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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

even we abstained:

Now on
123,858 signatures
Come on, spread the word, let's make this half a million!

If it makes you feel better but that won’t change a thing.

Jewdas had the right idea going to the official residence of the Israeli ambassador.
If it makes you feel better but that won’t change a thing.

Jewdas had the right idea going to the official residence of the Israeli ambassador.
It would be good propaganda if we got half a million signatures. Every bit of propaganda can help build other actions.
We've got to do everything.
The best actions would be for workers to refuse to export arms to the State of Israel, to boycott Israeli imports, to refuse to unload Israeli ships and aircraft.
Churnwell for Holborn and St Pancras

View attachment 397309
According to her wiki she has quite the history of accusing people of anti-semitism and then having to apologise. It's cost her a few bob as well.

In February 2019, Oberman and Rachel Riley instructed a lawyer to take action against 70 individuals for tweets which they perceived to be either libellous or tantamount to harassment, related to their campaign against allegations of antisemitism in the Labour party.[51] As a result, Riley and Oberman sued one person who had retweeted a link to an article which had accused Oberman and Riley of harassing a young Labour activist who had commented on accusations of antisemitism in the Labour Party. In May 2019, a High Court judge ruled that the article that was linked in the tweet was defamatory. In July 2020, Riley and Oberman dropped their joint libel suit and contributed towards the defendant's legal costs.[52][53]


On 4 April 2021, Oberman falsely accused politician and academic Philip Proudfoot of antisemitism,[56] claiming he had a Twitter "Jew Blocklist".[57] On 26 April 2022, she issued a statement apologising for her inaccurate and "hurtful comments", noting that she would pay "substantial damages" to Proudfoot along with his legal costs.[58][59][60]
Any other credible sources for the bombing of bakeries after aid had been delivered?

I have definitely seen that somewhere else. Unfortunately I can't remember, or find, where. But definitely seen it.
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Any other credible sources for the bombing of bakeries after aid had been delivered?

Not too sure whether this bakery had just received flour, but the bombing of bakeries nonetheless.

Haaretz reports palestinians in the west bank are being targeted with leaflets that tell them they need to leave, go to Jordan, or else they will be forced out of their homes in a "great nakba"
Medyan’s family have not mentioned leaflets, but they do say that the situation is getting very much worse. No one can move from village to village anymore, total lockdown with checkpoints everywhere (so they cannot leave), more weapons being brought in to arm settlers.
Heaven forfend that platinumsage put any thoughts of his own into anything rather than rely on lazy repetition of tedious tropes he's been spoon fed by mid market media.
There's no doubt that the bombing of bakeries is targeted, there's no way they have accidently hit 10 out of 50 UN supported bakeries, and probably others too.

A fifth of bakeries supported by the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza have been bombed so far, as warnings have been issued of “catastrophic” food shortages due to a lack of fuel.

The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) said 10 of the 50 bakeries it supplies with flour, helping to lower the soaring cost of bread, have been hit in airstrikes and fuel is running out for vehicles to transport flour to those that remain.

Bread has been desperately sought after, with long queues at bakeries, and has become the main food for many people in the shelters, which are now house more than 600,000 people – triple their intended capacity.
The World Food Programme (WFP) said only two bakeries it had contracted – WFP supplies flour to contracted bakeries, which produce bread for distribution – had enough fuel to keep their ovens going and those that were operating were producing six times their capacity. A spokesperson said that while the WFP had been supplying an average of 200,000 people a day with bread, that dropped to 150,000 on Wednesday.

“Tens of thousands of people rely on small bakeries to find a loaf of bread to bring back to their families. People risk their lives and queue for hours, but they often go home empty-handed,” the WFP spokesperson said.

As much as I’m loathed to link to Morgan’s content this interview was interesting, not seen anyone else suggest Israel should allow Gaza’s civilians out of Gaza and remain in Israel until the current conflict is over…

Watched this now. I still don't like Harari... I dunno, his engagement with things is always a fairly surface level analysis, just-so stories, with a bit of self help and wishful thinking thrown in. I'll admit I only got a little way through sapiens before putting it aside in frustration... maybe he's improved. Probably not.

First point would be that he makes the same mistake we're so often accused of (and obviously do make); the motivations of Israel. It's not Israel. It's not you and your liberal friends... It's a far right government, perhaps mildly tempered by <checks notes> former IDF commander in chief and defence minister Benny Gantz's faction. Hmm. Their motivations are not the same as yours, their attitudes to killing civilians are not the same as yours.

What does 'ideally there should be a way to move people out of the combat zones' mean in practice? I mean the 'Israel should maybe allow them' comment isn't actually that. What he says is 'even Israel should maybe allow women and children'. Just casually talking about the wrenching apart of families as if all Palestinian men are somehow responsible for the actions of Hamas, all under arms, all risks. What is the 'duration of the conflict'? What do they go back to? How do you get people to trust that a government who hates them will safely host 1m women and children in the world's largest refugee camp? Even under UN/RC etc supervision.

I honestly don't know where the solution comes from... The problem is it starts with a ceasefire. It starts with aid and communication, water and electricity. If there must be the world's largest refugee camp for a few months so that IDF can have its day pouring concrete and fighting any remaining militants, then that starts with multilateral agreements... With cast iron guarantees, peacekeeping forces etc. It needs time and good will. I think it's also probably hopelessly unrealistic for a bunch of reasons, but to steel-man it, that would be the starting point. We are a long, long way from it.

As a side note, for a bit of light relief, here is a scathing take-down of Harari (from a scientific pov). Fuck me is it reminding me of how bad he can be. Eugenics anyone?

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