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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

So..... Possible ceasefire in the offing? Maybe? Certainly seems to be advising Netenyahu of boundaries not to be crossed, though imo it's long past time for that already.

Al Qaeda and ISIS both grew from Wahabi financial support from Saudi Arabia. I'm not sure there are many Wahabists anywhere in Palestine. As I understand it Islam in the Levant has mostly been a mix of Shia and less "oppressive" Sunni sects. with a fair amount of Sufi in there too. Palestine has a tradition of being cosmopolitan, tolerant, and outward looking. So Hamas couldn't afford to be anything even vaguely like ISIS or the Taliban, they wouldn't get recruits. As I understand it Islamic Jihad have closer ties to Egypt than Hamas have which may mean they have connections with the early religious leaders behind ISIS and Al Qaeda, but as you say, they are a minor player. Unfortunately it appears there are an awful lot of Western politicians who are incapable of understanding that not everybody who identifies as Muslim is identical. Then again an awful lot of them seem to have the same problem with pretty much any label.

Yes, different from Daesh but still reactionary and murderous. The pogrom earlier this month showed that Hamas are as capable of killing civilians in macabre ways as Daesh and affiliates.

Clearly as Hamas, Daesh, the Netanyahu regime, the Russian state, the Asaadists and the British in Afghanistan demonstrate not everyone who commits war crimes against civilians is the same. That doesn't mean they're not all scum.
If he has, this is the first time it's come to my attention.

E.g this from the 23rd:

Today, I spoke with
<netanyahu, not leaving a link to his twitter in>
about developments in Israel and Gaza.The first two convoys of humanitarian assistance arrived in Gaza yesterday, and we affirmed that there will now be a continued flow of this critical aid to Palestinians in need.
So..... Possible ceasefire in the offing? Maybe? Certainly seems to be advising Netenyahu of boundaries not to be crossed, though imo it's long past time for that already.

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humanitarian assistance doesnt sound like ceasefire to me, sounds like more coffin-laden aid trucks

Netanyahu has just announced a long war to carry out his lifes mission....I cant imagine that not coming to pass
If it helps you to remember the spelling, you might like to know the etymology. In the polytheistic religion that Judaism was derived from, “El” was supposedly the father of the Gods (a bit like Zeus, and the father of Yahweh, who later won the PR war and became the Judeo-Christian “one God”). The literal meaning of Israel is disputed, but it is based on “Isra El”, which is something akin to “El is totes the best”.

Its a bit late now, but I think calling it "Israel" was a massive and insurmountable mistake. The ancient land of the Jews was called Canaan, or even Judea and Samaria. Calling this new land Israel gave it an explicitly religious tone that was always going to be poison to peace with the local Muslim population. Its also ironically a reason some ultra-orthodox, who believe only the messiah can re-found Israel, won't acknowledge the place and won't speak Hebrew as an everyday language.

Anyway. Here we are.
Its a bit late now, but I think calling it "Israel" was a massive and insurmountable mistake. The ancient land of the Jews was called Canaan, or even Judea and Samaria. Calling this new land Israel gave it an explicitly religious tone that was always going to be poison to peace with the local Muslim population. Its also ironically a reason some ultra-orthodox, who believe only the messiah can re-found Israel, won't acknowledge the place and won't speak Hebrew as an everyday language.

Anyway. Here we are.
yeh it's like the auld anecdote about getting directions when lost in the country, where the amiable rustic says 'well i wouldn't start from here'
Al Jazeera is reporting that last night IDF tanks bisected the strip just north of Gaza Wadi, cutting the north of Gaza off from the south.
There was an amusing BBC article trying to explain why Celtic supported the Palestinian's cause that managed to never once mention irish republicanism
Oh god I wonder how they will work the Bilbao-Euskadi connection.

Meanwhile I wonder if those Spurs fans got their flags confiscated? Tbh there only seemed to be a couple.

BBC Live feed says

UN says children drinking salty water in Gaza​

Children fill bottles with water inside a tent complex in a tent camp provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for displaced Palestinians who lost their homes in the Israeli bombardment, in Khan Yunis, 29 October 2023.
EPACopyright: EPA
Collecting water in Khan Yunis on SundayImage caption: Collecting water in Khan Yunis on Sunday
Children are facing a "catastrophic" situation in Gaza, with parents left with no choice but to give them salty water, according to the UN chidren's aid agency Unicef.
Toby Fricker, a spokesperson for the body, told BBC News the shortages that existed in Gaza even before the current conflict had been "raised to another level".
“One of our staff members, she has a four-year-old, a seven-year-old, and she’s just trying to keep girls safe, to keep them alive on an everyday basis," he said.
“She spoke about how they’re just drinking salty water, and her daughter’s saying, ‘Mum, why can’t I have the normal water back we used to have in regular days?’
Asked about the aid supplies that have now been able to enter Gaza, Fricker said: “There have been supplies in, but it’s extremely minimal.
“When you see the immense needs on the ground that we have, there needs to be many, many, many more."
Fricker called for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” and the scaling up of aid supplies into Gaza “on a sustained basis”.
“What we’re seeing now on an everyday basis is that children are being killed, children are being wounded, maimed,” he said.
“And that’s the number one thing - to protect children’s lives and to keep children alive.”
Its a bit late now, but I think calling it "Israel" was a massive and insurmountable mistake. The ancient land of the Jews was called Canaan, or even Judea and Samaria. Calling this new land Israel gave it an explicitly religious tone that was always going to be poison to peace with the local Muslim population. Its also ironically a reason some ultra-orthodox, who believe only the messiah can re-found Israel, won't acknowledge the place and won't speak Hebrew as an everyday language.

Anyway. Here we are.
I do sometimes wish they'd followed the idea of putting a Jewish state somewhere in South America instead. Honestly all our lives would be so much easier...
My friend was at match recently said one side had Israeli flag and other Palestinian. Im not up on football so don't know all ins and outs of it. Think it was Tottenham fans who waved Israeli flags.
From the report I read it was one flag during the minute's silence at start of Tottenham v Fulham on Monday, and someone shouting 'long live Israel'.
Spurs have often had Israel flags but that's much more to do with vilification and the subsequent self - identification with being 'yids'.
It's a complex dynamic with vast majority not having any affinity with Israel but will still chant 'yids', 'yid army' etc.
if this is new to you, this might explain some of the history. JC in 2016

Spurs supporters did not grow up as "Yids"; they became Yids in adversity through a complex and contested process of identity formation. Forced to respond to pejorative, abusive taunts from rival supporters, many in the crowd embraced the term in order to render the abuse impotent. But the word yid remains highly controversial. Many Jewish Spurs fans support their club despite the word, not because of it.

The Jewish community in Tottenham began to grow in the early 20th century. Eastern European Jews fleeing pogroms in Russia came to Britain from 1880 onwards, with a surge in 1905/06 as their persecution intensified. Many settled in the East End amidst its long-established Jewish community. Others then moved further north, taking advantage of the good transport links and employment prospects in the Tottenham area. The Jewish Dispersion Committee encouraged the move from overcrowded Whitechapel and Brick Lane...
For many Jews, the drive for assimilation has been an over-riding imperative and football has been instrumental in that process. Writing about this powerful anglicisation, Anthony Clavane says football is: "A space where ethnic identity has connected, even become intertwined, with national identity; an arena where Jews have fought the notion that they were invaders who needed to be fended off, newcomers who did not belong."
I do sometimes wish they'd followed the idea of putting a Jewish state somewhere in South America instead. Honestly all our lives would be so much easier...
There was a Russian state proposed at one stage, iirc. Very poor land and it didn't work out.
There was a Russian state proposed at one stage, iirc. Very poor land and it didn't work out.
Birobidzhan - right out in the literal arse end of nowhere, near the Chinese and Korean borders. That was more about Joe trying to hold down the eastern territories of the USSR, at a time when it wasn't clear if Japan were going to be a threat there or not.
Yes, my dad told me about it from his travels in former USSR. Gsv sometimes says he'd like to go find out, but my dad reckons the last stage of getting there is probably by camel train or something :D
The blinkered opinions of the exceptionalist british commentariat and ruling class will never grasp this situation. Meanwhile the rest of us are reduced to spectators in a massacre we can do very little about, certainly not without being called, by those same inadequate people, antisemites.

Meanwhile, when angry people vent on twitter having to watch the death of their people and families, the commentariat will cluck its tongues and tell them how to behave, Braverman will chair a COBRA meeting while herself peddling Nazi tropes about cultural marxism. She herself was corrected in recent past by a holocaust survivor.

No one livingin the west was raised to cope with this world as it now stands. It is dehumanising us in the name of decency. No one can say anything without first having to run it by the moral authority that demands we condmen Hamas as if that means anything. I don't agree with people shouting Jihad, or the events in Dagestan, or people saying 'yay hamas' in some form, but those who can't understand it should be nowhere near power
Turns out Birobidzhan still exists, even though only 2% of the population now has Jewish roots;

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