What is Hamas's history; its key beliefs; and its political agenda? From its' founding, following the First Intifada, to the 2008 Israeli Gaza offensive, Kha...
Finished this. It was written in 2010. So is not up to date.
I've already posted a bit about it previously.
It's a very good balanced intro to Hamas.
In relation to the recent violence what comes across is the missed opportunities.
Hamas changed its stance, which was a big move, and took part in elections. To its surprise winning against Fatah.
At this point the international community - USA and EU decided that palestinians had right to democracy but should not have voted Hamas in. So from the start Hamas was under economic sanctions.
Hamas made a series of concessions. Including attempt at unity government , de facto accepting the already agreed accords except explicit recognition of Isreal.
Despite Hamas being elected at no time were attempts made to enter into talks with them over peace process.
Ironically initially when Hamas were first elected was most safe time for Israelis as they called halt to military struggle.
Hamas leaders aren't Al Qaeda . Military struggle would only take place in Isreal/ Palestine. Whatever they think of USA they have made it clear no attacks on the west.
They are an Islamist party but have toned it down and emphasized national liberation as that's the major concern of palestinians In practise more like the ruling Islamic party in Turkey than Isis or Taliban.
Fatah , apart from corruption, had lost a lot of political capital due to no progress in peace process.
After reading this even handed account cant help but feel that:
1 Hamas could have been negotiated with
2 Isolating Hamas didnt lead to them losing power- a tactical mistake by USA and EU
3 This all suited Isreal governments. Went on settlement building on West Bank.
4. Isreal governments military policy was to keep the Palestinians in there place. BY "mowing the lawn" in Gaza and tough military policing in west bank. A military strategy that was low intensity conflict that they appeared to think would work indefinitely. Whilst west bank was gradually taken over with more and more settlement building. And settlers being an armed part of the state.
It's all been a recipe for the latest violence. As Rashid Khalidi said recently Gaza was a pressure cooker waiting to explode. Years of blockade in itself had done untold damage.
Perhaps Hamas had run out of options. Options not taken up by Isreal or USA. And turned to high Risk military action.