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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

This is exactly what is wrong. You're making an assumption. The reasons are irrelevant if we're talking about fact and fiction. An assumption is one thing, fact is another. This seems more important than ever nowadays to me.
We know the Israelis were bombing that area. We know they have hit hospitals in recent days and also ambulances and people on the move. We from history know that they lie and deny when caught out in an atrocity.

Doesn't mean they're definitely lying. But do you have a compelling reason to think they're not lying this time?
We know the Israelis were bombing that area. We know they have hit hospitals in recent days and also ambulances and people on the move. We from history know that they lie and deny when caught out in an atrocity.

Doesn't mean they're definitely lying. But do you have a compelling reason to think they're not lying this time?
All fair. I just prefer to get official confirmation where possible.
Has anybody even quoted Hamas on this? Including news outlets like Al-Jazeera? Is anybody paying the slightest bit of attention to what Hamas are saying on anything? Not saying they should be but what on earth are you talking about?
The bbc just had someone from Gaza on the wireless Maybe ten minutes ago if you want to listen.
Hamas tend to underplay civilian casualties on the Palestinian side btw. They want it to look like their brave militants have martyred themselves rather than that they couldn't protect civilians. In the aftermath if previous incursions into Gaza, Israel's online supporters actually have a habit of saying "look even Hamas agree with us, the IDF avoided civilian casualties".
They haven't confirmed that it was an Israeli rocket, no. But the idea that that pothole might be the impact crater of that missile is ludicrous. Twitter is full of ludicrous bullshit. Posters need to filter it.

You know for certain that is a pothole? Without the ability to be there and look for that impact crater ourselves, the photos and video are the best we'll get. In this video you'll see a pan of the building behind and then finally a walk to that same hole in the ground before the vid cuts.

You know for certain that is a pothole? Without the ability to be there and look for that impact crater ourselves, the photos and video are the best we'll get. In this video you'll see a pan of the building behind and then finally a walk to that same hole in the ground before the vid cuts.

One of the cars appears to be upside down. The explosion would have to be very large to do that.
You know for certain that is a pothole? Without the ability to be there and look for that impact crater ourselves, the photos and video are the best we'll get. In this video you'll see a pan of the building behind and then finally a walk to that same hole in the ground before the vid cuts.

I'm going to take Knotted's lead and not get involved in discussions of this nature. I don't know anything for certain, but neither do random people on Twitter. It's not a rabbit hole worth investigating.
I'm going to take Knotted's lead and not get involved in discussions of this nature. I don't know anything for certain, but neither do random people on Twitter. It's not a rabbit hole worth investigating.

Fair enough. I don't get into craters myself but last night this explosion caused much unrest everywhere and for good reason.
I'm going to take Knotted's lead and not get involved in discussions of this nature. I don't know anything for certain, but neither do random people on Twitter. It's not a rabbit hole worth investigating.
I remember in the '80s, there was great rejoicing over new photographic evidence apparently showing that there had indeed been a second gunman on the grassy knoll in Dallas on the day JFK was assasinated. When it came out, it turned to be a photo of a vague blur that could have been anything.
Bizarre that Biden chooses this time to visit and hug Bibi and emphasize yet again his support and sympathy for Israel. IMO he couldn't have picked a worse time although the US media is praising him for it. Suppose it helps him politically when contrasted with congressional Republicans maling foos of themselves.
Bizarre that Biden chooses this time to visit and hug Bibi and emphasize yet again his support and sympathy for Israel. IMO he couldn't have picked a worse time although the US media is praising him for it. Suppose it helps him politically when contrasted with congressional Republicans maling foos of themselves.

Dude, do you have a television?
Probably isn't the moment to say there's definitive technical/video evidence either way yet. But the fact that Israel are firing rockets at Gaza and told hospitals to evacuate seems a reasonable place to fucking start.

'Er, yeah, the thing we said we'd do, which happened, erm, YOU did it'.
1. Hamas does not have rockets that can cause that level of destruction.

2. For an example when a Hamas rocket has gone astray and how much damage it caused see here 2021 Jabalia accident - Wikipedia

3. The only independently verified video clearly shows a missile under propulsion at high velocity hitting the hospital.
The Badr 3 rocket has up to a 400kg warhead so equilent to a Jdam 424kg mk84 bomb

this is not a homemade thing it's from Iran
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Bizarre that Biden chooses this time to visit and hug Bibi and emphasize yet again his support and sympathy for Israel. IMO he couldn't have picked a worse time although the US media is praising him for it. Suppose it helps him politically when contrasted with congressional Republicans maling foos of themselves.

There isn't much space in American politics for defending or empathising with Palestinians. Trump yesterday was talking about banning Palestinian refugees from entering the U.S.. Got to wonder what the precise power relationship is between Israel and the U.S., coz Biden certainly looks like a nodding dog.
Got to wonder what the precise power relationship is between Israel and the U.S., coz Biden certainly looks like a nodding dog.
I don't think it needs to be anything particularly exotic. Israel is strategically useful on a number of levels for the US, behaves near enough as an outpost of empire and politically has been very savvy at leveraging its place in the grand conceit of US hegemony being a force for good over many decades. Plus beyond rhetoric and throwing a bit of military-industrial wedge their way the US doesn't usually have to actually do anything very much. Biden gets a lot out of bigging up their special relationship while losing very little.
Probably isn't the moment to say there's definitive technical/video evidence either way yet. But the fact that Israel are firing rockets at Gaza and told hospitals to evacuate seems a reasonable place to fucking start.

'Er, yeah, the thing we said we'd do, which happened, erm, YOU did it'.
Latest accounts on MEE live feed - from Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a British-Palestinian plastic and reconstructive surgeon currently working in Gaza with Doctors Without Borders, & Amr Abu Nada, a journalist from the besieged Gaza Strip.

“It was the most heinous massacre. Most of the children killed were blown apart. I fainted while taking photos it was so horrible,” he added.
You know for certain that is a pothole? Without the ability to be there and look for that impact crater ourselves, the photos and video are the best we'll get. In this video you'll see a pan of the building behind and then finally a walk to that same hole in the ground before the vid cuts.

oh well Twitter got it solved

may as well stop talking about it
Well, also 3. Hamas is currently firing shitloads of rockets at Israel too and it's fully possible one of them could have gone awry.

Fair enough, fog of war etc. It is curious though, that this should happen mere days after Israel began a fresh bombing campaign on the area. I mean rather than happening to any of the hundreds of missiles fired off prior to this week.
This shows the US pious words about civilians to be the braying of a jackal. Follwed by Starmer also rejecting a ceasefire: may they burn in hell (metaphorically)…
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