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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Beyond grim, from the twitter:

This phone call is from a journalist stationed at a Gaza hospital. He is able to make a call because of data roaming on Turkish SIM card. Translation: “We’re in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. We have no idea what’s happening. There’s no connection, no Wi-Fi, no reporters. We’re cut off from everything.. People can’t call ambulances or civil defense. We are being bombed in an unprecedented manner. The sky around us just lights up [with explosions], and no one knows what’s going on. You can’t reach anyone, even if they’re only 500 meters away. Ambulances and medics are begging reporters to let them know which streets are getting bombarded to go rescue the victims but the reporters themselves don’t know where anything is happening [because of the connection loss]. We are trying to report the news but we have no idea what’s happening.”
“Israel's UN ambassador has vehemently rejected a UN General Assembly resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire.

Gilad Erdan said the UN no longer held any legitimacy or relevance, and accused those who voted in favour of preferring to support "the defense of Nazi terrorists" instead of Israel.”

About 40%of the way through we are told that this is 'big boy politics' by some bloke from Labour Friends of War Crimes Israel, whilst on the right hand screen we get clips of Jeremy Corbyn

The most annoying bit for me was after the ex Chair of the Labour Friends of Israel finished the presenter turned to James and asked if he represented the Corbyn view.

It is this McCarthyrite mainstream media way of going on.

James Schneider had just been subject to a loudmouthed personal attack and the presenters response to this was to ask James if he represented "Corbyn" As though if he did that ruled him out of being taken seriously.

All James had been asking for was that the leader of Labour party call for a ceasefire.

David Mencer ( ex Chair of LFI) take on the marches in London were that they showed why Hamas had to be destroyed. That if Hamas was not destroyed then its philosophy would take root on the streets of London. The evidence being the recent marches.

TBF this is just about what the Evening Standard have been saying in more polite terms.
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Thought Id look up what the present Labour Friends of Israel say.

They oppose a ceasefire.

They put in there version of a context.

The peace process ( Oslo) was scuppered by Hamas rockets

Does not mention Israel blockade of Gaza. The dire situation was due to Hamas mismanagement.

No mention that Hamas were ever elected.

No mention that Israel governments did not pursue the peace process. That settlement building has being going on for years leading to a Palestinian state becoming less viable.

Nor mention that one factor in rise of Hamas is that the secular PLO/ Fatah lost a lot of credibility in participating in the peace process which has been a dead end for Palestinians

And imo even if one had different view of the recent history for LFI to oppose a ceasefire is tantamount to supporting the mass killing of civilians to pursue the war aim they support of totally destroying Hamas.
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Haaretz reports palestinians in the west bank are being targeted with leaflets that tell them they need to leave, go to Jordan, or else they will be forced out of their homes in a "great nakba"

Medyan’s family are all in the West Bank, asking him now whether they’ve heard anything regards this. Though the situation in the West Bank is getting worse by the day, & it wouldnt surprise me.
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This bombing will not break the Palestinians. The Israelis should take a brief look at the impact of the allied bombing of the population of Nazi Germany. Those that survived were not swayed from their cause. It did not break them.
after a political shrugs by countries that have any power to influence Israel it's not surprising at all
hmm even the CNN feed is now machine gun fire , artillery and airstrikes

and the host saying hostage recovery is now secondary to striking back at hamas

Thinking on it Id agree.

My MP view is for humanitarian corridors so people can leave.

I was listening to the head of Rec Cross in Gaza last night. He was asked about Israel government telling people to leave. he was clear on this - to tell people to leave is not in accordance with human rights agreements.

So what my MP and Starmer are saying is wrong.
I’ve had plenty of conversations with infield aid workers over the years: HC is just a tactic to get things to open up so the job can be done properly. A HC alone won’t meet the needs of any emergency it’s called for in…
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