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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

It's official Israel is going to permanently occupy the territory of Northern Gaza using "indefinite" "security responsibility" as the excuse, the same justification used for very every other attrocity inflicted on Palestinians. Should be a surprise to no one

I'd say it was just Netanyahu & co but it's clearly a position supported by the significant majority within Israeli society
The question however is how much that is actually true in reality or just making the same sort of assumptions that would lead one to believe that a significant majority of people in the UK support our political establishments position on what looks increasingly like a genocide. My personal assumption is that in both cases there are a minority who support the decisions being taken, another minority overtly opposing them, and bigger minority who can't be bothered to, can't work out how to, or are too scared to do anything about it.
I don't agree. Implied in the oath is a duty to uphold the ethical basis of medicine as a whole, not just to do their best as individual doctors. These wankers are openly cheering on the war crimes involved in bombing hospitals.

Here at last there's also a duty to treat in emergencies... Not a legally binding one, but I think it's fair to say that discussions of medical ethics do extend beyond the workplace/patient care.
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I've looked into this, and if a doctor strangles your children and eats your liver while you are still alive, it is not technically a breach of the Hippocratic oath, and therefore fine, so long as you have not paid them.
(((Dr Lecter)))
I think this is the most terrifying aspect of this.

Sorry I should have checked the date on that (It was linked to in the live feed). 21st October.

In a UN shelter, ‘600 people share one toilet’​

Conditions in Gaza shelters are inhumane and continue to deteriorate daily, the UN’s refugee agency for Palestinians says.
It highlighted the UNRWA-run Khan Younis Training Centre as an example, saying it is currently hosting more than 22,000 internally displaced people.
At the centre, the space per person is less than two square metres and at least 600 people are sharing one toilet. The worsening sanitary conditions pose immense risks to the health and safety of people sheltering from Israel’s continuous bombardment.
United Nations agencies that warn the collapse of water and sanitation services will spark bouts of cholera and other deadly infectious disease. Most of Gaza’s 65 sewage pumping stations and all five of its wastewater treatment facilities have been forced to stop operations.
Totally bizarre

On Nov. 3, 2023, thousands of detained Gazan laborers were deported from Israel into Gaza after spending weeks in Israeli prisons. A video went viral showing numbered plastic ID tags on released workers’ ankles, with many online decrying Israeli authorities for treating the Gazans like “animals” by doing so.

The workers were detained soon after the Israel-Hamas conflict began. On Oct. 7, 2023, Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel from Gaza, followed by Israel declaring war and attacking and blockading Gaza, actions that resulted in the deaths of 1,400 Israelis and almost 10,000 Palestinians, as of this writing. Hamas' attacks came after months of surges in violence against Palestinians by the Israeli military.

Totally bizarre

On Nov. 3, 2023, thousands of detained Gazan laborers were deported from Israel into Gaza after spending weeks in Israeli prisons. A video went viral showing numbered plastic ID tags on released workers’ ankles, with many online decrying Israeli authorities for treating the Gazans like “animals” by doing so.

The workers were detained soon after the Israel-Hamas conflict began. On Oct. 7, 2023, Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel from Gaza, followed by Israel declaring war and attacking and blockading Gaza, actions that resulted in the deaths of 1,400 Israelis and almost 10,000 Palestinians, as of this writing. Hamas' attacks came after months of surges in violence against Palestinians by the Israeli military.

Its not bizarre, its fascism.

Read this and was more angry at Labour than before.

Obviously the higher echelons in Labour party have seen there line We Stand by Israel/ telling Cllrs and MPs not to attend demos supporting Palestinians / removing what they see as anti semitism from the Labour party as now in tatters.

So rowing back to say hey we were really deeply concerned about Palestinian people all along.

What a load of cynical bollocks.

Anyone who does not support a ceasefire is supporting mass murder of civilians. Period.
This is worth a watch from a medic just back from Gaza.

based on what she is saying -starvation, dehydration, and the notion that if you are still in the northern half of gaza you're a terrorist - i cant see how the death toll isnt going to jump to 100,000 very fast even if wont be counted by the health ministry
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based on what she is saying -starvation, dehydration, and the notion that if you are still in the northern half of gaza you're a terrorist - i cant see how the death toll isnt going to jump to 100,000 very fast even if wont be counted by the health ministry

A couple of weeks ago the grim total of 30,000 killed in Gaza seemed to be Israels target. I fear it may go much further too.

Read this and was more angry at Labour than before.

Obviously the higher echelons in Labour party have seen there line We Stand by Israel/ telling Cllrs and MPs not to attend demos supporting Palestinians / removing what they see as anti semitism from the Labour party as now in tatters.

So rowing back to say hey we were really deeply concerned about Palestinian people all along.

What a load of cynical bollocks.

Anyone who does not support a ceasefire is supporting mass murder of civilians. Period.

"we don't mind you bombing the fuck out of 2 million people in Gaza, but would you mind toning down the offensive rhetoric a bit..."
TBF the reason that Hamas won in the first place was because the PLA was seen as massively corrupt and just doing Israel's dirty work for them whereas today it is just seen as massively corrupt and doing Israel's dirty work for them.
Having the PLA riding into Gaza on the back of an IDF tank is going to go down like a bucket of cold vomit. I can't imagine what kind of political solution is going to be implemented but the people whose opinion matters the most don't care in the least.
RE: the claims about the hospitals. Israel must have the strip under 24/7 surveillance. Where's their video of a cheeky Hamas commando unit sneaking out of hospital premises in the dead of night, their nefarious purposes to perform?
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