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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Neither side have been interested in a 2-state solution unless it gives them more than the other side is prepared to give. That's been the case for over a hundred years.

When the UN partition was set out the Zionists did not like the fact that the land they got, which was a lot considering they at the time were small part of the population, contained not surprisingly a lot of Arabs.

So they set about ethnic cleansing them out of area UN had given to them.

Ive gone over this more than once on this thread.

To somehow argue that this is two sides evenly matched is not historically accurate.

Jews ( the Zionists amongst them) at time of the mandate were not the majority population. Yet they still not happy with what the UN gave them.

Israel is a settler colonial state that now practises apartheid.

Ive just got home watching Al Jazeera. Israel imo bombing of Gaza is the typical behaviour of Zionists. They never had any respect for the indigenous people. So no suprise to me they are flattening where they live/ telling them to leave.

Its like 1948 all over again
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Weird that Israel are bad for “turning Gaza into a prison” yet Egypt are good for not letting Palestinians emigrate because they need to stay where they belong.
You are inconsistent, in that you condemn the Republic of Egypt for not allowing Palestinians to cross onto its territory (on which they have never lived), but support the State of Israel not allowing the return of the families of people expelled from the land on which they were living. The latter prohibition is the root of the conflict. There cannot be peace until it is addressed. Not only has the expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from their land never been addressed, it has continued on and off for 75 years. Palestinian Arab land continues to be appropriated.
Just watching Al Jazeera - one of their journalists had his family killed in bombing. He had moved them but no where in Gaza is safe from Israels collective punishment of palestinians.

Remember some of the placards on the demo last Saturday said Israel is a Terrorist State.

After watching the news this evening Id say under this Israeli government it is.
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What a fucking mess. That's all I got. Cunts on all sides. I have a 6yo child who is more mature in developing and maintaining relationships with his school mates (even his bullies) that this fucking bunch of fuckwits.
Head of UN Antonio Guturres now having to defend himself on Al Jazeera

As he put in the context yesterday he's got a lot of stick.

Condemning Hamas attack and saying their is a context isn't enough.

As I said yesterday I thought his speech was good,

Taking this kind of view upsets people. Including here on U75.
USA is still sending Israel weapons/ sending military advisors to support war criminals.

This is not proportionate self defence. Its mass bombing killing a loads of civilians.

Israel have been doing this enough days to know the effects of the bombings but still do it

This is not a mistake. Or tactic that has failed. Its what they want to do.
It's got to be time to do away with the veto at the UN security council, tonight there's two votes, one on a US proposal calling for a 'pause' in fighting to allow aid to flow, which will be vetoed by Russia, because they have put forward a proposal calling for a 'ceasefire' for the same reason, which the US will veto. :facepalm:
Meeting with the Boss: Rt Honrourable Sheikh Nasrallah :cool:

Head of UN Antonio Guturres now having to defend himself on Al Jazeera

As he put in the context yesterday he's got a lot of stick.

Condemning Hamas attack and saying their is a context isn't enough.

As I said yesterday I thought his speech was good,

Taking this kind of view upsets people. Including here on U75.

Of course Israel never likes the context being pointed at. And the current mob ('mob' used advisedly) running the place have been assiduously working for years now to equate criticism of Israel with anti-semitism, so as soon as anyone starts contextualising then out come the slurs. Which not only debases and dangerously blurs the concept of anti-semitism itself, but essentially demands that all Jews everywhere associate themselves with this absolute bully of a country. It's quite deliberate of course - trying by association to paint an Israel-shaped target on every Jewish back in the world, at which point Israel opens its arms and says, 'but you can come here and be safe!'

It just makes my brain hurt tbh.
It's got to be time to do away with the veto at the UN security council, tonight there's two votes, one on a US proposal calling for a 'pause' in fighting to allow aid to flow, which will be vetoed by Russia, because they have put forward a proposal calling for a 'ceasefire' for the same reason, which the US will veto. :facepalm:

Is that the order they are going in? If its the Russian proposal first they'll veto that, but I can't see anyone vetoing a pause if that is the only thing left.
It's got to be time to do away with the veto at the UN security council, tonight there's two votes, one on a US proposal calling for a 'pause' in fighting to allow aid to flow, which will be vetoed by Russia, because they have put forward a proposal calling for a 'ceasefire' for the same reason, which the US will veto. :facepalm:

What happened to Brazil. I thought idea in UN was to get one of the more independent countries who do not have such a big stake in the region to head any proposals. Someone more neutral.
What happened to Brazil. I thought idea in UN was to get one of the more independent countries who do not have such a big stake in the region to head any proposals. Someone more neutral.

The US vetoed that one last week

Last Monday, a previous Russian-led draft resolution calling for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” was voted down at the Council, and the following Wednesday, the United States vetoed a Brazilian-led text that urged “humanitarian pauses” to deliver aid to millions in the Gaza Strip.

You've got to wonder about the mentality of a person who finds themselves habitually conversing with "fucking loons" and keeps on doing it ...

Not all lefties are fucking loons but many (especially on these boards) do fly straight down the bonkers rabbit hole on a couple of topics, Israel being one of them. I generally avoid those topics with them because they can be otherwise engaging. In fact, some of my best friends are lefties.
It's got to be time to do away with the veto at the UN security council, tonight there's two votes, one on a US proposal calling for a 'pause' in fighting to allow aid to flow, which will be vetoed by Russia, because they have put forward a proposal calling for a 'ceasefire' for the same reason, which the US will veto. :facepalm:
A proposal to abolish the veto will of course be veto'ed.
It's pretty daft that countries like the UK, France and even Russia still have permanent seats whereas countries like Germany, Japan and India don't but change isn't likely.
The US only joined the UN because it was agreed it could have a permanent veto (it wasn't part of the League of Nations because it couldn't have a veto over it). If the US veto is abolished the US will almost certainly leave the UN. If the US left I can't imagine China would be arsed with it either so it would be even more of a pointless talking shop than it is now.
Kind of getting annoyed about this stuff about loons/ Hamas apologists and posters being put off this thread because of the posts on it.

There are several threads on U75 Ive on ignore. Anyone who does not like a thread can put it on ignore. If the content upsets them. I don't keep going on about threads I've on ignore. I take the rough with the smooth.

Its not that hard.

More than once come up that some posters stopped posting here. Is that the fault of some posters here? If so and some people are that upset posts can be reported.

I do not see people being bullied off this thread. I see a lot of heated opinion - which is hardly surprising given the news.
I don't agree with much Platinum sage says on this thread but maybe he has some kind of point about Egypt. Sisi and Mubarak have been more than willing to enforce the Israeli blockade and people have called for them to let people and goods in and out. Egypt should be taking people from Gaza ( as should Israel at the very least if they insist on bombing it) and the rest of the world should be helping anyone forced/taking the decision to leave as well. Generally Israel have wanted land without the people and are again hoping to use ethnic cleansing to that end but I'm not sure that means that those in Gaza should have to stay and endure whatever Israel throws at the strip.
Starmer won't issue a call for a ceasefire in Gaza but apparently he is in favour of Anthony Blinken's proposal for "humanitarian -pauses" to allow aid in.How does that make any kind of sense?What does it mean?Is the suggestion that the F16s circle around a bit while a convoy of trucks rumbles into Gaza and then resumes the blitzkrieg just as before? The man seems to be an utter cunt!
I do not see people being bullied off this thread.

Nobody has suggested that. But people have definitely stopped posting because of the weights of opinion and aggression, and others not get involved at all for the same reasons. No complaints here but it works both ways.
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