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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Good morning (for some of us). This account still seems to have live net access inside Gaza. Unsurprisingly it does not make for comfortable reading:

All of my friends living abroad are asking me about their families if they are okay.. I do not know if my own family is okay.. I can’t reach anyone. My heart is scattered into pieces

What a nightmare. :(
In terms of not abstaining, taking a stand , I wonder if you have enough 'information ' yet?

If opinion polls show a majority of Israelis are against any further military action in Gaza I’d expect I’d be happy to concur. I don’t like everything the IDF are doing but I’m sure no one needs my uninformed opinions on which particular air strikes were immorally targeted and which weren’t.

1000s of US Jews and allies flood Grand Central in emergency protest against Gaza invasion​

some background by emily tamkin on american jews, their relation with israel & why/how it might be changing. lots of good 'in-article' links too.

& one from 10 oct, bout (early) in-israel critique

& a long interview with israeli journalist amira hass from 20 oct

Most of the EU wankers abstained as did Ukraine - maybe they were thinking we should just send Palestinians lots of money.

This is showing the splits in the EU. Santos has been particularly vocal in calling for a humanitarian ceasefire. To his credit. He is centre left. Big difference between him and Starmer on this for example. Who also like to think of himself as a centre politcian

Santos is also reflecting public feeling.

He is supporting the head of UN. Which Starmer isn't. Just goes to show its possible to take different line.

English -

Fucking hell: :( :( :(

That's tragic, of course, but seems founded on some bizarre logic that even if the Security Council passed a motion calling for a ceasefire the Israelis would listen to it. The UN is a debating chamber; it has no real power except the threat of the Major Powers getting involved. If Biden personally tells them to stop, maybe they would pay that some heed. But the UN? You're joking.

Edit: Ninja'ed by Dogsauce .
I’m sure no one needs my uninformed opinions on which particular air strikes were immorally targeted and which weren’t.
Anything rather than look on the images people are posting all around you and see them as the human beings they are, and what is being done to them, eh. Coward. Never ask yourself how people can look the other way and pretend while butchery happens on an industrial scale - you have your answer.
Anything rather than look on the images people are posting all around you and see them as the human beings they are, and what is being done to them, eh. Coward. Never ask yourself how people can look the other way and pretend while butchery happens on an industrial scale - you have your answer.

War is bad. I don’t recall many people demanding that ISIS be allowed to create and expand their caliphate unhindered so that a civilian would not be injured in stopping them.
Of course marches change fuck all really , but this does feel a bit like 2003 when each march was bigger than the previous one and in the end it was far more than just the usual suspects who felt compelled to make a stand.

Every morning we wake up to news that it is even worse than the morning before.

This started as attempted genocide. Now it is just plain genocide. 'Ethnic cleansing' doesn't begin to cover it. They want to destroy every single home. The more people they kill in the process, the better.

I'm lost for words now.
Of course marches change fuck all really , but this does feel a bit like 2003 when each march was bigger than the previous one and in the end it was far more than just the usual suspects who felt compelled to make a stand.

Every morning we wake up to news that it is even worse than the morning before.

This started as attempted genocide. Now it is just plain genocide. 'Ethnic cleansing' doesn't begin to cover it. They want to destroy every single home. The more people they kill in the process, the better.

I'm lost for words now.
We've been at each other for years but we've liked each others posts on this thread. You've been eloquent in presenting your views on this awful onslaught, and I expect you'll find the words to express yourself well as matters progress. But for my money this hasn't even really descended into the true horror to come when the whole of the gaza strip becomes a bloodbath whose proportions and atrocities will take months if not years to be wholly uncovered.
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