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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

That interview snippet doesn’t say what you seem to think it says.

Anyway, not going to engage on this any more, it’s off topic.

It literally does. Why are you so compelled to deny this? Beaverbrook’s son says this was a propaganda project and that old pots and pans were no use for building spitfires.
It's a complicated jigsaw to be sure and at times there are too many pieces. There have been some reports that the ground invasion has been delayed in order for the US to get some form of air support to protect its bases within the middle east, a suggestion that the US were shocked that Netanyahu doesn't have an end plan, Macrons suggestion to revive the anti-ISIS coalition to take on Hamas even though Iran played some part in the anti-ISIS coalition , that Netanyahu either wants to fight on two fronts and get the US involved in a war against Iran or that he wants to build up enough military and diplomatic support in case Iran or through its proxy Hezbollah attack. I've even seen some claim that nerve gas will be used in the tunnels supervised by the US.

If Netanyahu's narrative is that the strategic objective is targeting Hamas and that Hamas has to be destroyed then that is indeed what he will be judged on.
Re: the nerve gas story. Why this is unlikely from an expert:

Analysts are saying that the US wants Israel to delay the ground invasion and that may well be the reason it hasn't happened yet. But regardless of the reason it makes Israel look weak.
Really? Then maybe you are seeing it from your perspective only?
I have largely stopped posting in this thread (but still read it because I am interested) because of the behaviour of you and your oh-so-woke-and-lefty-anti-semitic-posing-as-humanitarian cabal whose replies avoided any discussion and just launched into vile personal attacks.
Apologise now for calling Gramsci anti semitic. You have no right - or grounds - to be throwing around such disgusting accusations.
Analysts are saying that the US wants Israel to delay the ground invasion and that may well be the reason it hasn't happened yet. But regardless of the reason it makes Israel look weak.
Who knows what plans are hatching in the dark corridors, but delaying it makes things worse - the way it looks to me is proper siege tactics - starve and bomb - a back up source should be unnecessary but heres one anyway
makes the ground invasion that much easier when theres just rubble and starved people left

Northern Gaza is looking increasingly totally obliterated

Telegraph reporting that Israel will be using a 'sponge bomb' to seal off underground tunnels .There's some small print in the article though before any of the war boys get excited about technology.

The “sponge bomb” - technically a liquid emulsion - is hazardous to work with, and some Israeli soldiers have lost their sight through mishandling the mixture.
Israel don't really want to do this ground invasion. They'd have done it already if the gov were really convinced. The new coalition partners in the Unity government must be fighting hard against it.
Israel has to contend with hostages snatched by Hamas, the threat of Hezbellah in Lebanon, and apparently hundreds of miles of tunnels under Gaza, which could turn very deadly.

Wasn't there also a report upthread conceding the general high command had a very low opinion of IDF conscripts?
Telegraph reporting that Israel will be using a 'sponge bomb' to seal off underground tunnels .There's some small print in the article though before any of the war boys get excited about technology.

Not sure how much "technology" is involved. It's a 2 part mixture that creates foam.

Sounds like fizzy Araldite.
Much good it may do but please sign and share:

Yes, I agree. Everyone ought to sign this petition. It's the least we can do. Less than 48,000 signatures so far. Let's make it 500,000 by midnight!
Im not that bothered with HazeyCosmicJive saying Im a woke left anti semite

It goes with the territory of Palestine / Israel conflict.

Hazey isn't that out of line with how our political leaders think. Its that Hazey just comes out and says it bluntly. There is not a lot of difference between way Starmer has been going on ( before having to backtrack a bit) and Hazey. Not supporting a ceasefire and repeatedly saying Isreal has a right to defend itself is tantamount to sentencing civilians in Gaza to death. Same with pronouncements of Rishi Sunak and government ministers
Im not that bothered with HazeyCosmicJive saying Im a woke left anti semite

It goes with the territory of Palestine / Israel conflict.

Hazey isn't that out of line with how our political leaders think. Its that Hazey just comes out and says it bluntly. There is not a lot of difference between way Starmer has been going on ( before having to backtrack a bit) and Hazey. Not supporting a ceasefire and repeatedly saying Isreal has a right to defend itself is tantamount to sentencing civilians in Gaza to death. Same with pronouncements of Rishi Sunak and government ministers
If Starmer came on here, I'd call him a murderous cunt as well.
Fair point, I’ve nearly walked away a couple times due to the aggressively irrational responses on here…
this one of yours doesn't seem wholly rational
In the 21st century - I'd say no. If anyone advocated such an idea now they would rightly be told it's racist. If it's settler colonialism. That is if the definition of settler is someone/ group who come to another area and displace the existing population. Or keep them on as second class citizens and push them off their land.

Migrants are people who move from one country to another but not in this way. Ie my area Brixton had influx of people from Carribbean. Who arguably are British anyway due to be in Common wealth/ empire.

It's ( as I posted previously) common in past history.
Bit of a derail, but Russian government policy in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, Chinese government policy in Tibet and Xinjiang is precisely right now one of encouraging settlement in areas where the ethnic balance is being changed in favour of the occupying power.
Here is my reply from my MP Helen Hayes:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the appalling events in Israel and Gaza. My thoughts at this time are with everyone affected by this terrible conflict.

I have been contacted by many constituents in recent weeks. The high volume of correspondence means that I am unable to respond individually to every email, but I have set out my response on this important issue below.

More than 1,400 Israelis were murdered by Hamas on 7 October in their homes and at a music festival and more than 200 Israeli civilians were taken into Gaza as hostages by Hamas, some of whom are now known to have been killed. The hostages include British citizens and I know many people here in the UK are desperately worried about the safety of friends and relatives in Israel. Hamas must release the hostages immediately.

Israel has the right to take proportionate steps to defend itself in the face of this horrific attack, and to rescue hostages, but it is of the utmost importance that this is carefully carried out in line with international law.

I am deeply concerned about the blockade of food, fuel, water and medicines into Gaza and the lack of protection for Palestinian civilians including children. There are already devastating reports of the impact of the blockade on hospitals in Gaza and we know that thousands of people have died in Gaza in recent days. While the access for aid trucks negotiated by President Biden is welcome, it is only a tiny fraction of the aid that is needed. I am clear that the UK government must take all possible steps to secure humanitarian access to Gaza for food, fuel, water and medicines at a scale required to address the humanitarian catastrophe that is unfolding.

It is also important that safe evacuation corridors are established to allow civilians to escape the violence. It is vital that the government continues to press all sides to ensure steps are taken to protect civilians from the violence. It is important that there is clarity on the right of residents in Gaza to return to their homes and neighbourhoods when hostilities cease. We need to use all diplomatic means possible to ensure the release of hostages and an end to hostilities as soon as possible.

The events of recent weeks have been devastating for anyone who believes in a peaceful two-state solution in the Middle East. We must be clear that responsibility for the current escalation lies in the abhorrent attacks by Hamas and that Hamas are not representative of the Palestinian people. Terror attacks do nothing to advance the cause of Palestinian statehood or peaceful co-operation between Israeli and Palestinian communities.

The end to decades of conflict in the Middle East will come with a two-state solution, a viable Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel. This is the only outcome which can ensure a long-term peace, and however far off it may seem at present, it is vital that steps are taken to reinitiate an effective peace process.

You can hear me speak on the current situation in the Middle East on BBC Radio 4’s Westminster Hour on Sunday 22 October here.

Earlier this year, I visited the West Bank and East Jerusalem to meet with Palestinians and Israelis who are delivering medical services, campaigning for peaceful co-operation and working to safeguard human rights. You can read a full account of my visit here. I have used the experience gained during this visit to scrutinise the government’s approach to Israel and Palestine in debates and questions to Ministers, raising issues including the protection of Palestinian health workers, the expansion of illegal settlements and settler violence. I can assure you that I will continue to campaign for peaceful co-operation and greater accountability for all human rights abuses.

I know this is a deeply worrying time for Jewish and Muslim communities across our local area and the UK. Many will be worried about the safety of relatives in the Middle East and we have seen an appalling rise in both antisemitism and Islamophobia in the UK in recent days. It is important that we do not allow these events to divide our communities in London. There must be zero tolerance for any intimidation and harassment, and it is important that any incidents are reported to the Community Security Trust and TellMama.

A number of constituents have asked me to sign Early Day Motions on these issues. As a member of the Shadow Frontbench I am afraid that I am unable to sign Early Day Motions on any topic.

Thank you again for writing to me. I can assure you that I will continue to urge the government to act to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, take all possible steps to protect civilians in both Gaza and Israel from the conflict, facilitate a cessation in the violence and re-start a meaningful peace process.

With best wishes,

She has just recently joined the shadow cabinet. So cannot vote for the EDM calling for ceasefire.

She is a good constituency MP and has actually bothered to visit Palestine. Where she saw at first hand how difficult life is for Palestinians. With illegal settlement building, settler violence. Even a medical facility she visited under threat of demolition.

She does trot out the Starmer line ( as it is now. Keeps changing) of Safe evacuation corridors and promise of right to return. Which I don't agree with. Also given Isreali history once out there is no return,
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