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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Still waiting on your source. The idf own up to 75 as of today. British national, 19, killed while fighting for IDF in Gaza
All I did was Google IDF casualties as I said at the time, If the IDF has lost only 75 men so far then that means things are going absolutely great for them don't you think? Not likely to cause them to think about giving up. I see you're back in tedious point scoring mode, please don't. You are far more interesting when you're not.
All I did was Google IDF casualties as I said at the time, If the IDF has lost only 75 men so far then that means things are going absolutely great for them don't you think? Not likely to cause them to think about giving up. I see you're back in tedious point scoring mode, please don't. You are far more interesting when you're not.
ok. you googled. you saw something. i would like to see what you saw. so please share with me the site from which you gained the information. tbh i think you're talking bollocks. please prove me wrong. E2a it's really taking the piss for you to say you googled when you can't be arsed to say which site you consulted, it's a shitty variation on millions of pms of support. You made the claim. You back it up. It's not me point scoring, it's you being a twat
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All I did was Google IDF casualties as I said at the time, If the IDF has lost only 75 men so far then that means things are going absolutely great for them don't you think? Not likely to cause them to think about giving up. I see you're back in tedious point scoring mode, please don't. You are far more interesting when you're not.
Israel is such a small country that I think it would be difficult to cover-up major losses in battle.
Times of Israel say IDF claims 75 since start of thd ground offensive and 401 in total since the Hamas attack in October. Can't link as phone is knackered so herd is a screenie Screenshot_20231205-105553_Opera.jpg
Not sure where to put this, but it's likely that more ppl are reading this thread than the West Bank one. In any event, please give it a watch:

I thought the really interesting bit was that he knew virtually nothing about the lives of Palestinians living just a few miles away, particularly the impact of the 'security checks'. Not uncommon I imagine, in similar situations, for example the ignorance of white South Africans about the lives of the black majority.
I thought the really interesting bit was that he knew virtually nothing about the lives of Palestinians living just a few miles away, particularly the impact of the 'security checks'. Not uncommon I imagine, in similar situations, for example the ignorance of white South Africans about the lives of the black majority.

I put that down to being an American migrant. I think most Israeli's are completely aware. A lot of them do stints as check point guards.
Times of Israel say IDF claims 75 since start of thd ground offensive and 401 in total since the Hamas attack in October. Can't link as phone is knackered so herd is a screenie View attachment 403092

Interesting that the majority of casualties I've seen on the Israeli lists have been officers.

This list of 406 deaths only has 11 Privates, is that really feasible to have a 40:1 officer to private casualty ratio?

If MickiQ is to be believed they've managed to cover up 100+ deaths. But they don't share their source, which prevents analysis of its accuracy
The other point against a cover-up is that Israel needs (wants?) martyrs. The more the better, the better to mobilise the masses for what will not be a short war.
The other point against a cover-up is that Israel needs (wants?) martyrs. The more the better, the better to mobilise the masses for what will not be a short war.
The opposite is more likely to be true imo. This is a conscript army. Any level of casualties hurts the cause, and the higher the number of Israeli deaths the more the 'war' is likely to become very unpopular very quickly.

I'm increasingly disinclined to call this a war. Wars generally involve two sides fighting one another. Even the title of this thread is now out of date. It's not a Hamas/Israel conflict. It is a campaign of extermination.
The opposite is more likely to be true imo. This is a conscript army. Any level of casualties hurts the cause, and the higher the number of Israeli deaths the more the 'war' is likely to become very unpopular very quickly.

I'm increasingly disinclined to call this a war. Wars generally involve two sides fighting one another. Even the title of this thread is now out of date. It's not a Hamas/Israel conflict. It is a campaign of extermination.
I get where you're coming from, but it's become a campaign of extermination (and if it isn't, it will do until one arrives, which won't be long now) because of the shock of October 7th. More war casualties will tend to reproduce that shock, and reproduce support for the war.

If IOF conscripts are dropping like flies this time next year, or this time six months from now, then maybe people on that side will reconsider, especially if the Gazans survive that long. Can they survive that long?
The other point against a cover-up is that Israel needs (wants?) martyrs. The more the better, the better to mobilise the masses for what will not be a short war.
i don't think they're lacking in martyrs after the seventh of october, there's a wide variety from which to take your pick. but heavy military casualties might dent their current ardour.
Given that nobody seems too bothered by the fact that Netanyahu's son is sunning himself in Miami beach while other people's kids get fed into the meat grinder, I think that the denting of military ardour may well be deferred until well into next year.
Well I guess one pertinent point is that Israeli casualties are still relatively low. 75 so far, not including the 300-odd killed on 7 October. Looking it up, 2,800 were killed in the Yom Kippur war of 1973, so there's a long way to go to get there. And given that they're not actually fighting any armies this time, the casualty rate may remain low.
Well I guess one pertinent point is that Israeli casualties are still relatively low. 75 so far, not including the 300-odd killed on 7 October. Looking it up, 2,800 were killed in the Yom Kippur war of 1973, so there's a long way to go to get there. And given that they're not actually fighting any armies this time, the casualty rate may remain low.
Are still claimed to be relatively low. Does anyone have any trust in the Netanyahu government's honesty?
Are still claimed to be relatively low. Does anyone have any trust in the Netanyahu government's honesty?
I have no trust in the government's honesty, but significantly higher casualties than those admitted to would be hard to cover up. People would be wondering why their sons weren't answering their phones. And given what they've been doing, it's not unfeasible to think that there've been 70-odd Israeli deaths so far. It's not exactly an even fight, especially since the much touted underground terror network appears largely to be an Israeli fantasy.
I have no idea who Asa Winstanley is, and the beard does not inspire confidence. And my first reaction to this video is "how can this be real?"

But apparently it is real. . .
I have no idea who Asa Winstanley is, and the beard does not inspire confidence. And my first reaction to this video is "how can this be real?"

But apparently it is real. . .

I have no idea who Asa Winstanley is, and the beard does not inspire confidence. And my first reaction to this video is "how can this be real?"

But apparently it is real. . .

He wrote the definitive book on the takedown of Jeremy Corbyn. Dare say he hasn’t heard of you either…
I have no trust in the government's honesty, but significantly higher casualties than those admitted to would be hard to cover up. People would be wondering why their sons weren't answering their phones. And given what they've been doing, it's not unfeasible to think that there've been 70-odd Israeli deaths so far. It's not exactly an even fight, especially since the much touted underground terror network appears largely to be an Israeli fantasy.
This is one of those 'they'll never kettle us all in Whitehall' moments. Sure it wouldn't be simple. But it's naivety beyond all call of duty to assume that because something may be hard that it's not being done. All manner of reasons could be adduced for them not answering, operational security and so on. I'm certainly not denying 75 zionist deaths. I just think it really doesn't stop there. I never expected it to be an even fight but asymmetric warfare, as the name suggests, never is.
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