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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Lammy has probably just realised that 17% of his constituents are Muslim.
He borders Stamford Hill and has a football team with a lot of Jewish fans in his constituency too. Not that that necessarily translates into support for the Israeli government but must be a bit of a tightrope.
When I taught (at a Catholic college!) I introduced an A level History topic of Northern Ireland 1922-1980. They loved it and I enjoyed getting them to understand Loyalist perspective. Got some excellent essays on IRA military strategy…
Comprehensive high school 1991-96 here and absolutely no Irish history whatsoever.
based on what she is saying -starvation, dehydration, and the notion that if you are still in the northern half of gaza you're a terrorist - i cant see how the death toll isnt going to jump to 100,000 very fast even if wont be counted by the health ministry
I heard a British transplant surgeon who's just returned from Gaza being interviewed yesterday.

The kidney transplants he was meant to be performing were cancelled and drugs were running out and those and other patients would die as a result but wouldn't be counted in the official numbers as casualties of Israeli action.

He also recounted treating serious casualties with nothing more than a first aid kit. :mad: :(
Fuck you Mahmood Abbas

It's an interesting snapshot of people views.

What comes across:

People want to be able to live in normal dignified way. Which years of military occupation and blockade stopped.

They see what happens in West Bank and don't trust the PLO/ Fatah to take over in Gaza

Which reminds me of recent C4 Report posted up here. Pre recent Hamas attack on Israel people in West Bank were calling on Hamas to do something as PA were not doing anything to stop settler attacks for example.

The C4 report said that if elections were held Hamas would get a lot of votes.

Also in Aljazeera article what is required is talks in how to dismantle military rule and occupation by Israel.

Plus not Fatah but Unity government is needed containing all factions.

What is said in this article correlates with what I have seen elsewhere.

It might not be palatable to some but if Palestinians are to get any justice in future this isn't going to happen by destroying Gaza/ totally destroying Hamas. As though this will solve the underlying problems of Israel occupation in West Bank/ blockade of Gaza /settlement building in area C of West Bank/ a weak PA that cannot defend its people from Israeli settlers/ army
Going back to how many civilians are in annexed northern gaza, previous posts suggest 300,000--500,000

Corridor south was opened before the upcoming blitz - how many people left now?

BBC "It's not known how many people used the route today. Yesterday, the UN said Tuesday's total was 15,000."
Pictures show less people today than yesterday

Thats fuck all really considering and suggests some hundreds of thousands are still there... minimum 250,000, likely a lot more than that, could be not far of 500,000 still
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Going back to how many civilians are in annexed northern gaza, previous posts suggest 300,000--500,000

Corridor south was opened before the upcoming blitz - how many people left now?

BBC "It's not known how many people used the route today. Yesterday, the UN said Tuesday's total was 15,000."
Pictures show less people today than yesterday

Thats fuck all really considering and suggests some hundreds of thousands are still there... minimum 250,000, likely a lot more than that, could be not far of 500,000 still

The Guardian says this:

While many Palestinians escaped earlier in the war, those taking to the roads now account for about 350,000 people trapped within the Israeli cauldron, battered by intense and continuous daily airstrikes and tank and other fire that have crept closer as Israeli forces have advanced.

Although apparently their editors have given up as I'm not entirely sure what that means.

Reuters says US envoy estimated 350-400,000 on Saturday. So your minimum is probably about right, though in an absolute minimum sense (given that 2000 left on Sunday, and it's been 10-15,000 per day since). Maximum could be more in the region of 350,000? But that's not exactly important in a sense; sufficient to say there are hundreds of thousands of civilians still in the area.
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A “free speech advocate” on the Moral Maze on Radio 4 says that the demo on Saturday should be banned!

It would be an “occupation” and “sabotage” if a million people turned up, he says.

An expression of a culture that is anti-democratic, he says.
A “free speech advocate” on the Moral Maze on Radio 4 says that the demo on Saturday should be banned!

It would be an “occupation” and “sabotage” if a million people turned up, he says.

An expression of a culture that is anti-democratic, he says.

Radio 4 is taking the country for idiots.
This psychotic Israeli ambassador has just said 'Krishnan, let me make this simple for you....' on C4 News.

This guy's actually quite bright.
There's two British passport holders who were in a group, with their families, allowed into Egypt from Gaza. But their names were not on the official list for whatever reason. They were in Egypt for three days before being taken back to fucking Gaza.

And it seems the UK Foreign Office just looked the other way.
As if everything happening around us were not bad enough, we are also witnessing a painful moment for the left in Israel-Palestine, leading many around us to feel even more desperate and hopeless. As Noam Shuster wrote on +972 recently, we are seeing the two national communities around us retreat into their separate shells, with rapidly departing narratives of the events of the past month, and declining faith in each other. This is leaving those of us who are committed to shared spaces, shared resistance, and a shared future grounded in equality very much alone.
He borders Stamford Hill and has a football team with a lot of Jewish fans in his constituency too. Not that that necessarily translates into support for the Israeli government but must be a bit of a tightrope.
Not so much. There are a LOT of orthodox Jews in that community from sects that are very much Bundist rather than Zionist and very much NOT fans of Netanyahu or the Board of Deputies. It might look like a tightrope if you can't be bothered to look at the full complexity of the views within each community and solely work on a basis of broad labels, which may well be how Lammy operates, but the reality is somewhat different.
Not sure that figure is particularly relevant, tbh.

I'm one of the 83% of his constituents* who isn't Muslim, and I'm none too impressed with his performance either.

* assuming your figure is correct which I have no idea about
2020 Census data through the ONS website. It's probably not entirely accurate but it is the best available. He's also got a fairly young electorate, and a majority of people renting their homes, so basically a large majority of his constituents have been thrown under the bus by the political establishment. Add to that a bunch of councillors resigning from the Labour Party, and Transform having copies of the marked voters register so that if they stand a candidate they know exactly where the non-voters live, I can see Lammy going down at the general election if enough people can be bothered to help take him out. He is NOT Bernie Grant.
Having someone on claiming the moon is made of cheese followed by a short segment by Brian Cox saying “no mate wtf” is not balance. It’s validating the moon cheese theory.

Beautifully put. BBC have decades of form for pulling this shit with Palestine.
There's two British passport holders who were in a group, with their families, allowed into Egypt from Gaza. But their names were not on the official list for whatever reason. They were in Egypt for three days before being taken back to fucking Gaza.

And it seems the UK Foreign Office just looked the other way.

My mate, Palestinian born but UK citizen, is still stuck in Gaza as his name hasn't appeared on the foreign office list yet. I'm sure this has nothing to do with him being interviewed on BBC and channel 4 news to report about what's going on in the ground in Gaza.
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