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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

Oh I thought you were being sarcastic.

It was entirely predictable once he had gone down the route of identifying antizionism with antisemitism and started expelling antizionist Labour members (most of them Jewish).
Well, I did not imagine that Starmer would go as far as justifying the cutting off of the means of life to the civilian population.
Blair is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Starmer is another Blair. It's sadly all too predictable.
Who predicted it, then? Who said: “You know what, I reckon that Labour councillors will be resigning, or threatening to resign, over the Leader’s statement on the Gaza Strip, and he will be forced to try to row back on what he said.”
Sadly my view of this is that there is no solution and "the west" need to choose a side. Two-state solution solves nothing. Single state solution is impossible because Palestinians will outnumber Israelis and that would be extremely bad news for Israelis as October 7th showed.
Much as I dislike a lot of what Israel is doing I am not sure what alternative they have. How should they have responded to events of 7th October? What would have been an appropriate and proportionate response? Or were they expected to do nothing? Hamas ran back into Gaza with their hostages and are now hiding behind women and children. If anyone is to blame for what is happening to the people of Gaza it is Hamas. I don't want to see Palestinian women and kids blown to pieces but nor do I want to see Israelis slaughtered in their own homes, bodies beheaded, young women kidnapped and abused. I have chosen my side and I am sticking with it.
Finally, I will be most surprised if it does turn out to be an Israeli rocket that hit the hospital. There will be fragments of it all over the place and I am sure the Palestinians would have been more than happy to show them.
Finally, I will be most surprised if it does turn out to be an Israeli rocket that hit the hospital. There will be fragments of it all over the place and I am sure the Palestinians would have been more than happy to show them.
Whatever hit the hospital was small, so there are not going to be metre-long fragments with either Arabic or Hebrew graffiti on.
Sadly my view of this is that there is no solution and "the west" need to choose a side. Two-state solution solves nothing. Single state solution is impossible because Palestinians will outnumber Israelis and that would be extremely bad news for Israelis as October 7th showed.
Much as I dislike a lot of what Israel is doing I am not sure what alternative they have. How should they have responded to events of 7th October? What would have been an appropriate and proportionate response? Or were they expected to do nothing? Hamas ran back into Gaza with their hostages and are now hiding behind women and children. If anyone is to blame for what is happening to the people of Gaza it is Hamas. I don't want to see Palestinian women and kids blown to pieces but nor do I want to see Israelis slaughtered in their own homes, bodies beheaded, young women kidnapped and abused. I have chosen my side and I am sticking with it.
Finally, I will be most surprised if it does turn out to be an Israeli rocket that hit the hospital. There will be fragments of it all over the place and I am sure the Palestinians would have been more than happy to show them.
You'd be surprised, when Israel was actually firing rockets into Gaza?
Why is the Gaza Strip is so overcrowded?

It is because most of the people who live there come from families who were expelled from, or fled, their homes in 1948 due to the violence and threatened violence of Zionist militias. The towns in the south of the State of Israel that get bombarded by Hamas et al were originally Arab settlements that were taken over and renamed.

The children and grandchildren of refugees are still regarded as refugees by the United Nations. This principle applies to Somalis, Greek and Turkish Cypriots, and those who fled Western Sahara when it was occupied by the Kingdom of Morocco. According to the UN, 80% of the people in the Gaza Strip are refugees.

The only just settlement is a single secular, democratic state, in which the refugees have the right to return. A bi-national state, in which the two nations – Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs – are guaranteed “parity of esteem” (as it is called in the Belfast Good Friday Agreement).

Palestinian Arabs do not have an instinctual desire to slaughter every Israeli Jew, anymore than the Irish Republican Army wanted to slaughter every Protestant in Northern Ireland.
Can't have been that small if it killed hundreds and wounded thousands.
That's possibly true, although it's difficult to be sure, and Hamas claim otherwise. But it didn't leave a large crater, so it definitely was a light projectile and not a building-busting rocket.
Where are these OSINT people?

He claims to be "clarifying precisely what I was saying in the LBC clip"?

That's a lie. He literally said that Israel has the right to cut off power and water supplies.

He's like fucking Comical Ali during the Gulf War. He's literally on video saying it.

Why can't he just admit, "yeah, in the middle of a live interview, I mispoke, I got it wrong, I apologise. And I'm now correcting my previous comments: Israel cutting off Gaza's electricity and water supplies is collective punishment, which is illegal under international law, and furthermore it's going to create a humanitarian catastrophe, and I call on the Israeli authorities to restore supplies now."

He claims to be "clarifying precisely what I was saying in the LBC clip"?

That's a lie. He literally said that Israel has the right to cut off power and water supplies.

He's like fucking Comical Ali during the Gulf War. He's literally on video saying it.

Why can't he just admit, "yeah, in the middle of a live interview, I mispoke, I got it wrong, I apologise. And I'm now correcting my previous comments: Israel cutting off Gaza's electricity and water supplies is collective punishment, which is illegal under international law, and furthermore it's going to create a humanitarian catastrophe, and I call on the Israeli authorities to restore supplies now."

He's as honest as the day is long. And the nights are drawing in.
Sadly my view of this is that there is no solution and "the west" need to choose a side. Two-state solution solves nothing. Single state solution is impossible because Palestinians will outnumber Israelis and that would be extremely bad news for Israelis as October 7th showed.
Much as I dislike a lot of what Israel is doing I am not sure what alternative they have. How should they have responded to events of 7th October? What would have been an appropriate and proportionate response? Or were they expected to do nothing? Hamas ran back into Gaza with their hostages and are now hiding behind women and children. If anyone is to blame for what is happening to the people of Gaza it is Hamas. I don't want to see Palestinian women and kids blown to pieces but nor do I want to see Israelis slaughtered in their own homes, bodies beheaded, young women kidnapped and abused. I have chosen my side and I am sticking with it.
Finally, I will be most surprised if it does turn out to be an Israeli rocket that hit the hospital. There will be fragments of it all over the place and I am sure the Palestinians would have been more than happy to show them.
Tbh western countries can't really choose to support international law in Ukraine and ignore it in gaza without it having repercussions down the line. If you agree, as you do, with collective punishments, bombing people as they flee, and killing people with thirst then you should check your moral compass. Oh: and continuing as things are is very bad news for the Palestinians as so many days since 1947 have shown.
I don't want to derail the thread with an abstract conversation about postmodernism, but if anything I would say this war is being experienced more viscerally via film than most any other, what with the majority being one sided fighting being done against and filmed by civilians, and then shared on much watched social media. Ukraine footage is more reliant on soldiers but that's out there too for those who want to see it.

A bit like George Floyd's slow killing, some recent violent events are being experienced much more as a reality than the TV of the 90s.

Israel's 2008 Operation Cast Lead was the killing spree that really opened my eyes and affected me, but the vast majority of the images I saw from that were in print. Mass social media was still in its infancy. This is a very different era for video reportage than 91... Or even 2008...
During Operation Cast Lead, Al Jazeera English was the only English-language news broadcaster who happened to have reporters in Gaza when it started - Sherine Tadros and Ayman Mohyeldin - so of course reports from within Gaza had a relatively limited audience.
Sadly my view of this is that there is no solution and "the west" need to choose a side. Two-state solution solves nothing. Single state solution is impossible because Palestinians will outnumber Israelis and that would be extremely bad news for Israelis as October 7th showed.
Much as I dislike a lot of what Israel is doing I am not sure what alternative they have. How should they have responded to events of 7th October? What would have been an appropriate and proportionate response? Or were they expected to do nothing? Hamas ran back into Gaza with their hostages and are now hiding behind women and children. If anyone is to blame for what is happening to the people of Gaza it is Hamas. I don't want to see Palestinian women and kids blown to pieces but nor do I want to see Israelis slaughtered in their own homes, bodies beheaded, young women kidnapped and abused. I have chosen my side and I am sticking with it.
Finally, I will be most surprised if it does turn out to be an Israeli rocket that hit the hospital. There will be fragments of it all over the place and I am sure the Palestinians would have been more than happy to show them.
Were you born on the 6th October?
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That's horrific. Surely Harpin and others are aware of Nazi propaganda that equated Jewish people to lice and cockroaches and vermin, etc. Dehumanising and Othering those who've quit - presumably some Palestinians, and presumably plus Arab, Asian, other Muslim party members, and perhaps including some Jewish members who object to the Israeli government's actions - and referring to them as fleas is just vile.

"A platform that can mimic humans’ writing with no commitment to the truth is a gift for those who benefit from disinformation. We need to regulate its use now"

Too late now though. Lots of people will have heard Burley attribute the (made up) quote to the Palestinian Ambassador and they will have believed it, and they might not see the correction. The lie is still out there.

"a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes"
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