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Israel warns of Gaza 'holocaust'

How's it hysterical, given that the whole suicide bombing strategy was in response to something Israel did in the first place? I'm not anti-Israel, I support its right to exist, but I cant support whats going on here, it is shameful, and makes me sick as a jew and as a human being
"Our first and most pressing problem is how to do away with warfare as a method of solving conflicts between national groups within a society who have different views about how the society is to run." Margaret Mead
Not always though. You can feel threatened then accumulated weapons because you feel threatened.

Like I said I don't condone this threat at all but then neither do I condone the blowing up of buses full of civilians with suicide bombs.

to be fair they shold feel threatened if i wandered into someones house and took over at gun point and with big mates who then went back to their home after bullying you into a courner i might feel threatened if you started getting shouty or abusive too...

you are so fucking dogmatically blind about this man. and trust blud it has fuck all to do with your enjoyment or experince of the jewish faith the two things are so unconnected in reality it's not true.

Please KBJ go out to palestine see it for what it really is. not the whitewash telaviv spin you are getting on the whole thing...

If France were to start dropping rockets on Kent, what would you consider a reasoned response? Asking them not to do it.

I would deem an overly appropriate response would be to wipe Calais off the face of the map. Not France in it's entirety. That's just fucking spite.
Dunkerque or San Marlo (nice but longer crossing to San Marlo ;) )

I was thinking about all the over-reactions to many international slights we may have encountered in the past....

Let Calais live!! Sod risking lives in Venezuela just to get a couple of hundred grammes of fake golden virginia! ;)
So. If forces believed to be led by Des Browne lobbed 1000 rockets from South London into France and killed 1 French person, what would be an appropriate response by the French state?
So. If forces believed to be led by Des Browne lobbed 1000 rockets from South London into France and killed 1 French person, what would be an appropriate response by the French state?

i think bombin Calias would be responsible of the French state yes. have you been to Calias :D
I think your problem is thinking bombing Calias is an over reaction tbh... :p

But I didn't say bombing Calais would be a problem (apart from for contraband) I said wiping France off the map would be a tad spiteful... There's some beautiful coastlines in the south there :D
Laptop - listen to this:


Always making excuses - these Americans who armed the Fatah warlord to the teeth to use that warlord to overthrow a democratically elected government.

Israelis killed those children, not the Hamas, Ms. Rice.

Hamas killed those children. Had Hamas not fired rockets into Israel, those children would still be alive.

The hypocrisy of Hamas is breathtaking, they provoke Israel into REACTING to assaults on their soil, whilst claiming that Israel is not interested in the peace process.

It is inordinately simple, stop firing rockets and Israel will stop retaliating.
Hamas killed those children. Had Hamas not fired rockets into Israel, those children would still be alive.

The hypocrisy of Hamas is breathtaking, they provoke Israel into REACTING to assaults on their soil, whilst claiming that Israel is not interested in the peace process.

It is inordinately simple, stop firing rockets and Israel will stop retaliating.

i think you have that arse about face love...
And what do you call the indiscriminate rocket attacks on civilians?

It seems that to the Jew haters, only Israel is guilty here.

or tot he arab haters that being fored into the worlds largest prision for being a palestinian is utterly justifed because they are just towel heads...

stop being racist and exerting your rasim on other sas.

it's just not one.

That's not what will happen. If the border with Israel is breached, then the fleeing Palestinians will be gunned down - murdered - as they flee.

Better to pray for the Egyptian border with Gaza to be breached so that the Gazans can escape the onslaught.

Utter and absolute tripe.
or tot he arab haters that being fored into the worlds largest prision for being a palestinian is utterly justifed because they are just towel heads...

stop being racist and exerting your rasim on other sas.

it's just not one.


There needs to be meaningful discussion between Palestine and Israel, this cannot happen when Israel is being attacked on a daily basis.

Incidentally, I have no antipathy whatsoever towards Arabs, or indeed any other people.
Really? What do YOU call people who drop rockets indiscriminately on civilians then?

The Isreali governement :p

seriously dude look at the situation and the balance of power and the equity of access and tell me that in any way barraicading in a whole section of a nation is in any way acceptable ....

you've seen the maps of palestine as it is now compared to what it should be it doens't resemble anyhting like a choesive state directly due to Isreali poltics.

sure if you take the immideante view point and remove it from all context what so ever then the rocket attacks from gaza can be seen as unprovoked but only a child of 2 would do that knowing even the most basic facts.

you are just being racist chap, when it's cut and dried. and on all other things you're not a bad fella but you don't half come out with some claptrap sometimes.
The Isreali governement :p

seriously dude look at the situation and the balance of power and the equity of access and tell me that in any way barraicading in a whole section of a nation is in any way acceptable ....

you've seen the maps of palestine as it is now compared to what it should be it doens't resemble anyhting like a choesive state directly due to Isreali poltics.

sure if you take the immideante view point and remove it from all context what so ever then the rocket attacks from gaza can be seen as unprovoked but only a child of 2 would do that knowing even the most basic facts.

you are just being racist chap, when it's cut and dried. and on all other things you're not a bad fella but you don't half come out with some claptrap sometimes.

Obviously, I disagree with your synopsis.

I am just listening to the EU representative on R4. He points out that the rocket attacks are provocative, but understands the position of Abbas, however, he went on to say that he understands that Israel cannot simply ignore the rocket attacks.

You keep accusing me of being racist, I find this somewhat puzzling as the Palestinians are not a race, they are people collectively living within Palestine.

Were I the Israeli defence minister, I would create a cordon sanitaire, thereby preventing the rockets from reaching Israel.

Yes, I support Israel 100%, and despite a wish that things could be done differently, always will. I do appreciate that Israel is not always right in their approach, but who is?
Abbas breaks contact with Israel
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has suspended contact with Israel in protest at an assault on Gaza which has killed about 100 people, an aide says.

Egypt said it had opened its border crossing with Gaza and was letting critically injured Palestinians across to get medical attention.

I'm such an idiot for asking Egypt to open its border crossing.:rolleyes:
Obviously, I disagree with your synopsis.

I am just listening to the EU representative on R4. He points out that the rocket attacks are provocative, but understands the position of Abbas, however, he went on to say that he understands that Israel cannot simply ignore the rocket attacks.

ok so if i cam einto your house and smashed it up would you hitting be be a reasonable response to that or is it that in hitting me you then are expectign me to escalte thing becuase i can't ignore hitting you.

look at the time line.

the aggessor is Isreal not Gaza. therefore they have every right to defend themselves or do you think that the Falkland island farmers shouldn't have resisited the Argitinan soliders or that them defending their land which you also fought for was provocatvie towards argentina.

think about it stop being such a lick spittle...

how has invaded whose land and refuses depite international condennation since 1948 to remove their armies from another countries land.

You keep accusing me of being racist, I find this somewhat puzzling as the Palestinians are not a race, they are people collectively living within Palestine.

there's so many falices in this statement it's not true lets address them indivudually shall we:

Palestine is not a race, no but it's a culture as such there's no such thing as race we are all homosapien so what anyone means as you well know is culture when they say race. If you are trying to express that there is no culture in palestine then you are a fool...

it goes from the notion of having no independant state it's something both you and keyboard jockey seem to follow in mind set. The act there has not been an independant palestinain state doesn't mean there isn't a legitimacy in wanting one or make it's legitimacy anyless vaild else we wouldnt now have serbia croatia kosovo etc.... so we have precdeedent both historically and recently.

the original partition plan created both palestine and Isreal if there is legitmacy to Isreals existance then by extension there is legitmacy to palestines existance you cannot have one without the other as it was the same mandate which partitioned manditory palestine and shared it between the two nations.

Were I the Israeli defence minister, I would create a cordon sanitaire, thereby preventing the rockets from reaching Israel.

yup great idea i'm thinking back to the 1948 boarders should do it.. therefore also illiminating the need for it as it would be the correct thing to do...

Yes, I support Israel 100%, and despite a wish that things could be done differently, always will. I do appreciate that Israel is not always right in their approach, but who is?
what has this got to do with your willful refuseal to accept the totally legfitimate struggle by a nation ofr it's independance against what is one of the most advance and ruthless technological nations in the world.

it cn only be your own personal attitude towards arab which blinds you like this in which you fail utterly to see the humantiy in the situation.
so sas according to your terms here 1 Isreali life is wroth around 100 palestinians can you tell me how you arrived at this scale?
Of course not. So, the Israelis can be shamed into letting Gazans have their freedom in their own land
How many Gazan deaths will it take to shame an Israeli?
I don't want to find out the answer to such a question.

The focus needs to be on saving the lives - on treating the injured, and allowing those not involved in the conflict to flee to a place of safety - and I mean all those not directly involved in the conflict here - Palestinian and Israeli.
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