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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Yeah well actually I was trying to explain the sentiment you describe as orientalist bollocks in the NYT article someone posted (was it you?)
I am of course aware that Buddhists in Sri Lanka have practised genocide on Hindu Tamils, Budhist govt in Myanmar ethically cleansed the Rohinga, Muslim fundamentalists in Sudan cause South Sudanese Christians to split off - and then these Christians had their own blood bath.

I think you should so some sociology and stop pestering and nitpicking here.
I've been thinking that someone ought to do a King Herod Christmas card featuring Benjamin Netanyahu.
There is only one person who could do it - but he is probably too sensible to get involved
after all Steve Bell got sacked for this
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WTF are you talking a bout. Of course no one is going to make a Christmas card with BN as King Harrod Unless they want to be seen as stoking anti-Semitism.
Has anyone seen what Hamas have said about a possible ceasefire?

My position is still that there should be a ceasefire but that includes cessation in rockets being fired from Gazza and handing over of hostages.
Has anyone seen what Hamas have said about a possible ceasefire?

My position is still that there should be a ceasefire but that includes cessation in rockets being fired from Gazza and handing over of hostages.
I don't really understand that position. If Hamas refuses to hand over hostages, is it ok for Israel to continue bombing civilians?

Israel should stop bombing civilians in Gaza. Now. Regardless of anything Hamas may or may not do.
The DEC have put out their holding statement:

It might have arisen from an estimate from the UN's OCHA. But it's not entirely clear if that's just internally displaced inside the north (though by now perhaps the difference between that and the total number isn't particularly large). The US appear to estimate a similar number. According to a local journalist (Gaza-based reporter on BBC News in the past hour), Hamas authorities are stating something like twice that remain (700,000).

Here's another reported figure this time from ActionAid

"More than half a million people in northern Gaza face death by starvation as food supplies run “perilously” low, an international charity has warned.
In a statement on Monday, ActionAid said that a “near-total depletion” of food and water supplies is endangering the lives of civilians trapped in northern Gaza who have barely survived nearly a month of intense bombardment.
Riham Jafari, coordinator of advocacy and communication for ActionAid Palestine, said:
"Cases of dehydration and malnutrition are increasing rapidly. Hospitals, which have remained over capacity for weeks on end, can offer no solace to those on the brink of starvation as medical supplies run low, fuel is scarce, and bombs are indiscriminately dropped across Gaza including on the footsteps of hospitals."
And these doctors know this how?

They're just agreeing with the evidence that the the IDF presented showing Hamas are using hospitals. They're a NGO of Israeli doctors called Doctors for the Rights of Israeli Soldiers, so hardly a surprise they're pro-the current military attacks.

Whatever happened to their Hippocratic oath?

You can think they're wrong or disagree with their statement, but the oath is not relevant, it's about doing best for their patients not being a pacifist or similar.
Policy statement of Doctors for the total elimination of Hamas. "Any injured militants must be treated for wounds and healed where possible. Then killed."
Here's another reported figure this time from ActionAid

"More than half a million people in northern Gaza face death by starvation as food supplies run “perilously” low, an international charity has warned.
In a statement on Monday, ActionAid said that a “near-total depletion” of food and water supplies is endangering the lives of civilians trapped in northern Gaza who have barely survived nearly a month of intense bombardment.
Riham Jafari, coordinator of advocacy and communication for ActionAid Palestine, said:
"Cases of dehydration and malnutrition are increasing rapidly. Hospitals, which have remained over capacity for weeks on end, can offer no solace to those on the brink of starvation as medical supplies run low, fuel is scarce, and bombs are indiscriminately dropped across Gaza including on the footsteps of hospitals."

I can't think of a more terrible cruelty than letting people die of thirst. You're desperate, so you drink unsafe water. You get sick with diarrhoea and vomiting, but the treatment for that is simple; replacement electrolytes and plenty of water. Oh wait, there's no clean water. And no fuel to even boil unclean water. Children will be the most vulnerable.

Meanwhile in Israel, there are golf courses and lawn sprinklers.
According to C4 news Biden is still discussing "humanitarian pauses" with Netanyahu but "the conversation is at the beginning and not at the end".Well thats useful 🤔
It's not at the beginning, Biden just thinks that. Same as with any conversation he's having.
I think Biden's role in the assault on Gaza is despicable and murderous, but I don't think dementia related digs are all that helpful.

Apologies if I've read that wrongly of course.
I've read about hundred pages of history of IDF by an Israeli.

Given the bombing of Gaza was curious.

So far what comes across is that Ben Gurion saw IDF has way to build a nation.

He said something like Israel is a state the thing is to build a nation.

Israel was built by armed struggle.

Building Israel , if I read this right, was also building a new kind of how to be a Jew

For example making Hebrew the language of the new state. Yiddish and various European languages were the common language of early immigrants.

Hebrew unlike Yiddish was a dead language.

Making it the language of the new state was drawing a difference between European Jewish culture and the new Jewish citizen of the new state

I remember Ilan Pappe saying. ( And he's hardly a fan of his country) that you've got to give it to the Zionists they created and built a whole new state and society.

It might be worth considering that Israel is not a continuation of European Jewish culture ( Yiddish in Eastern Europe destroyed by Nazis) but a new cultural formation.

I'm not saying this as a criticism. Pappe for example says this was an achievement. Even though he became , as an Israeli Jew , disillusioned with it

The IDF play a major role in every Israel life. Starts early at school . IDF ex senior officers go on to politics / business etc.

In fact some of the more recent issues about corruption is ex army officers setting up business and regarding themselves as above the law

As IDF has such high status. Any political party wants to have quota of ex senior IDF people in it.

IDF even had role in cultural production. Still runs popular radio station.
Apologies if this has already been noted, but on Radio 4's "Sunday Programme" they played an excerpt from Benjamin Netanyahu launching the counter attack with a biiblical verse, 1 Samuel 15 2 (in Hebrew): 2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt. BBC Radio 4 - Sunday, Use of scripture in war rhetoric & Church of England same-sex blessings

According to R4 the dog whistle here is the next verse, which would have mightily excited Netanyahu's ultra right camp folliwers:
3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
No where near the command once handed down to Moses and Joshua, or King David. the delusional likely have visions of grandeur for a new version of the kingdom of Israel complete with a 3rd temple and animal sacrifices.
Shifa Hospital was i think described as being the biggest such facility in Gaza.As is well known some thousands of desperate civilians have crowded into the hospital and its environs in the expectation that there at least they will avoid the shelling.As I think Pickmans model has already suggested the idea that a group of Israeli doctors would put pen to paper to call for there to be an airstrike on Shifa is monstrous.Beggars belief.
they back blowing up hospitals and the doctors and patients in them, of course its relevant

No, because the oath is nothing to do with this. If they were suggesting their patients not get the best care because they were Hamas fighters then it would be. But it's not about their patients at all.

You can argue it's immoral or terrible politics by all means, but it's nothing to do with the Hippocratic Oath (which is not legally binding and not all doctors take anyway).

Technically, perhaps, but 'doctors for the bombing of hospitals' isn't exactly pushing the 'do no harm' principle.

There is no general 'do no harm' principle for medical staff to people that aren't their patients though (and is much nore complex than that anyway), so yes, it might seem pedantic, but tieing this into the Hippocratic Oath is just nonsense and there's no need to try and invent connections to discredit something when actual better reasons exist.
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No, because the oath is nothing to do with this. If they were suggesting their patients not get the best care because they were Hamas fighters then it would be. But it's not about their patients at all.

You can argue it's immoral or terrible politics by all means, but it's nothing to do with the Hippocratic Oath (which is not legally binding and not all doctors take anyway).

There is no general 'do no harm' principle for medical staff to people that aren't their patients though (and is much nore complex than that anyway), so yes, it might seem pedantic, but tieing this into the Hippocratic Oath is just nonsense and there's no need to try and invent connections to discredit something when actual better reasons exist.
Hope its not the straw in the wind it might otherwise seem to be.
I've read about hundred pages of history of IDF by an Israeli.

Given the bombing of Gaza was curious.

So far what comes across is that Ben Gurion saw IDF has way to build a nation.

He said something like Israel is a state the thing is to build a nation.

Israel was built by armed struggle.

Building Israel , if I read this right, was also building a new kind of how to be a Jew

For example making Hebrew the language of the new state. Yiddish and various European languages were the common language of early immigrants.

Hebrew unlike Yiddish was a dead language.

Making it the language of the new state was drawing a difference between European Jewish culture and the new Jewish citizen of the new state

I remember Ilan Pappe saying. ( And he's hardly a fan of his country) that you've got to give it to the Zionists they created and built a whole new state and society.

It might be worth considering that Israel is not a continuation of European Jewish culture ( Yiddish in Eastern Europe destroyed by Nazis) but a new cultural formation.

I'm not saying this as a criticism. Pappe for example says this was an achievement. Even though he became , as an Israeli Jew , disillusioned with it

The IDF play a major role in every Israel life. Starts early at school . IDF ex senior officers go on to politics / business etc.

In fact some of the more recent issues about corruption is ex army officers setting up business and regarding themselves as above the law

As IDF has such high status. Any political party wants to have quota of ex senior IDF people in it.

IDF even had role in cultural production. Still runs popular radio station.

Stick on daytime TV in Israel and it win’t be long until you see someone in uniform. Israel is an army.
Gaza counts as occupied territory. Its not the same as Israel bombing another state that has attacked it.

Any calls to bomb a medical facility by doctors working for the state that is doing the bombing of a territory of which it is the the occupation force is at the very least questionable.

And could be argued to be supporting a war crime.

This isn't simply a matter of being immoral or bad politics.

Prohibition under International Law​

Under international humanitarian law, both schools and hospitals are protected civilian objects, and therefore benefit from the humanitarian principles of distinction and proportionality. Direct physical attacks and the closure of these institutions as a result of direct threats have since 2011 been added as triggers for inclusion on the list of the Secretary-General of parties to conflict committing grave violations against children in armed conflict.
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"Humanitarian pause" is what you say when you have agreed not to say "ceasefire".
Then, once you have agreed not to say "humanitarian pause", you say "tactical pause". It's like a word-ladder, but in support of war crimes.
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