Sheldon Adelson, the casino mogul) is:

It describes how “senior US lawmakers review [a] plan linking Gaza refugee resettlement to US aid to Arab countries. The proposal, which reportedly has support from senior officials in both parties, calls on the US to condition foreign aid to Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and Turkey on those countries accepting a certain number of refugees”.

In other words this is the US actively planning the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (with "support from senior officials in both parties"), by looking into tying aid to Arab countries to them receiving the refugees. Which obviously completely contradicts what the Biden administration is publicly saying on the matter, and violates just about every principle of international law.

As described in the report, "the plan even goes so far as to envision how many Gazan residents each of these countries will receive: one million in Egypt, half a million for Turkey, 250,000 for Iraq, and another 250,000 for Yemen".

Which totals to... the entirety of the Gazan population.
This is a copied tweet , the link has the raw info

don't think people have processed just how crazy this report published in Israel's Hayom newspaper (owned by the family of Sheldon Adelson, the casino mogul) is:

It describes how “senior US lawmakers review [a] plan linking Gaza refugee resettlement to US aid to Arab countries. The proposal, which reportedly has support from senior officials in both parties, calls on the US to condition foreign aid to Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and Turkey on those countries accepting a certain number of refugees”.

In other words this is the US actively planning the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (with "support from senior officials in both parties"), by looking into tying aid to Arab countries to them receiving the refugees. Which obviously completely contradicts what the Biden administration is publicly saying on the matter, and violates just about every principle of international law.

As described in the report, "the plan even goes so far as to envision how many Gazan residents each of these countries will receive: one million in Egypt, half a million for Turkey, 250,000 for Iraq, and another 250,000 for Yemen".

Which totals to... the entirety of the Gazan population.

Its appalling but it should be pointed out that the way that is worded makes it sounds like this is something being floated in Congress, rather than in the administration.
It is so clearly the official plan.... the question is is the US onboard or not? I think they are.




thats so far....

the article makes the point that it took two years to reach the level of destruction in Dresden. Northern Gaza has taken one month
It feels like more lines the history's bloody rhyme

The gearing up for a mass population expulsion. Not to the Sinai, the sea. The danger of a fire of Smyrna, suppose that's what the last 10 weeks are, mixed up with the Armenian being forced marched to nowhere. The UN security council gives a nudge the world watched or sees nothing wrong. Lebanon countinoually in crisis, Syria terror in stasis.

FSS when this started I decided I should try and not think about it and mix it up with my sadness


Just my disbelief 🌍🌿

Link from Guardian article

The present bombing of Gaza is not spur of the moment in reaction to Hamas attack.

This is IDF and government worked out policy to deal with Hamas and Hezbollah.

It is specifically not supposed to be proportionate. That is considered not effective.

The idea is overwhelming force directed at civilian population to deter them from giving support to armed groups.

The second reason is that the level of economic and social destruction means the civilian authorities will have to spend long time reconstructing social assets ( housing etc) that have been destroyed.

The underlying premise is to punish the civilian population and authorities.

Break the supposed links to armed groups. Or at least the tolerance of them.

In such cases, Israel again will not be able to limit its response to actions whose severity is seemingly proportionate to an isolated incident. Rather, it will have to respond disproportionately in order to make it abundantly clear that the State of Israel will accept no attempt to disrupt the calm currently prevailing along its borders

Link from Guardian article

The present bombing of Gaza is not spur of the moment in reaction to Hamas attack.

This is IDF and government worked out policy to deal with Hamas and Hezbollah.

It is specifically not supposed to be proportionate. That is considered not effective.

The idea is overwhelming force directed at civilian population to deter them from giving support to armed groups.

The second reason is that the level of economic and social destruction means the civilian authorities will have to spend long time reconstructing social assets ( housing etc) that have been destroyed.

The underlying premise is to punish the civilian population and authorities.

Break the supposed links to armed groups. Or at least the tolerance of them.
Tbh they'll be queuing for miles to join a successor organisation to hamas which will take on the mantle of resistance to the zionist entity, whether that group be islamist or secular. It's not like bloody Sunday broke the irish republican will to resist. The zionists have made much, and had much made of, their way of warfare in which idf thinkers have read such texts as 1000 plateaus. But they haven't looked as perhaps they should at elements of the Jewish history of resistance. At the Warsaw ghetto rising. At subterranean operations during that battle. At the treblinka uprising. If in the face of nazi efforts to destroy the Jews the Jews continued to resist, why should Palestinians curtail their resistance in the face of the genocidal zionist onslaught? People are just plain contrary and oppressors will never understand why the oppressed don't just give up
The idea is overwhelming force directed at civilian population to deter them from giving support to armed groups.
I disagree with that reading....that narrative is cover for what is actually happening. The idea its teaching naughty Palestinians Dont Do It Again suggests once the lesson is learned they can come back in the classroom and behave. This is forced expulsion of all from school then bombing the school to be sure.
Actual executions of unarmed civilians by soldiers:

the embedded tweet with the vid is not showing above so I've put it in a spoiler:

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When they say 5000 Hamas have been killed they really mean 5000 males don't they :(
Basically, yes. And looks like they may be including including the 1500 they say they killed on 7 October.

It's a naked, ludicrous lie. Any news outlet not reporting it as such is participating in Israeli propaganda.
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